As of 02 February 2010



STATEMENT OF ISSUE: Status report only.

CURRENT STATUS: Fiscal Year 2010 funds are being used to continue plan formulation for the Cibolo Creek Interim Feasibility Study (IFS) and evaluate alternatives for the Leon Creek IFS. In addition, existing conditions and initial identification of potential ecosystem restoration locations will be initiated under the Salado Creek IFS. Fiscal Year 2011 funds would be used to complete the draft reports for the Cibolo Creek ($200K), Leon Creek IFS ($200K), continue formulation for Salado Creek IFS ($200K) and initiate the Hays County IFS ($200K).


Estimated Federal Cost $ 8,382,000

Estimated Non-Federal Cost: $ 7,846,000

Total Estimated Project Cost $16,228,000

Allocation thru FY 09 $ 4,388,000

FY 10 Budget $ 423,000

FY 10 Appropriation $ 359,000

ARRA of 2009 $ 0

Budget Request for FY 11 $ 600,000

Amount that Could be Used FY 11 $ 800,000

Balance to Complete After FY 11 $ 3,035,000

Benefit to Cost Ratio (7%) NA

Remaining Benefits Remaining Costs Ratio (7%) NA

BACKGROUND: The study area of the Guadalupe and San Antonio River basins intersects the Edwards Plateau ecological region in south central Texas and extends approximately 110 miles southeasterly from the headwaters in Kerr and Bandera Counties, to the Gulf of Mexico in Refugio and Calhoun Counties. The Guadalupe basin has a drainage area of 6,700 square miles, and the San Antonio River basin 4,180 square miles. The study area includes both the Fort Worth and Galveston Districts. This study is authorized by House Resolution 2547 dated 11 Mar 1998. Non-Federal sponsors are San Antonio River Authority (SARA), San Antonio Water System, and Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority. SARA considers partnership with the Corps as an excellent way to engage their constituents in a holistic assessment of the watershed and garner support for implementation of projects that are located in multiple communities. There are currently three IFS (Cibolo Creek, Leon Creek, and Salado Creek) under the Guadalupe-San Antonio River Feasibility Study. The Cibolo Creek, Leon Creek and Salado Creek IFS are multipurpose studies addressing flood risk management, ecosystem restoration, water quality and water supply.

CONGRESSIONAL INTEREST: Representatives Conaway (TX-11), Paul (TX-14), Hinojosa (TX-15), Gonzalez (TX-20), Smith (TX-21), Rodriguez (TX-23), Doggett (TX-25), Cuellar (TX-28)




·  The purposes of the Guadalupe and San Antonio River study are to identify risks and opportunities for flood risk management, especially as it relates to human safety, along with opportunities for ecosystem restoration, water supply, recreation and other allied purposes. Both structural and non-structural alternatives for flood risk management have been identified and are currently being evaluated.

·  Alternatives to enhance water supply, including recharge to the Edwards Aquifer and Comal and San Marcos Springs, are being evaluated also. These alternatives, if adopted, could provide dual benefits of ecosystem restoration and water supply.

Questions and Answers

Q-1. How many active studies are there in the Guadalupe and San Antonio watersheds? What are their scopes of work?

A-1. Sir, there are currently three active IFS, Cibolo Creek, Leon Creek, and Salado Creek. The Alamo Heights IFS is on hold. A new IFS for Hays County is proposed for Fiscal Year 2011 under the Guadalupe and San Antonio River study. All five studies are multipurpose addressing flood risk management, ecosystem restoration, water quality and water supply.

Q-2. How have these studies progressed?

A-2. Sir, we have established existing conditions and developed viable alternatives to address study objectives for the Cibolo Creek IFS. Additional groundwater-surface water interaction modeling to identify the potential for ecosystem restoration opportunities has been completed. Plan formulation analyses to determine the National Economic Development and National Ecosystem Restoration plans are underway. The existing conditions phase for the Leon Creek IFS is complete with the Feasibility Scoping Meeting (FSM) scheduled for 30 March 2010. Evaluation of alternatives to address major flooding and ecosystem degradation in the watershed is ongoing. The Salado Creek IFS has been reinitiated in FY10.

Q-3. The Fiscal Year 2011 budget request includes $600,000 to continue cost-shared feasibility studies. If additional funds were provided, how much could be used?

A-3. Sir, an additional $200,000 could be used to accelerate the Hays County IFS.

HQ Action Officer: Sue Hughes, CEMP-SWD, 202-761-4268