Silver Trail Middle School

School Advisory Council

Meeting Minutes

January 17, 2018

SAC Meeting was called to order at 4:13 SAC Chair, Ms. Nunez.

Approval of SAC Minutes

  • Brief Review of Minutes – December 13, 2017
  • Motion to approve the minutes made by Mrs.Morris; Mrs. Varon seconded the motion, with none opposed.

AdvancED Self-Assessment

  • Ms. Nunez discussed the 2017-18 Self-Assessment that is tied into our School Improvement Plan.
  • This self-assessment is a diagnostic based on the AdvancED accreditation process.
  • Its purpose is to engage our staff/stakeholders in a dialogue yet reflection process. The school assess’s and analyzes our continuous improvement.
  • Standard 1: Purpose and Direction - School communicates expectations of learning values and beliefs, about teaching and learning. For this standard, STMS scored 3.33 out of 5.
  • Standard 2: Governance and Leadership - School’s leadership promotes and supports student performance and school effectiveness. For standard 2, STMS scored 3.33 out of 5, as well.

Val-Ed Survey

  • Dr. Thomas discussed the Val-Ed Survey that is open for our school staff. This will be running in the entire month of January.

Principal’s Report

  • Facility: Environmental Health and Air Quality department came out and did an extensive evaluation and assessment of our school’s water damage.
  • Ceiling tiles were replaced, as well as any tiles that are compromised in any way.
  • District will be coming, during the weekend, to replace the walls damaged by the water intrusion.District wants to make sure that STMS is running under safe and healthy measures.
  • Roof construction will officially begin Spring 2018.
  • Code Red Drill will be conducted on January 18 at 9:30 a.m. in cooperation with the Pembroke Police Department, as well as the district’s police department.
  • Volleyball season has commenced; both boys and girls team are excelling.
  • BSA Eighth grade testing – January 16 and 17.
  • Robotics competition “Vex” was held this past weekend at Walter C. Young. STMS placed somewhere in the middle, although this was new for us. We were paired with another school.
  • Course Selection sheets will be released sooner this year. Parents should be seeing the student interest, when it comes to elective courses.
  • Governor Rick Scott congratulated STMS for being ranked 48th out of 568 schools in English (77%), and in mathematics 81% out of 320. There are 3,288 schools in Florida.
  • Next week, the second semester discipline assembly will be held. In addition, students will receive a parent letter, notifying the expectations for student behavior and consequences (i.e., not being able to attend end-of-year field trips).

Motion to end the SAC meeting made by Ms. Nunez; Mrs. Karianseconded and all agreed.

Meeting adjourned at 4:57 p.m.

Next meeting Wednesday, February 7, 2018 at 4:15 p.m. in the Media Center