4E-Vandana Building (4th Floor)
11, Tolstoy Marg,
Connaught Place,
New Delhi – 110001,


Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Qualification Pack/s Curriculum Provider-Expression of Interest 4

Documents Required by NSDC 10

Document Required by SSC NASSCOM 11

Annexure-I: Curriculum Template NSDC 18

Annexure-II: Training Delivery Plan Template-NSDC 19

Annexure III: Guidelines on Facilitation Guide-NSDC 20

Annexure IV: Guidelines on Trainer’s Guide-NSDC 21

Annexure V: Guidelines on Participant’s Guide/ Workbook 22



IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM (SSC NASSCOM), the skill standard setting body of the IT-BPM Industry, is the education and skill development initiative of NASSCOM. It works with its industry members and select academic and skill development institutions to help improve the quality and quantity of the employable workforce available to this industry.

SSC NASSCOM conducted an exhaustive study in the last year to identify various occupations and the related job roles that exist within the four sub-sectors of the Indian IT-BPM industry. The unique job roles were concluded in the following manner (with a total of 517 unique job-roles):

Industry Sub-Sector / Domestic / Transnational
Entry- Level / Entry- Level / Middle-Level / Leadership Level
ITS (IT Services) / 1 / 19 / 91 / 25
BPM (Business Process Management) / 5 / 16 / 111 / 30
ERD (Engineering and R & D) / 0 / 15 / 48 / 54
SPD (Software Products and Development) / 0 / 18 / 63 / 21
Total / 6 / 68 / 313 / 130

Detailed 'Qualification Packs (QP)' for the 74 unique entry- level job roles (addressing 80% of the net hires) were developed and published, for all four sub-sectors.

Qualification Packs for all 74 entry- level Job Roles can be accessed through either of the given links:

·  NASSCOM Website:

·  NSDC Website:

Given the dynamism of the industry a large number of students have to be trained and certified at these job roles/QPs. The first step in this exercise is to have programs of learning aligned to these job roles with the appropriate pedagogy to achieve the outcomes articulated in the QPs.

Towards this end:

·  aligning curricula to QPs is the critical first phase (Curriculum Alignment Certification) and

·  subsequently addressing the conformity of courseware for the same ( Course Conformity Certification)

This document and the forms within address only the first phase leading to a ‘Curriculum Alignment Certification’. Please review the QPs w.r.t. the relevant industry sub-sectors and indicate your interest in the pertinent form. Using the ‘Checklist’ and the ‘Annexure’ attached kindly fill in the relevant documents/forms and submit the same to . Post internal due diligence, feedback will be provided and the appropriate action can be taken from your end to enable compliance.

On final submission and acceptance of all the relevant documents including the curriculum framework in the OBF format (Outcomes Based Framework) w.r.t. the QP concerned, SSC NASSCOM will award the ‘Curriculum Alignment Certificate’ and publish the same on its website.

