Suzannah Blackwell was an educator who tirelessly devoted her life for the education of ESOL students.

As a member of Carolina TESOL she was a regional representative for the Upstate in South Carolina.


Carolina TESOL provides students attending accredited universities with an endowment designed to recruit and advance students whose first language is not English and/or teacher candidates entering into an ESOL certification program. The Suzannah Blackwell Memorial Scholarship is intended to attract those students interested in pursuing an undergraduate degree with the recipients being incoming freshmen who have superior academic accomplishments and demonstrated leadership skills. The Suzannah Blackwell Memorial Scholars are expected to maintain a high level of academic achievement and participate in stewardship activities in conjunction with Carolina TESOL. We encourage you to visit the Suzannah Blackwell Memorial Scholarship website at: for more detailed information.

Eligibility: Applicants must be exceptional students admitted and enrolled full-time at an accredited university. However, don’t wait to be accepted before you apply. All prospective students interested in being considered for The Suzannah Blackwell Memorial Scholarship must submit The Suzannah Blackwell Memorial Scholarship Application and Essay to byJune15, 2013, 11:59 P.M. Applications and the additional support documents must be submitted electronically.

The Suzannah Blackwell Memorial Scholarship is a merit and need based award. Any interested student may submit an essay; however, eligibility is determined by the Carolina TESOL Scholarship Committee and only eligible students will be considered. The Suzannah Blackwell Memorial Scholarship may be awarded in addition to any other scholarships, e.g. HOPE, President’s Scholarship, etc.

Award: The Suzannah Blackwell Memorial Scholarship provides an annual award disbursed in November during the academic year. The Suzannah Blackwell Memorial Scholarship is awarded to four individuals each year, two from North Carolina and two from South Carolina, based upon the students’ satisfactory academic performance and progress towards their degree.

The Suzannah Blackwell Memorial Scholarship Application 2012-2013

Applicant Information

Full Name: / Student ID #
Last / First / M.I.
Street Address / Apartment/Unit #
City / State / ZIP Code
Home Phone: / () / E-mail Address:
Cell Phone: / () / Birth Date: / MM/DD/YYYY / Gender / Female Male
Alternate E-mail Address: / Social Security # (if available):
Mother / Guardian’s Name: / Phone: / ()
PO Box / Street City State Zip Code
Father / Guardian’s Name: / Phone: / ()
PO Box / Street City State Zip Code
Other contact name: / Phone: / ()
PO Box / Street City State Zip Code


High School: / Graduation Date: / H.S. GPA:
If you earned a GED, please indicate where: / GED Date:
College / Technical School: / overall GPA:
Number of credits earned: / Graduation Date, if any:
Expected Major:
Are you currently enrolled/accepted by Admissions at a university? / Yes No / If not, have you applied for university Admission? / Yes No
How did you hear about the Suzannah Blackwell Scholarship from Carolina TESOL?

Disclaimer and Signature

I/we certify that the information provided on this form is accurate and complete to the best of my/our knowledge. I/we further understand that any false statement subjects me to forfeiture of my scholarship.
Signature: / Date:

The Suzannah Blackwell Memorial Scholarship


Part 2: Checklist

Name: / Student ID#:

The following checklist will help you gather the supporting documents required to submit a complete application packet prior to the June 15, 2013, 11:59 P.M. deadline. If your application is received after the deadline, our committee will not consider your application. Again, thank you for your interest.

All applications must be submitted electronically to .

In the subject line, please indicate your name by using one of the following:

SC. First Name.Last Name


NC. First Name.Last Name.

I have:

Applied for admission at an accredited university, and have been accepted by the university on or before June 1st, 2013.

I have submitted electronically the following:

The Suzannah Blackwell Memorial Scholarship Application (Part 1)

A copy of my High School/College transcript(s)

Student Essay form (Part 3)

Two Confidential Letters of Recommendations / Evaluation Form (Part 4 –

separate form). These will be emailed back to Carolina TESOL from your person

of reference following the subject line information above.

Student Profile form (Part 5)

A current picture (similar to a school picture). This will be used for

publication of the awardees in the Carolina TESOL Fall Conference

Program and also on the Carolina TESOL website.

The Suzannah Blackwell Memorial Scholarship


Part 3: Student Essay

Name: / Student ID #:

Please choose one of the following questions and prepare a well-planned, carefully written essay of at least 400 words (not exceeding 600 words). Choose the appropriate student category. Responses must be attached in a separate sheet of paper in 12 pt. double-spaced, Times New Roman font. Please proof read your work.

Students (please choose one):

  1. There are many paths available for obtaining career training; university, community college, vocational or technical school, apprenticeships, on-the-job training and so on. The benefits of a university education are well documented; however, university is not for everyone. Why is it for you? Explain.
  1. Gabriel Garcia Marquez said: “It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.” What are your life dreams, professional and/or personal, and what will it take to achieve them? Explain.
  1. Charles Darwin said: “It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent that survive. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” Do you agree with this statement? If so tell us how this philosophy applies to your life. If you disagree with the statement, tell us why?

Part 4: Reference Form – separate form application

The Suzannah Blackwell Memorial Scholarship


Part 5: Student Profile

Name: Student ID #

Please answer the following questions.

  1. Please list all clubs, school organizations and/or programs with whom you are affiliated, or for which you have volunteered in high school or college?
  1. List any “awards of achievement” you have received, and explain why you were recognized.
  1. Have you been involved in community service? Please list community organizations you have helped or benefited and explain why this volunteer opportunity is important to you. Totalamount of hours volunteered in the past year: Reference name/contact:
  2. Have you applied to other scholarships? Please give the dollar amount of financial aid you expect to receive by your semester of entrance.

I/we certify that the information provided on this form is accurate and complete to the best of my/our knowledge. I/we further understand that any false statement subjects me to forfeiture of my scholarship.

Applicant’s SignatureDate Parent/Guardian’s SignatureDate

Note: if applicant is under the age of 18 or financially dependent