McHugh School Council


Minutes of McHugh School Council Meeting held

November 21, 2011 at 7 p.m. in the staff room, 31 Craig St., Brampton

In attendance:

Parent representatives: Michelle Bagshaw, Chris Bird, George Calder, Gail Carruthers, Ashley Craig, David Hickman, Jennifer Hogan, Brad Long, Angel Massey-Singh, Cathy Sterritt, Leila White

School representatives: Ann Goldenberg—principal, Karen Krieck—teacher, Mason Vandermeersch— vice-principal

(Absent: Amanda Calder, Dawna Elliot, Jennifer Sansalone)

1. Welcome and introductions:

Ann G. noted that it was nice to see so many people in attendance.

2. Approval of Agenda:

Moved by Chris B.; seconded by Cathy S.

3. Approval of Minutes dated Oct. 24, 2011:

Moved by Cathy S.; seconded by Brad L.

4. Agenda Items:

(a)Principal’s report

(i) EQAO scores are up over the last three years, she reported, however reading came in last. OFIP tutoring will begin in the new year.

(ii) Boys reading club could be launched next week. Several male teachers are on board, students will meet once a week. Jen H. mentioned Mrs. James noticed an interest in starting a girls book club. Brad L. asked about library usage stats. Ann G. reported there are stats on the number of books circulated, and teachers are incorporating library use as part of the literacy program. Parents, however, need some education on library book care. Council agreed there is no uniform information about books and that for many parents, the first encounter with the library is a negative one (late notices, for instance). Brad L. tabled further discussion on book clubs and library stats for the next meeting (January).

b)School Success Plan follow up

Ann G. discussed the school success plan and the two committees: Teaching and Learning (academic) and Climate for Learning (behavioural). Teaching and learning has three different areas: literacy, mathematics and pathways. More parents are needed to sit on both committees. Gail C. volunteered to sit on one committee; Brad L. said we’d to try to find a second volunteer for the other committee.

(c)Indigo Grant Celebration

Brad L. asked council to consider details for a celebration to mark the final year of the Indigo Grant. Ann G. suggested May or April (education week) for the timing of an event. Brad L. said $3,300 is available for a celebration, and proposed a committee oversee the planning. Suggestions of an author visit or parent-child literacy night were discussed.

Motion: Assemble a subcommittee and have a more detailed plan come forward in February— moved by Brad L., seconded by Cathy S.

(d)Boys and Girls Homework Club

(i) Michelle B. discussed her meeting with Antonia. The club runs Monday to Friday, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. The kids do homework for 1.5 hours, and there is a snack available. Kids have access to five computers, for education purposes only. There are 25 to 30 kids on a good day, 15 on a slow day. It’s open to the community, kids ages 5 to 12. The club is staffed by about three people, and it could use volunteers.

(ii) Michelle B. touched on discussions about a laptop loaning program, and will talk to Antonia about whether parents have Internet access at home. Brad L. said to provide Internet access through the board it would cost $1,500; however it costs $300 so would there be a way to route it independent of the board? Michelle B. said the club takes place at McHardy Court area and didn’t think starting a club inside McHugh would work well. She mentioned an upcoming info night (Dec. 7) on the homework club. Brad L. asked Michelle B. to have a discussion about it at the info night, and then council will decide if it wants to fund three or four laptops for the loaning program. Michelle B. said Antonia looks for parents who are in need, and the current system for loaning is working well. Ann G. suggested changes to make sure agendas are going to the club, and to let Antonia know about the MyClass site so she can see homework due dates, etc.

(e)Great Start Night Report 2011

(i) Angel MS. Went to two sessions, and said the most useful experience was networking with others, as opposed to the actual sessions.

(ii) Leila W. attended a session about guidelines for fundraising and reported a lot of schools have moved away from things like chocolate bar sales because it doesn’t fit the guidelines.

(iii) Michelle B. said she didn’t get a lot out of the event, except for the importance in council being a major presence in the school to engage parents.

(f)Parent Social Info Network Night

Brad L. said we should move forward on this in the new year. Leila W. said her husband (who works in the industry) would be interested in speaking to touch on what parents cold do to keep kids safe on the Internet.

Motion: Move forward with the idea and come back in January with an idea of who should be at the event— moved by Brad L., seconded by Cathy S.

(g) School Communication Plans (parent engagement grant)

(i) Angel MS. touched on what her role in parent communications entails: setting up framework, identifying problems, improve communications. She pitched to start the focus internally with school website awareness, increase parent email address and accessibility of council reps, use multiple medium, include web links where possible, email sign up sheets, parent survey, etc.

(ii) Angel MS. reported attendance for the anti-bullying workshop (about 30) was low (however, Cathy S. said that number is on par).

(iii) Ann G. was asked to determine who (on council) could access the school website to manage updates. Further to that, council agreed educating parents about the website (through calendars, newsletters, paper memos, etc.) is essential.

Motion: Create communications subcommittee and make a plan to proceed with improving communication efforts— moved by Brad L., seconded by Cathy S.

(h) Superintendent visit to council

Council agreed to move the next meeting to Jan. 23 due to a PD day on Jan. 16, and request that date for the Superintendent visit. There was discussion on moving the location of the meeting to accommodate extra guests, but it was decided to keep the meeting in the staff room.

