Dear Property Manager or Owner,
At World Relief High Point we are looking to work with property owners and managers in a mutually beneficial relationship that provides tenants to the property owner and provides housing to newly arriving refugees. The purpose of this letter is to clarify who World Relief is, what we do, and answer questions regarding what it may look like to work with World Relief and the refugee population.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who is World Relief?
World Relief is an international organization with local offices in High Point and Winston Salem. Our agency is contracted by the U.S. State Department to resettle refugees in the United States. World Relief provides case management and employment services for refugees while connecting them to other resources in the community.
What is a refugee?
Refugees are individuals or families who have been forcibly displaced from their home countries due to ethnic, political, social group, or religious persecution. Before coming to the United States, refugees have undergone an intensive screening process through United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
Are they here legally?
All refugees served through World Relief enter the U.S. legally and have documentation verifying their eligibility to be here (including I-94 document and TSA form). Refugees are also taken to the Social Security office within a few days of arrival and usually receive their social security cards within 2 weeks. Refugees receive employment cards (EAD cards) within a short time after their arrival.
Where do refugees live?
Most refugees live in apartment communities or rental homes. The State Department has certain requirements for contracted agencies like World Relief to ensure that newly resettled refugees receive the assistance they need. One requirement isWorld Relief must secure safe and affordable housing for refugees prior to their arrival. World Relief has several established relationships with management companies and property owners, and is looking to establish new relationships to meet the growing needs of the estimated 380 refugees we will resettle in the Triad this year.
What income do refugees have available?
The federal government provides each refugee with “Welcome Money” which is managed by World Relief and is for the purpose of assisting through the transition to self-sufficiency. This money is used to cover expenses including rental deposits and rent assistance. Refugees also receive monthly cash assistance from the government. World Relief has an employment team focused on providing clients with help securing employment as quickly as possible. Both the financial assistance and employment assistance affords refugees the opportunity to transition to life in America quickly while at the same time offering leasing/management companies the assurance of qualified residents residing in their properties.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me directly.
Paul Gable
Resource Specialist