“It’s Your Turn to Be a Scientist!” Project (Ms. Kinney)
So far, you guys have been coming up with some great experimental questions. Now, it’s time to put one to the test! Your job is to come up with one experimental problem that you’d like to solve using the scientific method. Remember, it has to be something that you are able to test. For example, you cannot test the questions, “Why is the sky blue?” or “Which swims faster, a whale or a shark?”
This project is to be done individually. You will work on it at home over the next month. You will be shown a sample of how your project should look. You can also do a Powerpoint presentation.
Your project will include the following sections:
1)Title Page
2)Introduction- Why you chose to do this experiment (1 to 2 full paragraphs)
3)Problem- Gives the question you are trying to solve.
4)Research- Before forming your hypothesis, find out some info about your topic. (1- 2 TYPED pages) NO PLAGERISM!!!!!!!
5)Hypothesis- Your educated guess based on the research you have done
6)Materials- Lists all of the materials you used
7)Procedures- Lists the steps you took in your experiment
8)Observations/ Results- Shows all of the results of your experiment (graphs, pictures, notes, etc)
9)Conclusion- Explanation if your hypothesis was correct or not. Talk about what the variable was and what the controls were. Also write about what you learned through this experiment and what you might change if you did it again. (1/2 page to 1 page)
Due Dates:
Monday, September 26th Students should know what problem they’re going to test
Monday, October 10thResearch Paper Due
Tuesday, October 11thBegin experiment (Shouldn’t start experiment until you’ve done enough research to form your hypothesis)
Friday, November 4thFinal Project Due
Possible Points
Title Page: (Nice, neat, and interesting)10 pts
Introduction: (Good explanation about why you chose the topic)20 pts
Problem: (A clearly stated, experimental question) 15 pts
Research: (Provide good and important background information about your topic)25 pts
Hypothesis: (Explain why you made this educated guess.)15 pts
Materials: (List all of the necessary materials and how much)10 pts
Procedures: (A person should be able to repeat your experiment
just by reading your procedures)20 pts
Observations/Results: (Show visual results. Can be graphs, pictures etc) 20 pts
Conclusion: (Good final discussion including variable and controls)15 pts
150 points
I have read about my child’s science project. I understand that NO late research papers or projects will be accepted unless there is an emergency, in which case a signed note will be sent. I also understand that this is a significant portion of their grade for this marking period.
Parent SignatureYour student’s name