NHS Application 2013-14
Torch Chapter of the National Honor Society
National Honor Society
St. Marys High School
1002 Second St.
St. Marys, WV 26170
Election to membership in the National Honor Society represents the highest honor and trust that can be bestowed upon a student in the sophomore or junior year of high school. The National Honor Society recognizes students for outstanding SCHOLARSHIP, LEADERSHIP, CHARACTER, and SERVICE. Membership in the society is indicative that the student has attained and is demonstrating and promoting all of these qualities, and is exerting an effort to improve conditions in the school and community. Meeting the grade point average requirement is not the sole criteria for acceptance into the National Honor Society. Schools that select members solely on the basis of scholarship are placing their charters in jeopardy for it violates the Constitution of the NHS. Evidence that you meet the qualifications of LEADERSHIP, CHARACTER, and SERVICE requirements are necessary to be eligible for membership.
Selection for membership is by a faculty review of applicants and is based on outstanding scholarship, character, leadership, and service. Once selected, members have the responsibility to continue to demonstrate these qualities. Members who resign or are dismissed are no longer eligible for membership or its benefits and they may not reapply for membership.
Selection of Members
1) To be eligible for membership the candidate must be a member of the junior or senior class. Candidates must have been in attendance at the school for the equivalent of one semester.
2) The selection of members to the chapter shall be by a majority vote of the faculty council.
3) All faculty and staff will review applicants’ names. Students who do not promote service, leadership, and character in the classroom will not be considered for membership.
Scholarship Requirements
2013-2014 school year: Applicants must have a minimum cumulative non-rounded weighted grade point average (GPA) of 3.5.
Service Requirements:
A minimum of 20 verified community service hours are required of junior applicants and a minimum of 25 verified community service hours are required for senior applicants.
Leadership and Character Requirements:
Students will be asked to detail their leadership experiences while attending St. Marys High School. All applicants will be required to submit one essay, choosing to discuss either leadership or honor.Any disciplinary action during enrollment at St. Marys High School may impact your application for membership.
NHS Application 2013-14
Application deadline
Applications must be turned in no later than 3:30 pm on Friday November1th to Mrs. Nichols. (Room 216)
Applications will not be accepted unless the following are turned in completed at the same time:
1)ALL forms completely filled out
2)ALL appropriate signatures
3)Typed essay
NHS Application 2013-14
2011-2012 National Honor Society Application
Last Name:______First Name:______
Preferred Name on Certificate:______
Grade at SMHS (circle one): 11th 12th
Have you ever been subjected to disciplinary action at SMHS? (circle one)
NHS Application 2013-14
Student Activity Information Form
Please type or use black/blue pen to complete all sections. All the information you provide can and will be used by the NHS faculty council to assist with the selection process.
LEADERSHIP POSITIONS: List all elected or appointed leadership positions held in school, community, or work activities. Only those positions in which you were directly responsible for directing or motivating others should be included.For example, elected student body, class, or club officer, committee chairperson, team captain, newspaper editor, work area manager, or community leader.
Year Activity Accomplishments
NHS Application 2013-14
COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: List community activities in which you have participated and noted any major accomplishment in each. These should be any activities outside of school in which you participated for the betterment of your community. For example, church groups, clubs, any sponsored activity outside of school. Boy or Girl Scouts, volunteer groups, or community art endeavors.
Year Community Activities Number of Hours Worked Major Accomplishment
RECOGNITION AND AWARDS: List below any honors or recognitions you have received.
Year Recognition or Award Group or Activity
WORK EXPERIENCE: Use this space to list work experience, including summer jobs.
Date (from-to) Job/Experience (title & description of duties):
NHS Application 2013-14
CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING. On a separate piece of paper, type a well-developed essay for one of the writing prompts shown below.
Essay 1: Leadership
Every country has heroes and heroines. They may be political, religious, military, or other leaders, but they all serve as moral leaders by whose examples we can follow in our quest to live lives of excellence. Think about someone you know who shows moral leadership, and explain why this person should be regarded as a moral leader.
Essay 2: Honor:
Have you witnessed a person who is close to you doing something that you considered seriously wrong? Describe the circumstances, your thoughts, and how you chose to respond. If you discussed it with the person, was his/her justification valid? In retrospect, what, if anything, would you have done differently and why?