IT Activity Update Manager Gofal Health Group Penygroes & Crosshands. Gofal Healthcare Ltd

IT Consultant: Phil Rowe

Comments: Black = Gofal, Blue = PR/Vision.

The following IT Activity Update Manager has been developed to keep all the practice informed of the current practice IT developments. Not listed in order or priority.

The Comments section will become a dialogue area between the practice and Phil Rowe and any complex programme will have its own project management planner.

No. / Gofal Tasks / Comments / Planned / Completed /
Entries for: 22/4/07
1 / X-Ray like blood tests button / Showed Bev how to do this for you. / X
2 / Can CHD Risk and e GFR be worked for you / CHD Risk is age dependent @ over 50 I believe. It is then calculated and shown bottom left of consultation screen. eGFR has to be done via the eGFR utility and the results shown in data quality. I can then display this in you consultaion screen if you like?
3 / Can you place a database that we can access quickly. Say on the tab section that will lead us to our website where we could hole a database of contacts.
Or any other idea you may have. /

We can add this as a favourite on you web browser in Vision

The web browser is limited as some will drop off as it fills with new additions. Is there a contents manager for Favourites? 240507 / X
4 / On-line Prescription
Can we have a repeat prescription on-line using Vision.
We need this as a repeat line for the Pharmacy and the Surgery / Best option here and one practiced by on site Pharmacies is to treat the Pharmacy as a branch surgery and get them hooked into Vision. You can then set up to print in the Pharmacy, if that is patient preference.
1. Can we ask Vision to extend our system to have a pharmacy link up to our practice Vision? This will tease the LHB governance lead perhaps a few more grey hairs for them as it involves our pharmacy being seen in a preferential way. A few governance issues here.
2. What I had in mind was a repeat prescription page on our / pharmacy website so that patients can re-order using our website 240507
5 / Controlled Drug Prescriptions
Can we adapt our software to be able to prescribe controlled drugs.
The difficulty is that the CD prescription forms need to have the right side free of printed text / In set-up options. I have done this for you and Bev knows how to do this for others. Check it is working. / X / X
6 / Telephone
Is there a piece of software out there that allows you to telephone by clicking on the tel number / I’ll investigate
7 / Learning Disability
I have attached a pro-forma that I will need for learning disability ( please note the correct terminology - not mental retardation ) How can I bulk enter these / Please discuss on site.
8 / Central Server
What would be the benefits of joining up with the central server in Newport? / No need to worry about back up and all data held off site.
9 / Docman Plus and Internet appointments
What would be the value of these for us? / Docman Plus Better document flow and read coding software improved.
Internet appointments – handle with real care experience is that it hands control of appointments to patients and usual suspects block others out!
10 / Central Calendar
Can you synchronize individual staff calendars so that a central calendar can be developed / I can organise this but would need to get in my network specialist Paul.
11 / Short Cut
I will need you to teach me how to create a guideline / Short cut macro’s / I’ll train you.
12 / Substance use and Learning Disability
These have been produced and need to be created as a guideline with appropriate codes.
I have sent you these electronically
Can you help me develop these?
I will need to know how to use the click-box system you have developed for the depression questionnaire. Can a code be generated by doing this?
Can these be developed in such a way as to use touch screen technology? / See 11 above!!
13 / We desperately need to arrange a planner for the practice
1.  Individual calendars
2.  Individual work lists
3.  Group calender
Is there an off the shelf calendar system that we could use / See 10.
14 / Olympus DS-3300 Digital Voice Recorder
Can we use this on our system so that we don’t sent tapes back and fore? / Yes. However, the software is not yet user friendly for the typist nor the headphones required.
15 / Mini Mental Same as PQH-9 Attach to guidelines
Mini mental Scale / Will do next visit / 12 June
16 / Drugs prescription Print on left
Can we have a software package from Vision that allows us the electronically print drugs / DDA’s
At present they overprint on the right and upsets the pharmacist who use this side to dispense on a daily basis / Covered
17 / Can we click onto a tel no and phone patients
Also discuss Patient Partner
( Ref for WG: See Gofal New ) / Covered
18 / Electronic pro-forma
General discussion on these and how to save. Either Word or Rapport etc
See attached example from Local Authority / Covered this with OCR scanning training / X
19 / Vision:
Receptionist to Dr / Dr to Receptionist messaging / I will install Clikmemo for you to try. Free for up to up to 3 workstations
We are trying to use the appointment system at the moment and to do so we may require an extra comments column to respond to a request by the receptionist. This will prove useful as we have a lot of queries at the end of surgery and these are currently dealt with as post its and paper message systems 240507 / 12.06.07
Entries for 24/05/07
20 / As discussed before – we are requested to follow template guidelines for referrals. There are many and as they are inaccessible we don’t use them.
Can we
1.  Develop a set so that we can generate a form from a master?
2.  Can this master be held with others in a folder with a contents section so that they can be accessed easily?
We will be using more uniform systems in the future as locality commissioning hits us and referrals go to a central area for clearance and diversion. Interesting times.
21 / I've been unable to load the Read Code software from a disk copy? Can we do this on tour next visit?
22 / Is there a Vision Calendar for forward alerts eg Substance users reviews etc.
eg If we wanted to remind ourselves of who we need to recall for various reasons at a date in advance or an activity clinical or otherwise just like an outlook calendar
23 / When we open a new consultation the software asks us where the consultation took place.
eg Home visit / Consultation / Residential home etc.
Can we arrange for the most common to appear on the same framed view rather than scrolling up and down looking for an appropriate setting? make it easier
