Adverbs and adverbials modify the verb – they tell us more about how, when or why something was done or happened.
Underline the adverb or adverbial in each sentence below. In a different colour, underline the verb it modifies.
1. Max quickly learned to hide what he knew.3. Before the sun rose, rabbits were nibbling grass in the field.
5. In a sudden fit of anger, the boy hurled the stone at the fox.
7. Ma slowly started to walk back toward the house.
9. Later in the afternoon, the rain poured down.
11. In the shade of the tree, Max slept peacefully. / 2. Pa hastily hid the paper he was holding.
4. The fox scampered along the hedge.
6. Max hated his parents talking about him.
8. Badgers always hate to be seen.
10. After hearing the gun shot, Max ran.
12. The fox was slinking toward the chicken coop.
Now add an adverb or adverbial to each of these sentences. At least one should start the sentence.
1. The birds sing. 2. The old man walked. 3. The grey cat pounced.
Week 1 Monday Grammar 1
Extract from TheHodgeheg by Dick King-Smith
“What are you talking about Ma?” he said.
“Nothing,” said Ma hastily.
“You wouldn’t be talking about nothing,” said Max, “or there wouldn’t be any point in talking.”
“Don’t be cheeky,” said Pa, “and mind your own business.”
“Well, I suppose it is their business really isn’t it?” said Ma. “Or soon will be. They’re bound to go exploring outside our garden before long, and we must warn them.”
“You’re right,” said Pa. “Now then kids, just you listen to me.”
Max listened carefully. Then he said, “Do humans cross the road?”
Week 1 Tuesday Spoken language 1
Marked Up Extract from TheHodgeheg by Dick King-Smith
“What are you talking about Ma?” he said.
//“Nothing,” said Ma hastily.
// “You wouldn’t be talking about nothing,” said Max, “or there wouldn’t be any point in talking.”
// “Don’t be cheeky,” said Pa, “and mind your own business.”
// “Well, I suppose it is their business really isn’t it?” said Ma. “Or soon will be. They’re bound to go exploring outside our garden before long, and we must warn them.”
//“You’re right,” said Pa. “Now then kids, just you listen to me.”
//Max listened carefully. Then he said, “Do humans cross the road?”
Words which are actually spokenSpeech marks around spoken word & punctuation which goes with the speech
//New speaker, new line.Punctuation directly related to speech
Week 1 Tuesday Spoken language 1
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Wereferyou to our warning, at the foot of the plan, about links to otherwebsites. Y3/4 Sum F 1AAdventure stories
Map of Extract from TheHodgeheg
Week 1 Tuesday Spoken language 1
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
Wereferyou to our warning, at the foot of the plan, about links to otherwebsites. Y3/4 Sum F 1AAdventure stories
The Hodgeheg Story Planner
Sections / What happens (note form only) / Word ideasProblem
Week 1 Thursday Grammar 3
Example: The Hodgeheg Story Planner
Sections / What happens (summary) / Word ideas / Changing the storyProblem
/ Max and his family want to know how to cross roads safely / Eve the Lidybard wants to know how to cross the road safely
Zebra crossing / Went out
Zebra crossing
Cyclist / Creeping quietly, Max slipped out.
Pedestrian crossing (lights) / Turned the other way
Watched pedestrian crossing for a long time
Crossed at the lights
Park / Lost in park
Hit by telephone box door
Milk float
Lollipop Lady / School
Watches children
Success! / The lollipop lady helps the family to cross the road
Week 1 Thursday Grammar 3
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
Wereferyou to our warning, at the foot of the plan, about links to otherwebsites. Y3/4 Sum F 1AAdventure stories
Adding adverbs and fronted adverbials
Add fronted adverbials as you copy out these sentences.
These can be one word, e.g. Swiftly… or a phrase, e.g. After the storm…
______, Max slipped out of the garden.
______, he went to the darkest spot he could find.
______, he shuffled nearer.
______, the lorry steered over the little animal.
______, the cyclist twisted his handlebars to try to avoid the little hedgehog.
______, he reached the new crossing place.
______, he looked across and saw that the green man was gone and red man had reappeared.
______, Max trotted busily around the park.
______, the following morning seven spiny shapes emerged from under the front gates.
______, the great female raised her magic wand and the traffic halted.
Week 1 Thursday Grammar 3
Animal Websites
National Geographic Kids: Animals & Pets
Animal Database
UK Safari (especially good for insects)
Jungle Kingdom
London Zoo
The links to the websites and the contents of the web pages associated with such links specified on this list (hereafter collectively referred to as the ‘Links’) have been checked by Hamilton Trust (being the operating name of the registered charity, William Rowan Hamilton Trust) and to the best of Hamilton Trust’s knowledge, are correct and accurate at the time of publication. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other terms and conditions on the Hamilton Trust website, you acknowledge that Hamilton Trust has no control over such Links and indeed, the owners of such Links may haveremoved such Links, changed such Links and/or contents associated with such Links. Therefore, it is your sole responsibility to verify any of the Links which you wish you use. Hamilton Trust excludes all responsibility and liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any Links.
Week 1 Friday Word Reading 2
Compound or Complex Sentences – which is which?
Max went to the park but he doesn’t like the slide.
When Max went to the park, he had a turn on the swings.
Max was in the park that day because he really wanted a turn on the swings.
Max loves playing in the park and he particularly likes swinging on the swings.
While Max was on the swing, the children came into the park.
Max wanted to play in the park or he wanted to meet his friends.
Max liked the swings although he did not like to go very high.
Max went to the park so that he could play on the swing.
Week 2 Tuesday Grammar 5
Simple sentences to join up – use ‘when’ or ‘although’ or ‘because’
Week 2 Tuesday Grammar 5
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
Wereferyou to our warning, at the foot of the plan, about links to otherwebsites. Y3/4 Sum F 1AAdventure stories