The University of the Middle East Teacher Education Institute:

The Teacher Education Institute will be hosted by one of the top universities in the United States and will be taught in English by professors from prestigious institutions from throughout the world. The Teacher Education Institute will include lectures, discussion sessions, workshops and field trips that will give the participants a wide experience of innovative teaching methodologies. This institute is designed to provide new and creative pedagogical tools that incorporate critical thinking, discussion and consensus building that are designed for practical applications to the participants’ classrooms. Technological tools such as internet based learning and educational software programs will be also explored.

1)Lectures and seminars:

Topics will include: “Comparative Education”, “ Cross Cultural Education”, “Education in the Era of the Internet”, “The Role of Education in Community Building”, and “Communication in the Classroom: Enhancing Motivation among Students”. Most lectures will encourage active learning, with an emphasis on discussion and group work.

2)Discussion Sessions: The Teacher Education Institute will include several guest speakers who will lead discussion sessions at several dinner events. Previous institutes have included leading academics in the fields of Education, the Middle East, Human Rights, and Conflict Resolution from Harvard University.

3)Site Visits:

Site Visits are designed to give the participants a “hands on” experience on the topic introduced in the lectures and discussion sessions. Several visits to schools, universities, and teachers associations in the Boston area will be scheduled, as well as visits to various organizations engaged in civic education and community services.

4)Project Workshops:

Participants will form groups of four or five to work on a specific topic focusing on a specific teaching methodology introduced during the Institute. Topics include: 1) Investigating methodologies of dialogue, discussion and creative learning in the classroom; 2) Building strategies to improve instructional and evaluative teaching methods; 3) Identifying the organizational tools to promote high school students’ participation in civil society (hospitals, community services, primary education etc. ) 4) Evaluating the role of computers and the internet for educational applications.

This workshop will run throughout the duration of the institute for participants to meet in their group and discuss their specific topic. Each group will be required to submit both a collaborative paper and a group oral presentation during the final week of the institute under the supervision of an instructor.

The Teacher Education Institute is one of the many programs the University of the Middle East Project is organizing, to provide higher education opportunities of the highest standard in all academic fields, for all the peoples and communities of the Middle East and North Africa.

Further information about the University of the Middle East and the 2004 Teacher Education Institute is available at . If you have specific questions about the institute, please contact Ray Matsumiya at the University of the Middle East Project using the contact information below.

University of the Middle East Project

Attention: Ray Matsumiya

66 Church Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

phone: 1 617 876 6361

fax: 1 617 876 7107





The University of the Middle East Project Teacher Education Institute is a four-week academic program designed for high school teachers from throughout the Middle East and North Africa. This program will take place in Boston, United States, from July 1 to August 4, 2004.

To apply to the University of the Middle East 2004 Teacher Education Institute, you must:

Be proficient in written English-all applications must be written in English

Be proficient in spoken English- all interviews will be conducted in English

Be a citizen and resident of a Middle Eastern or North African community

Be a certified secondary school teacher with at least two years of teaching experience

Please go to to apply online (recommended) or: Send completed application to:

The University of the Middle East Project

Application for 2004 Teacher Education Institute

66 Church Street
Cambridge, MA, 02138, USA

Deadline: Applications must be received by the UME office via email or post before December 18, 2003. It is strongly recommended that you submit your application via email or an express delivery service such as Aramex, DHL or Express Mail. Early applications will be given priority.

If you have applied to the Teacher Education in previous years:

You are not required to complete application form pages 2-5 or obtain new letters of recommendation.

You are required to complete the applicant information sheet (pg.1) and essay #2. Please also send any additional information you would like to submit.

New Applicants, please submit the following pieces:

Complete application form (5 pages total) including 2 essays.

Two letters of recommendation; including one from your current school’s principal or superintendent. The recommender is asked to comment on the applicant’s following qualities:

  • Teaching abilities
  • Interaction with colleagues
  • Level of involvement in school activities (i.e. administrative meetings, teacher meetings, student activities)

All letters of recommendation should be signed by the recommender and placed in a sealed envelope. The recommender should also sign or stamp the seal and write the applicant’s name on the outside of the envelope in English. Preferably, letters of recommendation should be in English, but letters in French and Arabic are acceptable. Letters of recommendation should be sent by postal mail and received at the UME office by January 18, 2004.

Essay Topic #1: Personal statement of 350 words or less: Each TEI participant brings valuable intellectual and cultural experiences that greatly enhance our program. What do you think you will contribute to 1) the academic richness of the program, and 2) the learning of the other participants about your own culture. Finally, what do you hope to bring back with you when you return to your home country?

