PURPOSE: To promote the Rambouillet Sheep breed and to afford an opportunity for a member of the South Dakota FFA to learn the basics of the sheep industry.

The South Dakota Rambouillet Association will provide a registered Rambouillet ram and a flock of registered Rambouillet ewes (number depending on member donation and accommodations available at the participation Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE location) to a youth who meets the following SAE Project requirements.

Age requirement for participation: Applicant must be a freshman or sophomore in high school.

Name of Applicant:______

Date of Application:______

Mailing Address:______

City:______State:______Zip Code:______

Year in High School:______Age:______

Phone Number:______

1.Are you interested in learning all aspects of sheep production Including nutrition, health, breeding, shearing, wool care, lambing, grooming, marketing and record keeping?


2.Are you willing to learn to do the record keeping necessary to keep the flock registered with the American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders Association, make breeding and culling decisions and learn the financial end of sheep production?


3.The South Dakota Rambouillet Association encourages the entry of one Ram in the Dakota Ram Test in Hettinger, North Dakota. Would you be willing to enter a ram in this test?


4.Will you work with an advisory committee composed of members of the South Dakota Rambouillet Association on all aspects of flock management?


5.Will you work with a FFA Advisor, local veterinarian, County Agent and/or State Sheep Specialist to establish stocking capacity, housing requirements, etc.?


6. Will you allow any member of the South Dakota Rambouillet Association to visit at any time?


7.In the event either the South Dakota Rambouillet Association or the Youth SAE Project came to the conclusion it would be best to terminate the project, any value above that of the original flock shall go to the youth participant.


8.In order to extend a like opportunity to other FFA Youth, the participant is required to contribute fifty percent (50%) of each year's ewe lambs toward the next starter flock for a maximum of four years.


9.Ifyou were chosen to receive the starter flock, would you travel to the Newell Stud Ram sale or the South Dakota State Fair to accept the award.


10.If chosen to receive the starter flock, you will be required to submit a report to the S.D.R.B.A. twice a year.


11.Briefly state below:

(1) Why you are interested in this project; (2) What you hope to achieve;

(3) Your long and short term goals; and (4) Why the South Dakota

Rambouillet Association should choose you for this project.

Applicants signature:______Parent’s signature:______

Chapter Adviser OR County Educator signature:______

Please mail the completed form by December 31 (even year i.e. 2004, 2006, 2008) to:


17815 334th Ave

Highmore, South Dakota57345-5115

Or Email to:

Any questions can be directed to Burton Anderson at 605-852-2233.

The South Dakota Rambouillet Association would like to thank you for your interest.