FoodCycle Hub Leader

Application Form

It’s great that you’re interested in becoming a FoodCycle Hub Leader!

Please read the Hub Leader Role Description for details about what the role involves before applying, and to see which particular position you want to apply for.

Please fill in our short application form and return it by email to .

Which Hub would you like to be a Hub Leader at (please see for a full list of Hubs):
How did you hear about this opportunity? E.g. Doit, our website, from a Hub Leader
Have you been involved in FoodCycle before?
If you haven’t already volunteered at a FoodCycle Hub, this isn’t necessarily a problem. We will arrange for you to volunteer at some trial shifts as part of the recruitment process to see if you like the project before asking anyone to commit to becoming a Hub Leader.
Would you want to lead some of the Hub’s cooking sessions as part of your role?
Hub Leader roles usually involve both leading cooking sessions, and other project development responsibilities (i.e. outreach, communications, fundraising etc.). It is possible to become a Hub Leader in certain roles without leading cooking sessions, but it’s helpful for us to know this.
If yes, would you be available to lead the Hub’s cooking session at least once per month?
If you’re unsure about the day/times that the Hubs cook, please check our website:

Which particular Hub Leader role(s) are you interested in applying for? Please select all that you would be interested in:

Role / Yes/No
Team Co-ordinator
Fundraising and Events Co-ordinator
PR, Marketing and Communications
Volunteer Co-ordinator
Community Outreach and Engagement
Surplus Food Co-ordinator
Cooking Leader
Not sure/any role

Why do you want to be a Hub Leader with FoodCycle? Why do you particularly want to do the role(s) you chose above? (300 words maximum)

What skills can you bring to FoodCycle? Why would you be a good Hub Leader? (300 words maximum)

FoodCycle Hub Leaders are usually expected to take on the role for a minimum period of one year. Shorter periods of time will still be considered, but if you do not expect to be able to commit for this whole period for any reason, please let us know of this in the box below (e.g. I am moving away in 6 months, or I will be away for 2 months in July and August):

Thanks a lot for applying – please email this completed form to , and we will be in touch soon!