Essay Topic #2: Please answer the following question in 700 words or less: Some educators believe that it is of primary importance to teach their students to become “world citizens” - people without boundaries who do not owe allegiances to one single community, nationality, religious group or ethnicity, etc and possess the leadership skills to build and strengthen the world community.
Other educators believe that it is of primary importance to teach their students to become “model citizens”- people who are so secure and familiar with their localized allegiances (community, nationality, religious group, ethnicity, etc.) that they possess the leadership skills to improve their communities. For this essay:
a) Which position do you agree with and why? b) As an educator, what methodologies, techniques or illustrative methods would you create for your own classroom to reflect the above view to your students? What would you do if a student doesn’t readily share your perspective?

Send a confirmation Emailto: stating your name, your nationality and the date your application was emailed or sent.

Essays may not be written, edited or translated by anyone but yourself.

All essays must be written in English. Essays over the allotted number of words will not be considered.




First Name:______Middle Name:______Last Name:______

Gender: Male Female

Date of Birth: Month:______Day:______Year:______

Place of Birth: Country:______City:______


Country of Permanent Residence: ______

Marital status: single married divorced widow(er)

Please provide the above information exactly as it is written in your passport

Number of dependants (and relationship to the candidate):______

Complete Mailing Address:


City: ______Country:______Zip code:______

Phone number where you are most likely to be reached:

(country code)______- ______Hours: ______(A.M.) (P.M)

Secondary Phone number (if available):

(country code)______- ______Hours: ______(A.M.) (P.M)


Fax (if available): ______

Have you applied to the Teacher Education Institute Previously?

If so, please check year (s) 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

How did you learn about the Teacher Education Institute?

School Principal / Teachers Association / Flyer or Advertisement
Online / Ministry of Education / Other ______

Past participant of the Teacher Education Institute

If so, name of former participant (s)______

If you did not receive the complete instructions for this application please go to


1. Teaching experience: list the names of all the schools in which you have taught, starting with your most current position (specify if full-time or part-time job). Please also specify the subject taught (ie. Math, English, Biology, Etc..)

School Location grades taught Dates of employment Subject Taught

2. Other professional experience: list other positions you have had since the beginning of your career, starting with the latest experience (specify if full-time or part-time job)

Name of CompanyLocation Dates of employment Job Title Responsibilities


3. List any social activities you have been involved in: Organizations, associations, community services…..etc, starting with the latest one.

Name of the Institution Location Dates of service Responsibilities

Hobbies (sport, travel, music, dance, arts, etc…)


1. Educational Background: List institutions attended (High School, University, etc.) Please begin with the last institution attended.

Name of Institution Location Dates attended Diploma/Degree Subject

2. Knowledge of Languages

Native Language:______

English: number of years of practice: ______

Level of Written English: Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

Level of Spoken English: Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

Other Languages:

______; number of years of practice: ______

Written: Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

Spoken: Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

______; number of years of practice: ______

Written: Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

Spoken: Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

______; number of years of practice: ______

Written: Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

Spoken: Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

Computer usage:

How familiar are you with using computers?

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

Years of practice: ______

Type of computer most commonly used (PC or Mac) : ______

List software used (ie: Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Front Page etc.) ______



Does your school provide access to computers?

Yes No How Many? ______Level of Student access: None Limited Full


Name of school:______



City:______;Zip code:______;Country:______

Phone: ______- ______


School’s Principal______

What grades are taught in your school? (ex.: from 6th grade to 12th grade - in the French system, classe de 6ème à Terminale)______

How many students are there in your school? Total:______

How many students are there in the last three grades (10-11-12th grade/ Seconde, Premiere, Terminale, in the French system)?______

Is your school: All boys All girls Mixed

Is your school: Public Private

If a private school, how much are the average annual fees for a 11th or 12th grade student in your school (in the French system, classes de Premiere et Terminale) ? $______

Is the curriculum in your school taught in several languages? Yes No

If yes, which languages?______

List the classes you currently teach ______



In which language(s) do you teach? ______

If there is anything else you would like us to know about yourself that was not in the application form or essays, please feel free to express it in the space provided below:

I certify that the information given in this application is complete and accurate

Signature of applicant: ______; Date: ______

2004 Teacher Education Institute Checklist

If you have applied for the TEI before:

Did you include….

  1. Your updated information form (pg. 1 on application form)
  2. An Essay (Essay #2) of less than 700 Words
  3. An email to including your name, nationality, and date your application was completed

If this is your first time applying for the TEI:

Did you include….

  1. The complete Application form (5 pages)
  2. A Personal Statement (Essay #1) of less than 350 words
  3. An Essay (Essay #2) of less than 700 Words
  4. Two letters of recommendation
  5. An email to including your name, nationality, and date your application was completed

Thank you for your application and Good Luck!