ISO New England Inc.Original Sheet No. 1

FERC Electric Tariff No. 3

Section II - Open Access Transmission Tariff

Schedule 21-CMP

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Service Agreement For Retail Local Network Transmission Service

1.0This Service Agreement, dated as of ______, is entered into, by and between Central Maine Power Company (“Central Maine”), and ______(“Transmission Customer”).

2.0The Transmission Customer has been determined by the Central Maine to have a Completed Application for Local Network Transmission Service under Schedule 21.

3.0By checking here_____, the Transmission Customer agrees to designate Central Maine as its sole agent, pursuant to Schedule 12, for arranging and obtaining Regional Network Service under the Tariff. The Transmission Provider agrees to bill the Transmission Customer directly for such services, and the Transmission Customer agrees to pay in full such bill for PTF service.

3.1The Transmission Customer agrees to pay Central Maine any and all charges associated with the distribution component of the network service even if there is a dispute over charges associated with the transmission component of the network service. Central Maine reserves the right to terminate service for non-payment of charges for distribution service. Disputes concerning charges for distribution service will be subject to the rules of the Maine Public Utilities Commission. Disputes concerning transmission service will be subject to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) rules. Any partial payment by the Transmission Customer to Central Maine will applied first to any outstanding charges associated with transmission services provided by Central Maine to the Transmission Customer under the Tariff. Thereafter, any partial payment by the Transmission Customer to Central Maine will be applied to the outstanding charges associated with distribution services provided under Central Maine’s Local Service Schedule.

4.0Service under this agreement shall commence on the later of (1) ______, or (2) the date on which construction of all interconnection equipment, any Direct Assignment Facilities and/or facility additions or upgrades are completed, or (3) the date on which a Local Network Operating Agreement is executed and all requirements of said Agreement have been completed or (4) such other date as it is permitted to become effective by the Commission. Service under this agreement shall terminate on ______.

5.0Central Maine agrees to arrange and to provide and the Transmission Customer agrees to take and pay for Local Network Service in accordance with the provisions of Part III of this Schedule 21-CMP and this Service Agreement.

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6.0Any notice or request made to or by either Party regarding this Service Agreement shall be made to the representative of the other Party as indicated below.

Central Maine:




Transmission Customer:




7.0This Local Service Schedule is incorporated herein and made a part hereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Service Agreement to be executed by their respective authorized officials.

Central Maine:

By:______Name Title Date

Transmission Customer:

By:______Name Title Date

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Specifications For Local Network

Transmission Service

1.0Term of Transaction: ______

Start Date: ______

Termination Date: ______

2.0General description of capacity and energy to be transmitted by Central Maine including the electric Control Area in which the transaction originates. ______

3.0Detailed description and forecast of Local Network Load at each delivery point:



4.0Detailed description of each Network Resource, including

any operating restrictions:______



5.0Detailed description of the Transmission Customer’s anticipated use of Central Maine’s interfaces: ______

6.0Description of any transmission system owned or controlled

by the Transmission Customer:______




Issued by: Hariph M. Smith Effective:

Director of Electric Transmission Services

Issued on:

ISO New England Inc.Original Sheet No. 1

FERC Electric Tariff No. 3

Section II - Open Access Transmission Tariff

Schedule 21-CMP

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7.0Names(s) of any intervening Transmission Owners:



8.0The Local Network Service Customer agrees to take the following ancillary services from Central Maine.

1. Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch_____Yes\No

The Local Network Customer agrees to take the following ancillary services from the ISO, a third party or agrees to self provide them.


1. Reactive Supply and Voltage Control ____* ______

2. Regulation and Frequency Response ____* ______

3. Energy Imbalance____* ______

4. Spinning Reserve____* ______

5. Supplemental Reserve____* ______

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9.0Description of required Direct Assignment Facilities:



10.0In addition to the charge for Transmission Service and charges for Ancillary Services as set forth in this Schedule 21, the customer will be subject to the following charges:

10.1 System Impact and/or Facilities Study Charge(s):



10.2 Direct Assignment Facilities Charges:______



10.3Redispatch Charges:



10.4Facility Additions or Upgrade Charges: ______

Issued by: Hariph M. Smith Effective:

Director of Electric Transmission Services

Issued on: