Wednesday, Oct 5, 2016
8:00 – 9:08 AM
I. Welcome/Call to Order –President Kristen Carlson
Establishment of Quorum –8:11 by Pam Townsend
II. Approval of Minutes – A motion was made by Missy Endicott to approve the minutes from September 13, 2016 as presented. Pam Ferworn seconded the motion. The minutes were approved with none opposed.
III. Treasurer’s Report - Sarah Laird
a. The treasurer reviewed the balance sheet. She highlighted the Checking balance of $69,991.97, the Savings balance of $29,012.04, and the Petty Cash balance of $480.00. Sarah also shared PayPal funds of $1,084.88. Total Assets were $100,568.89.
b. Sarah pointed out the Eagle Excellence Fund is currently at $8,225.40 and that the Fall Fundraiser exceeded expectations, raising $9,046.99. Sarah highlighted Membership Dues, which are at $2,822.0, which are currently short of the budgeted $3,500.00. She also reviewed spirit wear, which is at $9,536 and budgeted to achieve $12,000. She pointed out that Sponsorship has brought in $11,400 already this year, with a budgeted goal of $30,000.
c. Our treasurer also pointed out some of the expenses PTA has paid as of October 4th, including carnival expenses of $3,605.31 and a payment for the Spring Auction MC of $1,237.50.
d. Sarah highlighted the current Net Revenue of $25,042.14.
e. Sarah also asked that $350 be moved from the Garden/Maintenance Supplies to the Environmental Education – Educational Programs to pay for the chicks that were hatched in Hands on Science. Resources for this program cost $700 and the fee was split between HOS and Garden. Additionally, Sarah asked that the Garden/ Maintenance Supplies be increased by $250 with money available from prior budget adjustments.
f. Pam Townsend made a motion to approve the budget and budget report. Valerie Brennan seconded the motion. The budget was approved with none opposed.
IV. Principal’s Report – Ms. Redd
a. Ms Redd shared that the One Book – One School title will be revealed on Friday, October 7th. Look for the book to come home October 10th and for information on how to participate from Mrs. Robbins.
b. The district Language Arts Coordinator came to MWE recently to work with teachers to review student reading levels and growth. There will be a handout at parent conferences that clarifies reading levels and grade level goals.
c. Look for “Math Club” to be coming soon – a teacher has stepped forward to lead a student Math Club.
d. Ms Redd shared that MWE has reached out to ask what will become of the Transition Campus playground equipment. We are waiting for a response to see if any of the equipment can be moved to MWE’s Spark Park.
e. Ms Redd reviewed some policies around grading, specifically that grades were to reflect academic performance. Points are not to be deducted for behavior or forgetting a name, etc. Ms Redd explained the district policy of retesting when a student scores below 70%. She explained that at MWE, when a student retests, the higher of the two scores is then used as a replacement. She also stated that MWE does not allow group behavior consequences, and that recess cannot be taken away as a behavior consequence.
f. Ms Redd briefly summarized the financial crisis facing SBISD with the current state school finance system. SBISD will be sending $66 million in recapture funds to the state this year. She shared that Dr Muri has announced a review of the district organization that will be posted to the SBISD website with additional information.
g. Ms Redd shared that grade 2-5 are setting up flexible learning spaces in each of their pods, utilizing the extra classroom. Thank you to parents who have donated items to make these spaces more functional and comfortable.
h. In January, Ms Redd would like to begin a parent book study of MindSet, by Carol Dweck.
i. Ms Redd shared that there is a plan in progress to make up the instructional minutes lost last Friday when the school was closed due to the water main break from Memorial Drive construction. Look for the approved plan in the week of October 10th Friday Focus.
V. President’s Report – Kristen Carlson
- Special thanks to our PTA Programs VPs – Sara Norwood and Jenaye Gardener for organizing an excellent Walk To School Event, to our Hospitality Chairs Helen Pearce and Bridget Van Akkooi, who provide refreshments at all our PTA meetings, and to our student council volunteers who helped with this morning’s event.
- Kristen shared the Back To School Checklist that was sent home and reviewed the important steps: Sign into MSA (MySchoolAnywhere) and update your account, Join PTA via the MSA website, contribute to the classroom fund for your child, donate to the Eagle Excellence Fund, Purchase Spirit Wear, and order a directory (if you wish to have a printed copy).
- Kristen shared a reminder of the Friday Sponsorship deadline, 10/7/2016. This is to ensure that sponsors will be included in the print directory.
VI. Committee Chair Reports
- Fall Fundraiser – We exceeded our goal for the Mixed Bag Fundraiser! Many thanks to Katrina Tufaro for organizing this successful fundraiser.
- Carnival: Booth Sign Up and Prize Drawing: - Resha Zazueta, Brandi Paullo, and Lauren Perego are coordinating. Carnival will be on FRIDAY, October 28th from 4 -7, with Prize Drawing at 7:00PM. Look for the Amazon wish lists for donations for prize drawing or the donation list at Learning Express at Town and Country. Look for MSA volunteer sign ups for Carnival. Room parents will be coordinating grade level booths, please sign up to help.
- Community Service/Sister School – Erin Fry is our coordinator. Reminder - there is a current drive for new or gently used (logo-free) school uniforms for Edgewood students. Please drop off navy or khaki pants/shorts/skirts and red, navy, or white tops with collar to the MWE lobby. Payless gift cards and College T-shirts for the T-2-4 goal are also welcome through November 1st.
- The Reflections Contest - Holly Saunders. Reflections is a national PTA art contest. More information is on the MWE PTA Website.
- SBEF – (Spring Branch Education Foundation) – Donations are now being accepted by Leigh Ann Brooks for the SBEF Gala basket. MWE PTA’s gift basket also includes our sister school Edgewood Elementary. The basket theme is “Entertaining through the Holidays”. Please contact Leigh Ann Brooks with questions.
- Redemptions - Jenny Trahan shared that the Box Tops for Education are being collected now! Please send them in with your student. The class with the most box tops will win a Popsicle party. Rebate reminders are available on our website:
- Library - Opportunities to assist in the library are available. Please stop in to sign up for an open slot or contact Jennifer Dolan.
- HOS/ Environmental - There is an immediate need for volunteers in 3rd grade science. Third grade is meeting weekly in the science lab. Please check MSA and sign up if you have an hour to volunteer. More volunteers are also welcome in 1st grade science, and 2nd and 4th math groups. All volunteer opportunities are listed on MySchoolAnywhere under Signups Available. For questions, please contact Sara Vasut at
- Healthy Lifestyles/Motor Lab – We are adding a Health Fair component to the International Night. Please contact Denise Stanton if you are interested in more information about our Campus School Health Advisory Council (CSHAC) or if you are available to volunteer in the motor lab at MWE.
- Yearbook – The Yearbook Cover submissions are due October 14th. Yearbook sales will start AFTER the carnival. Please contact Dawn Muehr if you are able to assist with photography at grade level and PTA events or if you have questions regarding the yearbook.
- Spring Fundraiser – Our Spring Fundraiser, The Magic of MWE, will be an auction night for parents on March 4th. Magician Ben Jackson will MC the evening, which will be held at the Nottingham Forest Club. PTA members Christina Gronauer and Michelle Wethers are coordinating this event.
- Door Prizes – Mixed Bag door prizes were raffled off at the close of the meeting.
VII Adjournment: The Meeting was adjourned at 9:08am.
Heather Craig
PTA Secretary 2016-2017