Your Services
your rent
Why do I need to pay rent?
Your rent is important. Without it, we could not provide our services to you. Your rent pays for most of the services you receive from us.
For example, it pays for repairs, improvements to your home and estates and the staff who deliver this service to you.
Rent is due each week and is charged to your account on a Monday. You can choose to pay your rent weekly, fortnightly, four weekly or monthly, but in all cases you will need to pay in advance. There are 48 weeks throughout the year when rent is due, with two non rent weeks in March/April and two during December. If you are in arrears then you should continue to pay during these non rent weeks in order to catch up. As a customer it is your responsibility to ensure that your rent gets paid on time.
Way to pay
There are a number of different ways for you to pay your rent so you can choose whichever is most convenient for you.
Direct Debit This is the easiest way to pay, as the money is automatically taken out of your account. If you have a bank or building society account, you can pay your rent by direct debit. Our direct debit dates are the 1st, 8th, 15th and the 20th of each month. If your rent changes, the Trust will amend your Direct Debit payments for you.
Allpay card You can pay your rent at any Post Office or local shop displaying the PayPoint or PayZone sign. This includes over
150 outlets across the borough. We have an outlet guide which is available to all customers, detailing all outlets across the borough who will accept your rent payments from you. To obtain a copy of the guide, please contact us on 0800 012 1311 or visit our website at
By Phone - You can make payments over the phone using your debit card by calling customer services on free phone
0800 012 1311. You can also pay your rent by ringing Allpay on
0870 243 6040. This is an automated system, which is available
24 hours a day make sure you have your Allpay card with you.
Over the Internet You can pay with your debit card online at Make sure you have your allpay with you.
Standing Order This will allow you to pay directly from your bank or building society. You can pay your rent weekly, fortnightly, four weekly or monthly in advance, using this method of payment. If your rent changes you will need to amend your Standing Order at your bank or building society.
By cheque You can pay your rent by cheque in person by taking it along to any Post Office along with your Allpay card or by post to our offices at Ropewalks. Don’t forget to write your rent account number on the back of the cheque.
Please allow two working days for your payment to show on your rent account.
If you would like to set up a Direct Debit or Standing Order, please call us on Freephone 0800 012 1311, at national rate from a mobile
0330 440 9707 or visit our website for the relevant forms.
Housing Benefit
If you are on a low income or are unemployed, you may be entitled to Housing Benefit. The amount of benefit you get paid depends on your income and savings. You can get a Housing and Council Tax Benefit application form by contacting a member of our Income Team or by contacting Cheshire East Council on 0300 123 5500.
Let us help you
There may be times when you have problems paying your rent and other bills. You may have lost your job, or be going back to work after being on benefits, whatever the reason we want to help you.
Our specialist team will discuss your situation with you in a sensitive manner and give you the advice and support you need to get yourself back on track. We have a Money Advisor who can advise you on all aspects of managing your money, whether that be household budgeting, paying off debts or claiming benefits. Please contact us as soon as you have any problems so that we can help.
If you have difficulties paying your rent you should:
If you have difficulties paying your rent you should:
Contact the Income Team as soon as your problems arise
Avoid making a re‐payment agreement that you know you won’t be able to keep to as this will only lead to more problems
Choose a payment method that is convenient to you then you won’t miss further payments
Always respond to letters, phone calls, and any missed visits to your home as soon as possible as delays will cause more problems
Take up the offer of Money Advice
We are committed to supporting you with your rent arrears and/or debt problems. We promise to make realistic arrangements with you to clear your rent arrears, and we will only take further action as a last resort, once all other steps have been taken.
Independent Advice
In most cases we will be able to help you, and by taking early action you may be able to avoid Court proceedings and extra costs.
If you would like independent advice about rent arrears or other debts, you can contact the Citizens Advice Bureau, the Law Centre or a Solicitor. You may be entitled to legal aid but this will depend on your personal circumstances. To help you, we have listed just some of the organisations that can help you besides the Trust.
Organisation Contact Details
Macclesfield Wilmslow and 01625 426303 (Advice)
District Citizens Advice Bureau 01625 432847 (Appointments)
Debt Advisory Centre 0800 970 7704
Help the Aged 01625 611948
Disability Information Bureau 01625 501759
National Debtline 0808 808 4000
Advice and information for
13 19 year olds 08000 278485
Cheshire East Council
Housing Benefit Team 01625 504898
Macclesfield Wilmslow
Job Centre Plus 01625 603800
Job Centre Plus 0800 055 6688
Text phone 0800 023 4888
Pension Credit Helpline 0800 99 1234
Attendance Allowance and
Disablility living Allowance 0845 123456
Benefit Enquiry Line 0800 882 200
Textphone 0800 243 355
County Courts
Macclesfield 01625 412800
Stockport 0161 747 7707
Altrincham 0161 975 4760
Northwich 01606 338508
Ending your tenancy
We hope that you’ll be very happy in your home, however should you wish to move on and end your tenancy with the us, you will need to give us four weeks notice. In order for you to budget for your move, we’d like to
remind you that your rent is payable up until your tenancy has ended. If you would like any further advice, please see our Moving on Leaflet available at our offices or on the website at
How to contact us
If you need to contact us to discuss your rent account, payment methods or Direct Debit dates, please use the address and telephone numbers listed below.
Income Team Ropewalks Newton Street Macclesfield Cheshire
SK11 6QJ
FREEPHONE 0800 012 1311
Service standards
We will make it as convenient as possible for you to make a payment to us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year
We will send you a quarterly rent statement
As a new customer you will receive a full benefits calculation based on your current income
We will make realistic, affordable repayment agreement always taking into account your personal circumstances
We will ensure that you are provided with a minimum of 28 days written notice of any variation of your rent
Give you details of organisations that can offer you independent, impartial advice about debt
If you or someone you know would like help translating this information into another language, or you would like this information in Braille, large print or audio format, please call us on 0800 012 1311/ 0330 440 9707.
Si usted o alguien a quien conoce desea que se traduzca esta información a otro idioma, tenga la bondad de llamarnos al
0800 012 1311/ 0330 440 9707.
Si vous ou bien quelqu’un que vous connaissez voudriez qu’on vous aide à traduire ces renseignements dans une autre langue, priez de vous mettre en contact avec nous en composant le
0800 012 13 11/ 0330 440 9707.
October 2011
Ropewalks, Newton Street, Macclesfield SK11 6QJ Website: Email:
FREEPHONE 0800 012 1311