Qualification Pack/s Curriculum Provider-Expression of Interest

a. Applicant Information

Company / Training Provider (TP) Details
(Please write a brief note)
Contact Person Name (SPOC)
Phone Number / E-Mail ID
Number of years in operation / Less than One year
Less than Two years
Less than Five years
More than Five year
Annual Sales Revenue / Current Year / Last Year
Number of Employees
Company/TP Website
Registered with / NSDC / NASSCOM / Govt (VTP) / Other
If NSDC/VTP, please provide the background on which you have become partner with NSDC / are a VTP with Govt :
Membership Number
(NASSCOM or NSDC, or both) /
Membership active since:
Type of membership
Sector / IT-ITeS
Sub-sector: Choose one or more sub-sectors for which you have the curriculum / IT Services (ITS)
Software Products (SPD)
Business Process Management (BPM)
Engineering & R&D (ERD)
b. Indicate QP / QPs that you are interested in for which :
Curricula is Available w.r.t Qualification Packs/Job Roles & the National Occupational Standards
IT Services (ITS) / Business Process Management (BPM)
Job Role / QP Name / Nomenclature / QP Code / NSQF Level / Check the box / Job Role / QP Name / Nomenclature / QP Code / NSQF Level / Check the box
1.  / Domestic IT Helpdesk Attendant / SSC/ Q0110 / 4 /  / 1.  / CRM Domestic Voice / SSC/Q2210 / 4 / 
2.  / Junior Software Developer / SSC/Q0508 / 4 /  / 2.  / Domestic Data entry Operator / SSC/Q2212 / 4 / 
3.  / Engineer Technical Support (Level 1) / SSC/Q0101 / 5 /  / 3.  / Collections Executive / SSC/Q2214 / 4 / 
4.  / Infrastructure Engineer / SSC/Q0801 / 5 /  / 4.  / CRM Domestic Non-Voice / SSC/Q2211 / 4 / 
5.  / Media Developer / SSC/Q0504 / 5 /  / 5.  / Domestic Biometric Data Operator / SSC/Q2213 / 4 / 
6.  / Technical Writer / SSC/Q0505 / 5 /  / 6.  / Associate-CRM / SSC/Q2202 / 5 / 
7.  / Test Engineer / SSC/Q1301 / 5 /  / 7.  / Associate-Customer Care(Non-Voice) / SSC/Q2201 / 5 / 
8.  / Web Developer / SSC/Q0503 / 5 /  / 8.  / Associate-Recruitment / SSC/Q2501 / 5 / 
9.  / Master Trainer for Junior Software Developer / SSC/Q0509 / 6 /  / 9.  / Analyst-Research / SSC/Q2601 / 7 / 
10.  / Analyst / SSC/Q0701 / 7 /  / 10.  / Associate- F&A Complex / SSC/Q2302 / 7 / 
11.  / Application Maintenance Engineer / SSC/Q0201 / 7 /  / 11.  / Associate HRO / SSC/Q2502 / 7 / 
12.  / Deployment Engineer / SSC/Q0301 / 7 /  / 12.  / Associate-SCM / SSC/Q3001 / 7 / 
13.  / Engineer Trainee / SSC/Q0507 / 7 /  / 13.  / Associate- Transactional F&A / SSC/Q2301 / 7 / 
14.  / Junior Data Associate / SSC/Q0401 / 7 /  / 14.  / Associate Analytics / SSC/Q2101 / 7 / 
15.  / Language Translator / SSC/Q0506 / 7 /  / 15.  / Associate- Desktop Publishing (DTP) / SSC/Q2702 / 7 / 
16.  / QA Engineer / SSC/Q1302 / 7 /  / 16.  / Associate- Editorial / SSC/Q2701 / 7 / 
17.  / Sale-Pre Sales Analyst / SSC/Q1101 / 7 /  / 17.  / Associate- Clinical Data Management / SSC/Q2401 / 7 / 
18.  / Security Analyst / SSC/Q0901 / 7 /  / 18.  / Associate-Learning / SSC/Q2801 / 7 / 
19.  / Software Developer / SSC/Q0501 / 7 /  / 19.  / Associate- Medical Transcription / SSC/Q2402 / 7 / 
20.  / UI Developer / SSC/Q0502 / 7 /  / 20.  / Document Coder/Processor / SSC/Q2901 / 7 / 
21.  / Legal Associate / SSC/Q2902 / 7 / 
Engineering and Research & Development (ERD) / Software Products (SPD)
Job Role / QP Name / Nomenclature / QP Code / NSQF Level / Check the box / Job Role / QP Name / Nomenclature / QP Code / NSQF Level / Check the box
1 / Technical Support engineer / SSC/ Q5101 / 5 /  / 1 / Communication Analyst / SSC/ Q702 / 5 / 
2 / Design Engineer-EA / SSC/Q4401 / 7 /  / 2 / Technical Support Executive (Non-Voice) / SSC/Q7201 / 5 / 
3 / Design Engineer-PMS / SSC/Q4301 / 7 /  / 3 / Technical Support Executive (Voice) / SSC/Q7202 / 5 / 
4 / Engineer (Product Lifecycle Management)-PLM / SSC/Q5201 / 7 /  / 4 / Technical Writer / SSC/Q6801 / 5 / 
5 / Engineer Trainee / SSC/Q4202 / 7 /  / 5 / Test Engineer / SSC/Q7001 / 5 / 
6 / Hardware Engineer / SSC/Q4701 / 7 /  / 6 / Media Developer / SSC/Q6703 / 5 / 
7 / Market Research Associate / SSC/Q4102 / 7 /  / 7 / Market Research Associate / SSC/Q6302 / 7 / 
8 / Product Design Engineer - Mechanical / SSC/Q4201 / 7 /  / 8 / Language Translator / SSC/Q6802 / 7 / 
9 / Quality Engineer / SSC/Q4801 / 7 /  / 9 / Product Executive / SSC/Q6501 / 7 / 
10 / Software Engineer / SSC/Q4601 / 7 /  / 10 / QA Engineer / SSC/Q7002 / 7 / 
11 / Technical Writer / SSC/Q4501 / 7 /  / 11 / Sales-Pre Sales Executive / SSC/Q1101 / 7 / 
12 / Test Engineer-Hardware / SSC/Q5001 / 7 /  / 12 / Software Developer / SSC/Q6702 / 7 / 
13 / Test Engineer-Software / SSC/Q4901 / 7 /  / 13 / Support Engineer / SSC/Q6101 / 7 / 
14 / Management Trainee - Marketing / SSC/Q4101 / 8 /  / 14 / Design Engineer / SSC/Q6601 / 7 / 
15 / Research Associate / SSC/Q5301 / 8 /  / 15 / Engineer Packaging / SSC/Q6901 / 7 / 
16 / Engineer Software-Transition / SSC/Q7101 / 7 / 
17 / IP Executive / SSC/Q6201 / 7 / 
18 / Management Trainee / SSC/Q6301 / 8 / 

