Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, 7th February 2017

at 2.00pm Meeting Room 1,Milton Keynes Business Centre

1 / Present:
Hilda Kirkwood (HK) – Chair
Alan Hancock (AH) - Interim Deputy Chair
Nadia Shaw (NS)
Mike Newton (MN)
Jean Mattinsley(JMY)(Co-opted)
Gail Hawks (GH) (Co-opted)
Carolyn Peirson (CP)
Support Team:-
Diane Gordon (DG)-Support Team Manager
Jane Bidgood (JB) – Healthwatch Officer (Minute taker)
Lesley Bell (Co-opted)
Denise Latner- McLaughlin
Jeff Maslen
Marion Wale
Peter Lewis
Sue Graham and Paul Griffiths will no longer be attending meetings as representatives of the host.
Amber Saunders has stepped down as Chair of Young People’s Healthwatch. A new Chair will be elected at the next meeting.
2 / Declarations of Interest
3 / Approval of the Minutes of the last meeting Healthwatch Management Board – 21st December 2016
The minutes were agreed and signed.
4 / Matters arising from Minutes not elsewhere on the Agenda –
150Event Healthwatch 2016.
Enquiries have been made to find out what dates are available. Kiosks will be built in Middleton Hall part way through September and it will not be known until the end of March how much of the floor space will be used. Prior to this the Hall would be available on Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th September, these dates falling after the Retro Fair which also uses the market stands. It was agreed to provisionally book 12th September.
157 e) Engagement
A meeting has been held with Matt Webb raising the difficulties of Arden&GEM holding engagement events at very short notice. Matt has asked for a letter outlining the situation. It was felt that there should be a meeting with Arden&GEM to try to resolve the difficulties. DG was asked to fix the meeting and a meeting prior to this for Healthwatch to clarify its own position.
The CCG website has been re-structured. / DG
5 / New Committee Structure
a) Title of Committee
After discussion it was agreed that this group would be called the Health and Social Care Committee.
GH asked if the Committee has any executive powers, for example to make independent decisions. It was agreed that a document needs to be produced laying out the responsibilities of the Committee.
b)Frequency and times of meetings
It was agreed to meet monthly and review after six months. It was agreed to alternate meetings between mornings (9.30am), afternoons (2pm) and evenings (7pm) and have meetings on the second Tuesday of each month.
c)Venue for meetings
From next month the public will be invited to future meetings and the bigger meeting room will be used. If there are organisational matters to discuss there can be a Part 2.
The date of 19th July was discussed for the Annual Meeting. A venue will be sought. / DG
6 / Chair’s Update
a) CCG Board meeting
There was nothing particular to note from the meeting.
b)Hospital Council of Governors
The meeting heard a moving story about a patient with dementia. The Baroness has died and the Deputy Chair is acting up into the role. Messages of condolence can be sent to Kim Weston.
c)Health and Wellbeing Board
This has not met since December. There has been a morning workshop on integration; Jill Wilkinson has a new role working across the CCG and MK Council to drive this forward.
The new structure of the Health and Wellbeing Board will be finalised at the meeting tomorrow evening.
It was agreed that the next Health and Social Care Committee meeting would consider the committees of key stakeholders to ensure that suitable representatives attend. A list of all known committees would be brought to the meeting to aid discussion. / DG
7 / Team Manager’s Update
-The staff are now in the new office. They have been sorting things out and getting to know new systems.
-There is an A&E project underway. It will survey people in A&E and UCS to find out why they are there and didn’t go elsewhere. 14 volunteers are conducting the surveys over three weeks. Analysis will be done by Buckingham University. DG will attend the next A&E Delivery Board to report on progress.
-DG attended the Home First Project Group. John Culley’s work is moving forward well. Money has been made available to make Rapid Response available 24 hours a day.
-GP Access visits continue. Cindy has completed 11 surveys and future visits will be booked.
-The next PPG networking meeting is on 22nd March. Andrea Clark is being offered part of the meeting for the clinical priorities and best value consultation. The meeting will be held at the CCG offices.
-A first draft of the HWMK Feedback Report had been circulated. AH asked for MK Council to be added to the circulation list; NS asked for Practice Managers to also be included. AH also asked if the report could make clear the percentage of feedback obtained from outreach as against people contacting Healthwatch directly.
