Fax: 54268533
Website: https://mindenss.eq.edu.au
Issue Term 3 Week 5 – 11/08/16
Dates To Remember
* P&C Meeting / 3:30pm 15/08/16* Term 3 / 11/07/16 – 16/09/16
* Senior Assembly / 12/08/16
* MindenMarkets / 14/08/16
* Junior Assembly / 19/08/16
* Science Fair / 26/08/16
From The Principal
We have a new family joining our school community this week. We trust your time with us at Minden is both enjoyable and rewarding.
Broadband Upgrade Project
Minden is one step closer to having speedier internet with the first stage of the upgrade having been completed. There are an additional three phases of work to be carried out which will hopefully be completed by mid -September.
New Server
The school has been notified that our current server is nearing the end of its usable life and needs replacing. Our Systems Technician has been busy sourcing a new model which will cost approximately$10 000 once installed.
NAPLAN results have arrived early
Individual student reports were issued recently to children in years 3 and 5. Both cohorts have performed well again this year with the year 3s making some impressive gains. In 3 out of the 5 test areas, Minden year 3s have performed equally as well, or better, than the national average. In the remaining two areas, the year 3s performed equal to the Queensland average.
Book Week
From Monday 22 August through to Thursday 25 August, Minden students will enjoy four days of activities related to reading and literature. On Thursday 25 August, classes will rotate through a range of activities provided by each teacher and children are invited to dress-up as their favourite book character.
Literacy and Numeracy Week
This week will focus on students enjoying a range of numeracy activities including challenges. There will be more details provided in the next newsletter.
Science Fair
This event is quickly approaching on Friday 26 August. This year we have secured many new shows and exhibits with some of our neighbouring schools also joining us for this fun-filled day. Costs for the day: $6 for the show and $1 to enter the Paper Plane competition. Please ensure payments have been made to the office by Friday 19 August.
Prep Open Day
Families wanting to know about Prep at Minden can come along to our Open Day on Wednesday 14th September. 2017 Prep children will get to experience a range of typical activities in the classroom while parents will be provided with a brief overview of what our school offers and how to prepare their child for Prep. Our four “Step Into Prep” transition afternoons will be held in term 4.
We have had many children (and adults) absent with the recent bout of colds and flus which has had a significant impact on attendance rates the last few weeks. Our average daily attendance rate is currently 88.8% - well below Education Queensland’s target of 95%. Year 3 have fared quite well and have an average daily attendance of 92.9%.
Parents And Citizens Association News
Parents and Citizens Association Meeting: 3:30pm 15 August 2016.
Hope to see you at our next Minden Markets on Sunday 11 September.
Upcoming Events
> Father's Day Stall – 1 and 2 September
Father’sDay is fast approaching. If you are able to help with donations or have some ideas in regards to items you would like to see sold on the day, please contact the P&C or come along to our next meeting and share your ideas.
> Ice Block Day – Chaplaincy – 9 September
Money raised goes towards funding the chaplaincy service.
> School Disco – 28 October
Start getting your dancing shoes ready, the school disco will be fun for all the family.
> Christmas Carnival – 25 November
We are starting to plan this year’s Christmas Carnival and looking for businesses that are able to come along on the day and provide fun entertainment for the kids and adults. If you would like to take part, please contact the P&C through the school.
> TuckshopSellout Sale – 30 November to 2 December
These days we will sell out any stock left over in the tuckshop.
> Ice Block Day – Chaplaincy – 6 December
Money raised goes towards funding the chaplaincy service.
Like our facebook page to receive our updates and the fortnightly newsletter.
Uniform Shop:
Open days and times:
Monday - 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Wednesdays - 9:00am - 12:00 noon
Fridays - 9:00am - 12:00 noon
Please contact: Mel Forgan0407349132
Outside School Hours Care
Operating Hours
Monday - Friday before school opening at 6:15am and after school closing at 6:00pm.
For bookings or details please see the OSHC educators, call our main office (07) 4638 7965 or email
School Chaplain
I hope that the term is moving along nicely for your family and the routines are coming more easily. Our garden has bloomed beautifully over the break and will be ready to harvest shortly.
