Happy Fall RJR Family!
It is hard to believe that we are more than a week into
October. October is always an action-packed month at
RJR. Today is Homecoming, of course, and we are
looking forward to a fun-filled evening celebrating and cheering on our Demons as they take to the field against West Forsyth. Whether you’ve been to many games or are newbies, please join us for all of the festivities! It is a wonderful way to experience the Reynolds community spirit.
October is also a busy month for our arts programs. We look forward to the entries of many talented students in this year’s Reflections contest. This year’s theme, “The World Would Be A Better Place If…” promises to be particularly inspirational! Entry deadline is October 23. Our fall drama will be presented October 16-18, and this fall’s band concert is slated for October 28.
On the academic side, Reynolds will welcome its newest National Honor Society members in an induction ceremony on October 22. Students can also participate in a free practice SAT on October 18, with a coinciding score-back session on November 5. The registration deadline is October 11.
We are continually amazed with the level and depth of involvement of our PTSA at Reynolds! It is simply remarkable to see the generosity and devotion of so many RJR families. Thank you again to each of our volunteers for their countless hours of service already this year. We still have a need for an exam proctoring coordinator. If you are interested in joining the PTSA board, please contact us and we’ll fill you in on what this role entails.
Last year, more than 300 PTAs partnered with schools to participate in National PTA's School of Excellence program. Of those participants, National PTA recognized 170 schools from across the country as the 2014-2016 National PTA Schools of Excellencefor their achievements in building strong family-school partnerships.National PTA School of Excellenceis a recognition program that supports and celebrates partnerships between PTAs and schools to enrich the educational experience and overall well-being for all students.
As aNational PTA School of Excellence, families feel welcomed and empowered to support student success, and PTA is a key partner for continuous school improvement.
This year, RJR has applied to become a National PTA School of Excellence. Through this process, we will evaluate our school-community PTSA partnership. We welcome your participation in the family survey at the end of this newsletter, and would appreciate your willingness to complete and return the survey to the main office at school by October 24. Surveys will also be available at Homecoming, so please look for the PTSA representatives there as they can help you in completing our survey. Thanks in advance for your participation!
Enjoy your weekend. We look forward to seeing you at Homecoming!!
Gratefully yours,
Kate Ruley and Alan Ruley
PTSA President and 2nd Vice President
Save the date: November 12th, 7 p.m.
Some RJR dancers will perform with the Charlotte Ballet--"Blue, Black, and Green". Student and professionally-created choreography aboutBlues music, Black History, and Environmental Science will support RJR’s theme of social justice and human rights.
Winston-Salem Symphony
New this year! The Winston-Salem Symphony invites students to take part in FREE, open rehearsal Student Nights at the UNCSchool of the ArtsStevensCenter.Tickets are required for attendance and must be reserved a week prior to the rehearsal.
These rehearsals are for students of all ages. Students under the age of 14 should be accompanied by an adult.We ask that those in attendance be respectful of the orchestra and their rehearsal time by turning off all electronic devices, limiting how often they leave their seats, and remaining quiet as they observe.
Demon Shop
We have some new items -- sweatshirts and long sleeve T-shirts plus new dry-fit shirts and Nike, too!Come check them out!
Note to parents: Please email Karen Rice if you are interested in volunteering once a semester. It is a fun way to meet students, teachers and other parents!
Link Your Harris Teeter VIC Card to RJR
When you shop at Harris Teeter, you can earn money for RJR! Please link your VIC card by asking a cashier to use RJR’s VIC code: 4261. Your card must be re-linked EVERY YEAR!
Hunter Safety Interest Meeting
The Hunter Safety Team will have a brief interest meeting on Friday, October 24 after school at 4p.m. at the picnic tables in front of the cafeteria. We compete in shotgun, rifle, archery and orienteering events. If you have an interest in hunter safety and want to compete on our team, please come to the meeting. For more information, email or call Mr. Stephen Joyce at 336-399-2523 or .
The PSAT will be given on Oct. 15 to those students who registered.
National Honor Society
The National Honor Society induction ceremony will be Wednesday,October 22 at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium. All inductees need to arrive NO LATER than6:15p.m. If you have not picked up results of your application, please see Ms. Ziehl in room 307ASAP.
Senior Ads due in October
Share all the fun memories of your special senior with an ad in the 2014-‘15 Black & Gold. If your son or daughter hasn't already received an ad contract sheet from a classmate, email for a copy. Deadline for senior pages is this month, so don't delay. Last year, more than 100 members of the Class of 2014 were celebrated in this popular and memorable way!
ESL Tutors Needed
Please consider volunteering as a tutor for one of our ESL (English as Second Language) students! You do not need to speak a foreign language to be an ESL tutor – you just need to have 45-60 minutes a week to work with a student. Tutoring slots are available each day, throughout the day. Students will arrive at their tutoring sessions with specific assignments to complete or review. No planning by the tutor is required. You can specify with what subjects you feel most comfortable. If you have questions or would like to volunteer, please contact Deborah Casstevens () or Shannon Meinberg (). THANK YOU!
Everybody has ideas about how the world could be a better place, right? Put your ideas into an original piece of artwork and submit it to the Reflections Arts Contest. This year’s theme is “The World Would Be a Better Place If….” and the categories include music composition, film, dance choreography, photography, visual arts and literature. The deadline is October 23and entries should be turned in toStudent Services. All rules and necessary entry forms can be found on the RJR website under the PTSA tab. If you have questions, contact Lana Young at .
Students Can Purchase Reynolds Shirts
Have you seen the RJR faculty shirts this year? Many students have and have asked for one themselves. Of course, students can’t have a faculty shirt, but you CAN have a “Class of. . . ” one.
How? Fill out the order form below and return to Karen Morris’ box or to the Arts Magnet office. Shirts are $20 and may be paid for by check to R.J. Reynolds or with cash. The back will read “CLASS OF” and your graduation year. The faculty shirts say 23 because RJR has been in existence since 1923.
Name ______
1st period teacher(s) ______
Size ______Class of (circle one) 2015 201620172018
T-shirts will be delivered to first period teachers in late October. Orders due October 16th.
Your gift makes a difference….and every gift counts!
We Need Your Support! Keep Those Gifts Coming!
So far, we have received
$88,549.00 from 221 generous donors
towards our goal of $100,000!
We Need Your Support! Keep Those Gifts Coming!
To contribute:
Mailing address:RJR Legacy Fund
301 N. Hawthorne Road
Winston-Salem, NC27104
For questions, additional pledge cards/materials, please email us at:
Thank you!
Mickey and Tonu Kangur
Legacy Chairs
Oct. 13Golf, Conference Tournament at Pudding Ridge, 2:00
V Volleyball, Conference Tournament, TBA, 5:00
JV/V Soccer vs. MountTabor, 5:30/7:00
Oct. 14Tennis Playoffs vs. Charlotte Catholic, 4:00
JV/V Field Hockey vs. West Forsyth, 5:00/6:30
Oct. 15Cross Country, CPC Meet atWest Forsyth, 5:00
Oct. 16JV/V Soccer at North Davidson, 5:30/7:00
JV Football vs. MountTabor, 6:00
Oct. 17V Football at MountTabor, 7:30
Save the Date for the Reynolds Mattress Sale
Reynolds will be hosting a mattress sale to benefit athletics on Saturday, November 22 in the gym. Be sure to tell your friends and family. Each and every mattress purchased that day will benefit the student-athletes at RJR.