MW and PL left the meeting.
8 / Updates from Sub Groups
a)Communications and Marketing
A report had been circulated. The website has been updated with new CIO documents. Further documents will be put up and there will be a section for the HSCC.
A report had been circulated. Tony from YourCloudWorks has been to the office to run through the snagging list. He will send user names and passwords to Hilda for Healthwatch email accounts for Trustees and members of the HSCC.
Hilda has met with Tony from YourCloudWorks. She requested that the ICT group should look again at the systems and recommend to the Trustees which one to use.
c)Children and Young People
JB reported that the inspection visit to Brook will be taking place on 15thFebruary.
Following Amber’s resignation it is hoped that a new chair will be elected at the next meeting who could attend the HSCC on the same basis that Amber attended Management Board.
Hilda requested that the CAMHS project poster be circulated to the HSCC.
d)Operational Review
AH had circulated a paper and relational diagram. Working groups will remain as they are currently but may change moving forward to be aligned to strategic priorities. The strategy needs reviewing and priorities may need to be changed. This needs to be an open process.
MW and PL returned to the meeting
e)Mental Health
The CCG is taking the primary care model forward. Mental health services will start to be located in GP practices.
Monthly meetings will be set up with the new director of mental health for CNWL, Tyrone Blackford-Swaries.
Healthwatch MK has been invited to go into HMP Woodhill to find out about the provision of mental health services there.
f)Enter and View
A check is being undertaken to ensure that volunteers have completed all relevant training. They will be completing dementia training. / JB
9 / Other Updates
a) PM GP Access Fund – MK Health Extra
NS reported that the bids are in and being assessed for the contract starting on 1st April. Newport Pagnell is now on board as a hub, also MK Village. NS hoped that when the new service starts it will be better advertised to patients. She reported that Milton Keynes has been successful in delivering the Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund whereas other areas have failed. The Children’s Primary Care Team has been a particular success.
10 / STP – Update
An event was held at MK Conference Centre. 45 people attended. There is a meeting in Bedfordshire on 23rdFebruary which people from MK can attend. On 27th February the four local Healthwatch concerned will meet.
AH reported that the HWMK commissioner felt HWMK should not structure its work around the STP but concentrate on present problems. NS voiced concern about the lack of primary care and social care and increasing demands placed on them by secondary care.
11 / Authorised Representatives update on advertised vacancies
a) MK Maternity Liaison Committee
No progress has been made. DG to liaise with Lianne, Chair of Maternity:MK.
b)MKCCG – Translation/Language Service Pathway
No-one came forward. It will be advertised to a targeted audience.
c)MKCCG – Patient Safety Forum
Bea Nixon has agreed to be put forward for the role. The HSCC agreed to the nomination. Bea will now be trained before going to a meeting.
MN suggested that all future reps. be approved by the HSCC and reported to the Trustees. / DG
12 / Any Other Business
NS reported that a new leaflet on eating for people with COPD has been produced. Members will be informed of this via the e-alert.
Asthma reviews will be carried out by community pharmacists in future. This change has been approved by the Department of Health.
There is a Bus Shelter for Homeless People project. They want prizes for a raffle. These can be dropped off at Parkside GP Practice. This will be put on the e-alert.
CP reported that the Older Person’s Forum had a recent question time on the draft Council budget. There are lots of concerns amongst older people about transport.
CP also reported there is a new portal old people can access on discharge from hospital.
DG reported that there is disquiet about the way in which the Adult Social Care Consultation has been initiated. DG/AH will meet to discuss.
13 / Next meeting:
Spinal Injuries Association - Tuesday 14th March 2017 -9.30am
Future meetings:
Spinal Injuries Association – Tuesday 11th April 2017 – 9.30am
Milton Keynes Business Centre – Tuesday 9th May 2017 – 7pm
Milton Keynes Business Centre – Tuesday 13th June 2017 – 9.30am
Milton Keynes Business Centre – Tuesday 11th July 2017 – 2pm

Signed...... Chairperson


1 | Minutes - Healthwatch Milton Keynes Management Board