Ice Block Day – 9th September
Ice block day is coming up at the end of this term, there will be a order form sent home during week 5. It will need to be returned by week 8, Friday 2nd September.
If there is anything that I can help with, please call me in the school office or send me an email. I am at Minden, Thursday and Friday.
Rebecca Hewett
School Chaplain
Minden State School
5425 7222
General School News
Assembly Gotcha Awards
29/07/16 Micah, Indeanna, Shaylee.
Classroom News
Prep News
*We now have enough boxes and containers. Thanks for your support.
*Presentation – Term 3’s presentation will be in week 9 (Tuesday 8 September 2pm).
*Lunchboxes – please make sure your child has enough food for a snack in the second break. Healthy foods with limited sugar content assist your child to learn.
*Homework – It’s great to see lots of parents assisting students to complete homework tasks each week. This support within the home environment is obvious within the classroom learning environment. Remember homework and library books need to be returned on Fridays – please remind your child to bring these items into the classroom.
*School absences – remember to inform school or Dojo if your child is away.
*Positive behaviour – if your child comes home with a stamp or sticker this means they have had a great day and worked hard. Students without stamps/stickers need to work harder in class.
*Book week – we are having a dress up day on Thursday 25th August. Your child is encouraged to dress up as their favourite book character.
*Please ask if you are unsure about anything…
Thank you
Mrs Williams, Mrs Ploetz and The Prep Students
Curriculum Awards
Special Awards:
Alayne- Alayneis using her strategies to stretch words out when writing a sentence. Keep working hard Alayne.
Stacey - Stacey is using her writing strategies with confidence. Keep working hard Stacey.
Lincon- Linconwrote a great rhyming poem. Keep up the great work Lincon.
Aiden- Aidenis putting more effort into his work, showing he is ready to learn.
Sofie - Sofieis trying hard in class, using her beginning writing strategies. Keep up the good work Sofie.
Alyssa - Alyssa is using her strategies and writing great sentences. Keep up the great work Alyssa.
Alexander - Alexander is writing great sentences. Keep up the good work Alexander.
Great Sentence Writing:
Amelia, Stacey, Max, Joshua, Layla, Eden, Lincon.
Jack - For Spelling.
Aiden- Great THRASSwork and sentence writing.
Year 1
Special Awards:
Chace- Welcome to Minden State School.
Tannayah - For learning to make new friends and great dancing in Maths!
Ben - For always giving 100% effort in writing.
Dakoda - For displaying supportive and caring behaviour to others in the classroom.
For successfully completing Reading Links:
Arden, Zye, Lincoln, Shamiah, Olivia, Levi, Amber, Zahlee, Piper, Ronin, Seth, Trent, Benjamin, Penelope, Aliti-Rose, Sharleigh, Sienna, Finn, Seth, Sophia, Cailin.
Eden, Cailin, Hamish, Keely, Alix, Abbey, Liam.
Happy Birthday from everyone at Minden State School!
Community Notices
Minden Markets
Minden Markets
6:00am - 12:00pm Sunday 11 September 2016
Minden State School
1032 Lowood-Minden Rd, Minden. Qld 4311
Knick-knacks &Bric-a-brac, Specialty Stores, Handmade Goods, Baked Goods, Fresh Produce, Food and Drink, Entertainment, Activities for the Kids and ....much much more.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MindenMarkets
Lowood State High School
Mt Tarampa Little Athletics
Mt Tarampa Little Athletics Centre invites students, friends and families, to be part of our Centre in the 2016-17 Season.
Little Athletics is a fun, social sport that develops skills and builds self-confidence. Our centre was established in 1979, and ever since we have been committed to supporting happy, healthy and active kids!
Our Orientation Day is coming up on Friday, August 26, located at our field, behind Mt Tarampa State School.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
Kind Regards,
Michael O’Connor
Publicity and Website Officer
0427 895 314
Mt Tarampa Little Athletics Centre
Family, Fun and Fitness