ITAR/Security Screening Questionnaire
As I am sure you are aware, General Dynamics Mission Systems Canada, as a defence company, is bound by and must adhere to Canada’s legislation under the Defence Production Act(R.S.C., 1985, c. D-1) (“Act”) and the Controlled Goods Regulations (SOR/2001-32) (“Regulations”). This includes the requirement of security screening all employees.
We have reviewed your resume and would like to pursue possible opportunities at General Dynamics Mission Systems Canada. Accordingly, as a first step and in accordance with the requirements of the Act and the Regulations, we will need to ask you a few questions related to your citizenship and country of birth. We have taken these questions directly from Canada’s ‘Enhanced Security Strategy’ (“ESS”) issued under the authority of the Canadian Controlled Goods Program (“CGP”). These questions are asked solely for the purposes of compliance to the Act and the Regulations. If you are not comfortable with responding to these questions, you may contact us for further information and clarity or seek independent legal advice.
In order to work at General Dynamics Mission Systems Canada, all employees must be able to pass the Canadian Government Enhanced Security Strategy (“ESS”) application as part of the Federal Government’s Controlled Goods Program (CGP). Therefore, as a first step in our recruitment process, we require that you complete the following sections taken directly from the ESS application. Please be assured that under Canada’s Privacy Act(R.S.C., 1985, c. P-21) the information collected here will be used solely for determining your eligibility to pass the ESS screening. Following successful completion of this first step, we will then ask you to complete the entire ESS application.
Candidate Name: Email Address:
Sections A – E are not used for this purpose.
Section F – Country of Origin:
Current Status:
Born in Canada: Birth Certificate province of Issue:
Born outside of Canada: Municipality and Country of Birth:
Country of Origin:
List all citizenships (Country Name):
Permanent Resident Certificate No (if applicable):
Date of Issue (MM/DD/YYY): Click here to enter a date.
If Naturalized Canadian, give Certificate No.
Date of Issue (MM/DD/YYY): Click here to enter a date.
Section G – M are not used for this purpose
Section N – Security Assessment Statements:
a) I have resided outside of Canada:
· If yes, provide details of country(ies) and dates:
b) I have worked for a company located in a foreign country:
· If yes, name the company, country and dates of employment:
c) I consider myself to have allegiance to a country other than Canada or the United States:
· If yes, provide name of country(ies):
d) I have worked for a foreign Government, including military service:
· If yes, provide dates, nationality of government, government department and position(s) held:
e) I have served in a security/intelligence organization in a country other than Canada:
· If yes, list organization and country:
f) I have previously had a security clearance denied, suspended or revoked:
· If yes, provide details:
g) I have been terminated or asked to resign from a position due to a theft or fraud related incident(s):
h) I currently have a financial judgment against me (this includes a fine or restitution regardless of whether you are in arrears; or any other type of financial judgment (e.g. child support, taxes) in which you are in arrears more than three months:
Section J – Criminal History:
Do you have a criminal record?:
As this is a first step within our candidaterecruitment process, we will contact you shouldyou be selected for an interview. Thank you once again for your interest in General Dynamics Mission Systems Canada.