Drake Neighborhood Association

Board Meeting

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

7:00 to -8:00 pm

St. Catherine of Sienna, Drake University

Board Members in Attendance:

  • Ibraham Ali
  • Lori Calhoun
  • Brian Dooley
  • Deric Gourd
  • Kristina Johnson
  • Michael Christl
  • Sean Haire
  • Eddie Robinson
  • Jen Sayers
  • Mark Schneider
  • Mark McKinney
  • Shannon Cofield

Absent Board Members:

  • David Courard-Hauri
  • Patty Daniels
  • Eldon McAfee
  • Todd Slaymaker
  • Chris Reindl

Introductions: 10 minutes

We had a visitor from a surrounding neighborhood (GoodPark?) and a prior Boardmember, Betsy that attended the discussions.

Approval of Minutes-any corrections- March, April

Jen Sayers moved to approve the minutes as submitted and Sean seconded the motion. All approved.

NBSD: 15-20 minutes

Mark McKinney – Sargent McKinney provided a summary of the police activity for the last month. Overall, there were 866 calls for Service. They tend to see an increase in calls as the temperatures increase. Both domestic calls and shot fired had increased. There was suspicious activity reported on 24th and Forest in the rental properties. However, everyone successfully survived the relays!!

Chris Reindl – not in attendance


Renee—New introductions: Nick Valdez

Nick Valdez has been named the new Drake Community liaison and will be assuming Renee’s role on the board. Nick had previously worked in public safety at Drake and attended graduate school. Nick has been active in the Valley Junction Neighborhood and West Des Moines planning, specifically with the West Des Moines Schools. Nick has been on a Steering Committee that has developed a Master Plan, Streetscaping, Urban Design, etc. Welcome Nick!

Renee also mentioned that Engaged Citizen Corp had more demand than spots, so the Drake Neighborhood Association would not be needed for this initial round of placements.

Shannon Cofield thanked Renee for all her contributions!

Old Business: 15-20 minutes

1. Kingman Island Cruise-Mac: Mac was not in attendance, so no update.

2. Free Flix-Sean & Brian—meeting with Casey’s; Concessions – We are scheduled for July 7th for Free Flix. The movie is Despicable Me 2. Sean and Brian still need to meet with Casey’s regarding Sponsorship. Central Bank may be able to provide popcorn. Deric provided an update on the concessions meeting. Kristina asked if we would consider of selling candy in partnership with Arc of Iowa, a charity for developmentally disabled around the state. The Concessions committee will coordinate with Kristina.

3. Website update—Todd: Todd was not in attendance, so no update.

4. Financials update—Mark: Mark provided an update on the current bank account balances:

  • Checking: $1,409.21
  • Savings: $23,446.15

Mark is working with a sub-set of the board to get the Treasury function transitioned to him and a strategy has been defined to help make the necessary progress.

5. Donation to 42nd St. Streetscape-Jen, 2nd vote: A second vote was required to donate $500 from the DNA to the 42nd Streetscape project. Deric made a motion to approve the donation and Mark seconded the motion. All approved.

6. Farmers’ Market-Michael: Michael shared that the first Drake Neighborhood Farmer’s Market was scheduled for Wednesday’s starting on May 18th from 4-7:00 pm on 26th St and University Ave. He had flyers done, so if you would like to help with distribution, please contact Michael. Please join the fun and get to know more about your neighborhood!!

New Business: 10-15 minutes

  1. Des Moines Neighbors-liaison, $20 membership fee, May 24th meeting @ 6:30 @ Central Campus; upcoming events. The Board agreed that it was important to have representation at this meeting. The group meets on the 4th Tuesday at 6:30 at Central Campus and it would be a 12 month commitment. Jen made a motion to have a liaison and Mark seconded the motion. All approved. Michael volunteered to serve as the Board’s liaison. Lori will serve as his alternate.
  2. Mickle-Rodine Event
  3. Bicycle Pedestrian Volunteers needed-email went out. Volunteers are needed to count people on the trail for the City of Des Moines. It is from May 18-21st from 4:30 to 7:00 pm.

Business Meeting Adjourned______


  • Forestdale Garage Sale is June 4, 2016.
  • George and Betsey—Betsey is looking at potentially purchasing the laundromat on Cottage Grove and 28th. She was looking to use the retail space for her husband, George’s law office and potentially for a personal trainer. They would look to keep 2 apartments for rental. She was looking to see if the Board would be supportive of their plans. The Board was favorable to those initial thoughts.

Meeting adjourned.