MEETING DATE:9th December2014


Our guest speakers this week were Walter Bock representing SewAid as well as Days for Girls. Also Pip Lovely spoke specifically on Days for Girls

Pip then gave a presentation on Days for Girls. This project is aimed at providing Feminine Hygiene packs for poor countries. These are not disposable and are intended to lat three years. The packs are presently made by volunteers in Australia but it is planned for them to be made by SewAid in the Philipppines.

Without feminine hygiene in third world countries most young girls are subjected to discrimination and therefore do not attend school. Education being the single most important factor to help these girls escape the poverty of their environment.

After the presentation, Walter Bock presented a plaque to Keith Roffey for all the members of district 9690 for support for the SewAid project.

Presidents Report:

Presidents Report: Joan Wells.

It seems the Carols are under control except for being able to predict the weather. We look forward to everyone being in attendance early on Sunday night 14th December at Padstow Park. Setting up will begin at 3pm. We expect to want to start cooking by 5.30pm. Actual program starts at 7.30pm

Kevin, John and Joan all attended RYDA. (Rotary Youth Driver Awareness).This Program takes school students and shows them the implications of being able to drive. It was noted that this program has been expanded and changed.

East Hills girls and boys high schools have requested attendance at their annual presentation functions. Also it is noted that Veronica is not well and will have surgery this week.

Secretary/Club Administration Report:

The Exodus foundation has written to express appreciation for the supply of left over food from our barbecues and also the efforts of Kevin Bouffler in getting it there.

Keri and Allan are not able to attend tonight.

Julie, Paul and Joan will attend the Bankstown City council annual Christmas function.

Our Christmas Party will cost $30 per person and will be a table service function.

Gaille Walton has thanked us for the Christmas card.

Treasurers Report:

Colin Duff.

Club and service account status has been circulated to club members.

Dues for next year have been raised to $140 for the half year

Community Service Report:

Paul McCarthy

Handing around sheets for the Carols, the Christmas trees and for the markets.

Rain is going to be the biggest issue for all of these projects.

Most help is needed for the trees.

It was noted that Ray Hadley on 2GB was plugging the trees for the RC of Dural. Perhaps we could use that avenue or 702 and also sell trees at Bunnings.

Vocational Service Report:No report

PR/Membership Report:

Terry Martin.

Response to Christmas cards from Lindsay and Jan.

International/ TRF Service Report:

John Earls.
No Report.

President Joan.
I would like to ask Peter Spanos now to make a presentation.
Peter had asked a lady from the local area to attend the meeting with him.
Peter explained that Kathleen Spendlove had been working tirelessly in the local community for the last 50 years. Beginning with support for sporting groups and her own children she expanded to working for local clubs and for the Concord hospital,

She has been visiting patients there for at least 20 years.

The Rotary Club of Padstow honoured Mrs Spendlove with a framed citation.

Seen here Mrs. Spendlove with President Joan, Peter Spanos and the citation.

Youth Service Report:

Barry Thompson.

Three students at East Hills Girls Technology High School have approached the principal Veronica Necyporuk and indicated their enthusiasm to have an Interact group functioning at the school.

Barry is investigating whether we need to have a Rotarian in attendance at every meeting and other needs. He will report

We have been offered 4 RYLA candidates. We have been given four names but no addresses so we don’t know who is closest. Barry is working with the RC Camden to sort this out.


Kevin Bouffler Attendance.

With make ups and leave of absences we have 100% tonight. Doesn’t happen very often.

General Business

Keith announced the intention of trying to start another club, this will be a multicultural club.
Discussion ensued about what this might mean. But wait and see.


Birthdays this week – Warren Sheldon 18th. Lucille McConville 23rd, Trevor Withnall 29th

Next month January.

Veronica Necyporuk 1st

Karen Larden 3rd

Nathan Hodges 8th


16th December – Christmas Party.

First meeting for 2015 will be January 13th (three weeks off)

DIARY DATES & GUEST SPEAKERS:Partners & friends are always welcome

14th December – Carols in the Park

16th December – Club Christmas Party – Partners please

Text or phone Julie please on her mobile, 0417 800 023or emailby 2.00pm each Friday if you are not attending the next meeting. Or advise her the week before.

Some words to ponder:

Cheers, until next week – The Scribe