5. Fundraising Committee update:

(a) 2011/2012 Fundraising Ideas

(i) Leila W. suggested trying to limit third party involvement for fundraising, and focus on events on-site to promote inclusion, school spirit and community.

(ii) Winter Festive Concert will have a bake sale and water sale, parents can buy a plate of cookies ($5) on the way out or a bottle of water ($1) before or after the performance. There will also be a food drive.

*Electronic vote (7 required to pass): To donate the proceeds from the cookie plate sale to the Boys & Girls Homework Club as community outreach, providing our students and families with an opportunity to participate in the giving spirit of the season and in support of Ann’s efforts to strengthen the link between McHugh & the Boys and Girls Homework Club— 10 in favour, 3 no response. Motion passed.

(iii) A big initiative is the pot luck dinner, fundraiser proposed for Jan. 24 but Leila suggested having another look at that date since Jan. 26 is the launch for MS read-a-thon and Jan. 30 is the launch (pep rally) for the dance-a-thon. The potluck will be Feb. 21.

(iv) Dance-a-thon is Feb. 14, and Leila W. suggested switching from glowgrams to bracelets. Cathy S. opposed the idea of “grams” in class because it’s not inclusive. It was agreed that instead, students will be able to purchase their own bracelets.

(v) Another event is a pizza dinner/or movie popcorn/or bingo night, perhaps before March Break. It was decided it will be a movie night on March 6.

(vi) Fun Fair— there’s not a lot to do except baking, and securing prizes. Cathy S. suggested council help round up prizes.

(vii) Leila W. suggested a theme for the fall fair— Heroes Among Us— and mentioned someone who could bring in a Batmobile and charge $2 for photos (online, password accessed). Council and local police could also be involved. Cathy S. suggested a mini version of bike safety obstacle course. She also suggested the Batmobile idea might be better for the spring fair; however Gail C. noted there’s nothing at the fall fair. Ann G. said the list of things for students to collect for the fall fair contests should be distributed in June, and a reminder in September.

(viii) Leila W. said her husband created a database to keep track of donors; it would cost $30 to $100 to keep it running. Angel MS. suggested he give a demo to council. Brad L. said it could be discussed at the January council meeting.

(b) QSP Update/(c) 2011/2012 Financials

Cathy S reported the budget is on track, pizza days profit $150 a week and QSP is better than anticipated at $650. Council is on track to end the year with $7,000. There is still $3,000 available for school success, and Cathy S. suggested putting it on the February agenda. There is no earmark for the $500 parent engagement funds, and Cathy S. suggested using it for parent info/computer night.

Motion: Parent engagement grant to be used toward the Dec. 7 parent information night and computer safety— moved by Cathy S., seconded by Brad L.

(d) Holiday Bake Sale

See discussion in 5 (a) (ii).

(e) Community Fundraising Update

Cathy S. reported $3,000 available. All funds that came in were advanced to participants to support active kids and broaden cultured kids.

6. Health Committee Update

(a)20011/2012 Active Kids Program

Brad L. reported on behalf of Jen S. Skating is going well. Ski day is set for Jan. 27 and forms go out first week of January. Volunteers are needed. The event offers ski and snowboarding this year, and includes a four-hour lesson, the trip goes 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. There are 53 kids, at $21.80 each totalling $1,155 and $150 for the bus. Cost for parents is $10, so $530 is covered and council will pick up $780. Cathy S. suggested bringing parental cost down to $8, which would cost council $100.

7. Correspondence

(a) Canada’s Favourite Crossing guard

Brad L. reported several volunteers came together to submit an entry nominating A.J. Martin that included a life-sized photo, newspaper article, a large stop sign with photos, and written/artistic submissions from students. The winning schools will be awarded $1,000. All material will be returned. Gail C. asked if there is any way to share the winnings with AJ. Brad L. said the cheque is made out to the school.

Motion: To set aside $100 for a gift for AJ upon winning and deliver roses to her when the winner is announced— moved by Cathy S., seconded by Gail C.

(b) Share it Forward Grant

The school won a $500 grant from Share It Forward and it was suggested to be used for Romeo and Juliet ($770) and a puppet theatre show ($650) in the school. If the school charges $2 per student for the second show, council could kick in $200 to $300 to cover the remaining costs. Cathy S. suggested council either cover all costs or only bring in one show so there is not cost to the students. The total cost is $1,300, so that means council would pay $800 to bring in both. Cathy S. asked Ann G. if it is possible to use $400 from the Indigo literary fund, and council would pick up the remaining $400. Ann G. agreed.

Motion: Council will add $400 to Share it Forward program and Ann G. will add $400 from Indigo grant— moved by Cathy S., seconded by Angel MS.

8. Open Forum

(a) Christmas Concert Night

The winter concert will be Dec. 14 at 6:30 p.m. See also discussions in 5 (a) (ii).

(b) Update on School Climate

Mason V. reported the school is trying to put a focus on climate through initiatives such as the anti-bullying workshop, Roots of Empathy, Peel Region Health and restorative practices (which is using positive language and behaviour to reconstruct relationships and emphasize safety). The idea is to get children to really think about their actions.

8. Next Meeting

The next meeting is set for Monday, Jan. 21, 2012

9. Adjournment

Motion: Move to adjourn at 9:52 p.m.— moved by Brad L., seconded by Cathy S.