c. Does IP of the courseware w.r.t the curriculum belong to you?

Yes No

d.  Does your curriculum cover all the NOSs of the selected QP / QPs?

Yes No

e.  Does the ‘Outcomes Based Framework’ for the QP capture the NOS as chapters / modules?

Yes No

f.  Does the ‘Outcomes Based Framework’ address the learning activities for each line item to enable the outcomes and the performance ensuring measures in NOS/QP?

Yes No

I hereby certify that the above mentioned information is true
Phone no.
Email ID






Documents Required by NSDC

S. No. / List of Documents / Description
1. / Curriculum Syllabus / A clearly defined Curriculum/ Syllabus should be in place, clearly indicating:
• Key competencies to be expected to be acquired by the incumbent at the end of the program.
• Topics/ modules (to address different aspects of the program aligned to the NOSs as explained in Step-3 of curriculum alignment with QP-NOS)
• Duration of each module (number of hours/days/weeks) and the total program.
• Key learning outcomes mapped with the performance criteria of the corresponding NOS
• Corresponding NOS Code.
Annexure: Pg. no. 19
2. / Training Delivery Plan / A clearly laid out module wise and session wise, Training Delivery Plan- indicating name of the program, objectives (competencies/learning outcomes) to be achieved, duration, training aids/equipment use and training methodology
Annexure: Pg. No. 20
3. / Facilitation Guide / A Facilitation Guide – for the Trainers on generic training skills – with focus on instructional, facilitation, pedagogic, administrative and communication skills.
Annexure: Pg. No. 21
4. / Leaders (or Trainers) Guide / A Leaders (or Trainers) Guide – on the program per se – focusing on domain knowledge and skills being imparted. It should clearly articulate the distinct pedagogy for different skills & knowledge, equipment & machinery needed for delivering domain knowledge, props and audio visuals (where needed), a clearly laid out lesson plan for each session and key learning outcomes at the end of each session
Annexure: Pg. No. 22
5. / Participants Manual/ Workbook/ Guide / A Participants Manual/ Workbook/ Guide – on the program per se – focusing on domain knowledge and skills being imparted. There should be exercises at the end of each module to test understanding. Where skills are being imparted to candidates who are not literate enough, the participants manual should include a lot of visuals. A section on basic health and safety measures (both on the shop floor and off it) should be included.
Annexure: Pg. No. 23
6. / Equipment / Equipment being used for imparting training (such as tools & machinery, flipcharts, computers, projectors, whiteboards etc.,) should be clearly listed out and made available for inspection as and when needed.
Can be made available in the OBF document

Document Required by SSC NASSCOM

Outcomes Based Framework (one Blank Sample copy)

All OBFs to be filled in w.r.t QP concerned are available at

IP of this Curriculum Framework in the OBF format is shared with SSC NASSCOM and can be advertised and shared as deemed desirable by SSC NASSCOM.

/ Qualifications Pack Code
Job Role
Credits(NVEQF/NVQF/NSQF) / Version number
Sector / Drafted on
Sub-sector / Last reviewed on
Occupation / Next review date
Job Role
Role Description
Minimum Educational Qualifications
Maximum Educational Qualifications
(Suggested but not mandatory)
Applicable National Occupational Standards (NOS)
Performance Criteria


IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM