Minority Studies- Unit: Social Class in America

Minority Studies- Unit: Social Class in America

Minority Studies- Unit: Social Class in America

Final Reflection / Assessment

Because of the nature of this unit, instead of a final test, your final assessment on this unit will be in project form. And, because we all have different interests and ideas (especially with a controversial unit like social class!) I’m giving you a few options on how to do this assignment. All final reflections are worth 50 points. Explanations are below, as well as rubrics for each assignment. Any questions/ concerns are welcome! Don’t hesitate:


Option 1: Social Class is Hot News!

Find 6 current event articles (articles in the newspaper, from credible news websites, scholarly journals) that deal with issues of social class. Include the entire article in your project. For each article, write a one paragraph typed explanation of the issue and how it relates to social class. Include your personal opinion on the issue the article discusses. Then include a 7th paragraph (to conclude) to your whole project on how prevalent issues of social class are in the news today. Explain why you think that is.

Each article included in the project (where it was found, date) = 2 points (12 total)

Each explanation paragraph = 5 points (30 total)

Final explanation, conclusion of unit = 8 points (8 total)

FINAL GRADE = 50 points

Option 2: Writing Rags to Riches!

Write your own “Rags to Riches” story based on Horatio Alger’s novels. Story should be 3-6 pages typed. Get creative! In addition, write a one paragraph explanation on how possible you think it is for your character to actually achieve rags to riches in real life based on your own personal experiences, topics discussed in the video, or outside research. (*You may want to complete some basic research on Horatio Alger prior to writing your story)

Quality of Story= 15 pts

Creativity= 15 pts

Personal reflection = 20 pts


Option 3: Mmm Mmm Good

Recall the discussion we had on obesity and its relation to Socio-economic status. To what degree, if any, do you believe the two are related? Conduct your own research on this issue, and write a position paper (2-3 pages) on it. Chose two or more restaurants that appear different in “class,” to use to connect or discredit the connection. You can do this in several ways, including, obtaining specific nutrition facts from these establishments, conducting brief interviews with owners on who eats there and why, and doing research on your own via Internet, journals or books. Put all this information together to support your conclusion.

Research=20 points

Writing style / correctness=10 points

Personal conclusions=20 points

FINAL GRADE=50 points

Option 4: Let’s talk about class!

Interview two people about their beliefs on social class. Interview should be 20+ questions in length, and you must ask each party the same questions. One party should be between the ages of 15 and 20, and the other 25+ years old. This will help vary the answers you receive, or allow you to see connections between the two ages of people. Type up your questions, and turn in each persons’ response (notes, quotes on how they responded) to each question. Then, write a 1-2 page reflection on how each view social class and how they agree or disagree with your own personal opinion. What accounts for their differences or similarities in opinions? Expand on the sample questions below when deciding what to ask your interviewees.

-What social class do you consider yourself in?

-What does SES mean to you?

-Have you changed social class throughout your life?

-Do you think people can switch classes?

-What objects/possessions do you have that accurately represent your social class? Which ones do not accurately represent the class you belong to?

Quality of Interview Questions=10 pts

Interview notes on 2 subjects=15 pts

Reflection paper=25 pts


*Remember to come to me with questions and concerns always! I’ll ask you which option you have decided upon in class on Friday, and allow a few minutes at the end of class for questions on specific projects. Your project will be due


at the beginning of 1st period.

~Ms. Sosey