24 / Is it possible to have an activity screen for the receptionist on duty. This will allow us to enter activities for the reception or nursing staff and thus check the progress of these.
Can a daily activity screen be developed?
25 / Can we set up a GP View that has a section that has all the consultants letters linked under one section. It can be tedious trying to scroll down through the Journal trying to find the letter required?
26 / Dear Phil
Can you inform us on your next visit about NHS mail and the possibility of developing this for the practice. This was an article in GP on the possible use of this method of contacting consultants on various issues in a secure way.
Perhaps you could add it to the Activity Planner
Entries for 24/05/07
27 / Dear Phil
Can you create an email sender identifier and a confidentiality section for the bottom of the email. / Wayne Griffiths
General Practitioner
Meddygfa Penygroes Surgery,
2 Heol y Bont /Bridge ast
Penygroes, Llanelli
SA14 7RP
Ffon/Tel: 01269 831193
Mobile: 07775 620 635
Ffacs/Fax: 01269 832116
Gofal Health Group
Gofal Medical Practice / Gofal HealthCare Ltd
This email and any files attached are strictly confidential and intended solely for the person or entity to whom they are addressed. They may contain legally privileged and/or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient you must not copy, distribute or take any action in reliance on them. If you have received this email in error, please notify us as soon as possible and delete it...... etc
Entries for 24/09/07
28 / Dear Phil
Mac Automator. Can you develop something like this. For patients assessments
Is there a way we can have monthly reports on our morbidity, referrals, Appointments etc by automating the process through extracting the data and presenting the data in Excel?
All I want the staff to do is to press a button. Hey presto!!
We need a better handle on our practice and an overview like this provides us with a general view of the trends that may be relevant in the new commissioning enhanced service that is on the horizon.
29 / Automated Reports
Is there a way we can have monthly reports on our morbidity, referrals, Appointments etc by automating the process through extracting the data and presenting the data in Excel?
All I want the staff to do is to press a button. Hey presto!!
We need a better handle on our practice and an overview like this provides us with a general view of the trends that may be relevant in the new commissioning enhanced service that is on the horizon.
30 / Ella Florence Beauty Products
This is the website example that we may need to build into our website with beauty products
31 / 2. Is there an off the shelf on-line prescription ordering system from Vision?
If not are we able to build one for the new website?
32 / I have developed the attached journal entries for the enhanced services and conditions management as examples of the way I would like them to be 'short coded'. I have sent them to the partners for them to edit.
33 / 1.2 I will also examine the Vision short codes when you have them and include them or edit them according to our needs.
1.3 I assume we can edit these entries after they have entered into the journal.
1.4 We can place the short codes on the GP view as you suggested before
34 / Can we create a system whereby after we have entered the short coded journal entry that we can use this as a patient management plan, to be either printed off or emailed to them. Just in case the next QOF will have individual patient plans as a part of the quality markers.
Likewise the Lifestyle Medical Examination section you are currently developing.
35 / Can you set up the sticky label printer to type out pre set snippets for patients
36 / Can you develop a “box set” for Substance Misuse
This would be a section like the Blood tab which allows us to see the range of bloods done and the comparison according to dates.
The list for Substance Misuse would be as follows:
Activity Checklist / x / Date
Notify Regional Drug Misuse Database
Patient Assessment Questionnaires
Patient Medical Examination
Medical Screening C Smear / Breast
Hepatitis Status
HIV Status
Hepatitis Vaccination
Tetanus Vaccination
Urine Drug Testing
Near Patient Testing
Drug Worker Care plan discussion
Pharmacy Care plan discussion
Nominated person to collect
Individual Drug Care Programme
Med 3
Condition Information Pack
Lifestyle Information and plan.
Risk factor Assessment
Individual Lifestyle Plan
These will need to Read Coded of course with the as near code as possible / These fields could be energised from a guideline produced especially developed with these requirements built in.
Please see also the following Short code required to enter into the Journal
You will need to lift out this inserted table to view it entirely.
Substance Misuse Detoxification
New Student Assessment
Substance Misuse assessment according to the Drug Misuse and Dependence: UK Guidance on Clinical Management (2007) protocol and guidelines and the practice Patient and Clinician Assessment Questionnaire.
Detoxification Assessment Summary
Patient consent
Physical Assessment: Systematic Examination / BMI / Vision / Hearing / Mobility / Female exam / Screening / Communication / Behaviour / Injection sites / Investigations
Social Assessment: Residence / Marital status / Employment / Social Functioning / Social Skills / Daily living skills /
Condition Management: Medication review / Smoking / Alcohol / Substance Use / Convincing evidence of withdrawal / Detox programme
Management Plan
Individual plan Detoxification programme agreed
Lifestyle Risk Factors
Substances: Smoking / Alcohol / Drugs / Solvents
BMI / Circ: Underweight / Normal / Overweight / Obese
Exercise: None / Light / Moderate / High
Plan: No clinical or social contraindications to lifestyle modification
1. Weight adjustment programme to planned goal
2. Exercise to planned programme
3. Substance detoxification to planned programme / Drug test
4. Viral Screening
5. Vaccination. Influenza / Hep B /
6. Gender Screening: Cervical Smear / Breast / Testes
7. Advice bibliography
8. Med 3
Summary letter
The above programme will be planned by the practice in collaboration with you.
Substance Misuse Practice Drug Maintenance Programme
Patient Assessment
Substance Misuse assessment according to the Drug Misuse and Dependence: UK Guidance on Clinical Management (2007) protocol and guidelines and the practice Patient and Clinician Assessment Questionnaire.