Date: 2012-06-2022:50HKTime
Status :
Actions required
Medium : / Lu Qin, IRG Rapporteur
IRG# 38 Meeting Agenda
Korea, June 18 – 22, 2012
To be continuously updated during IRG#38
IRG Members and Ideographic Experts
Tentative Agenda
IRG Meeting No.38
1.Opening speech by host
2.Administrative Items(Meeting secretariat: Ms. Seung –Joo Nam(KATS))
2.1.Roll call
2.2.Approval of agenda items
2.3.Assignment of meeting secretary and drafting group, other duties
- Drafting group leader and members (Retarkgo Yan):IRGN1870
- Name card Collector & Address Book Revise: Wu Jian
- Participant List: IRGN 1863
- eMailling List: IRGN 1862
- Review of follow up actions:
Review of resolutions and action items defined by IRG#37(IRGN 1810).
Report of WG2 #59 resolutions and follow up events(IRGN1846)
5.Members activity reports to guarantee distribution): IRGN 1848 – China; IRGN1849 – HKSARG; IRGN 1850–Japan; IRGN1851 – ROK; IRGN 1852: TCA; IRGN 1853 – Unicode/USA; IRGN 1854 - MSARG
Standardization and implementation
- Working report of member’s Chief Editor
5. Discussion and work items in IRG #38
5.1 CJK Multicolumn Review: Follow-up on IRG Errata Report to WG2
- IRG Errata Report(IRGN 1838(to WG2), IRGN 1837)
5.2 CJK_E work
China Withdraw List: IRGN 1841(CharacterList)
UCV Update: Feedback by Suzuki Toshiya(Part1, Part2, Part3) for IRGN1824
V7.1: IRGN 1830(P1, P2, P3, Mapping )
China Feedback2(12.06.09)
Vietnam Response(12.06.10)
TCA Response
JapanFeedback(including CJKV7.0)
V7.0: IRGN 1829main, Notes, ExelFile, Others
Feedback: ROK(12.03.14)
HKSAR(12.03.14) P1, P2
TCA(12.03.16) P1, P2, P3
Consolidated comments(unconfirmed) P1, P2, P3
Vietnam Response(12.06.10)
TCA Response(Part1, Part2)
5.3Old Hanzi Interest Group: Wrapping Up and Transition:
Ad Hoc Japan Meeting: Agenda proposed by Japan(IRGN 1842), Official agenda, Meeting Minutes(IRGN 1836 )
5.4Old Hanzi P&R and other issues: PnRVersion 3 draft(Appendix of IRGN1836), OldHanziPnRv3(IRGN1876)
5.5 CJK_F work:
IRGN1858(Appendix(Japan Expert)),
Korea feedback for Japan’s IRGN1813
IRGN 1872: Unicode
IRGN 1873: TCA
IRGN1874: China
5.6 IRG PnP:
- Update on Urgently Needed Characters(IRGN1843), Japan feedback
- Update ROK Feedbacks: Feedback1, Feedback2 (to IRGN 1823 draft1)
- IRGN 1823 Draft2
- Source Update: TCA(IRGN 1871, IRGN1871R)
5.7 Other follow up works related to IRG#37 resolutions:
No. 2(Font submission Guideline): IRGN 1822
No. 6(IVD use):
Compatibility: IRGN1844R(Data.txt, Data.pdf), Feedback by Sekiguchi(WG2N4247),
Japan feedback on IRG related IVD proposed by Unicode( IRGN1788)
Japan feedback on IVD registration(IRGN 1757..\IRG36\IRGN1757_ProposedIVDRegistration.pdf)
No. 11(New kIRG_JSource Source): JAdobe Source Withdraw:IRGN1825, WithdrawNotice
No. 13(Provision of Total Strokes):
Korean: IRGN1856, JapanFeedback on WG2 PnP item D(IRGN1790)
- IRGWDS Update: IRGN1826(Korean Comments), IRGN 1839SummaryDraft1(UCVList: Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4)
- IRG Work Planning and Future Meetings
IRG #39 Logistics: IRGN 1847: Nov.12-16, 2012
IRG #40 in HK is approved by WG2.:
Seeking Host for IRG Meeting No. 41: Nov. 18-22, 2013 Tentative:Japan(China Backup)
7. Editorial/Ad hoc group Meetings
7.1 CJK E work:IRGN 1864
Radical Attribute: IRGN1875 , Vietnam feeback, HKSAR feedback, VietnamResponse
7.2Old Hanzi(may not be needed)
7.3 Ext. F Work:IRGN 1865
8. Other Business
Unihan Stroke Count Data: IRGN 1861
Change of Unicode Technical Standard #37 Relatedto Ideographic VariationDatabase: IRGN1840(Attachment):
Korea Request for Horizontal Extension: IRGN1857(KoreanDoc)
A JavaScript Utility for IDS.txt: IRGN 1860
Discussion on How to Handle Mistakenly Differentiated Glyphs in Huge Dictionaries: IRGN1859
Invited Expert for Demo of online CJKV Dictionary: IRGN1868
FDIS Ext. B IRGN1828
Japan Comments: IRGN 1867
Radical Tables for CJK characters: IRGN 1869(TableNoExtE, TableExt.E, SampleR140)
Issues related to Chinese Names of Taiwan Visitors: IRGN1866
9. Closing : Approve Resolutions
Color Legends:
Yellow: Document number assigned and document will be available later
Blue: completed items
Purple: New documents after meeting started.
Problematic documents
New agenda items added after meeting started
Rapporteur Contact method during meeting:
IRGN 18701IRG #38 Agenda