Darfur Distributions
1 to 30 June 2016
During the reporting period, 9,155 households in North, South, East, West and central
Darfur was provided with ES NFI items from the NFI Common Pipeline through implementing partners.
State / Households Served in May 2016Conflict affected / Disaster affected / Returnees / Renewals /
South Darfur / 41
North Darfur / 80
West Darfur / 875 / 159
Central Darfur / 8000
East Darfur
Total / 9,155
Other: refers to refugees; migrant households or other groups that are not included in the beneficiary categories outlined in the NFI Common Pipeline SOPs.
Community projects: community centres/ schools /health clinics are supported with plastic sheets or odd NFIs upon request.
A breakdown of distributions can be seen in the tables below.
Displacement due to Disaster: Fire
► Background
50 households in various locations in South Darfur were reported to have been displaced due to the destruction of their shelters by fire. ES/NFI assistance was provided to 41 households following verification by partner JMCO and PODR.
► Response Activities by Location
LOCATION / PARTNER / HHs REPORTED / HHs VERIFIED / ES/NFIs DISPATCH DATE / ACTIONAl Salam camp / JMCO / 25 / 22 / 15-Jun / Distribution Completed
Sakali camp / NCA / 15 / 10 / 15-Jun
Al Salam camp / JMCO / 10 / 9 / 15-Jun
Displacement due to Conflict
► Background
8,716 households were reported to be newly displaced in Fanga Souk and Nertiti, Central Darfur as a result of the on-going conflict between the government and SLA armed forces in East Jebel Marra. ES/NFI assistance was provided to 5,000 households in Fanga soug and 3000 households in Nertiti following verification partner SRCS.
► Response Activities by Location
LOCATION / PARTNER / HHs REPORTED / HHs VERIFIED / ES/NFIs DISPATCH DATE / ACTIONFanga Soug / SRCS / 5,516 / 5,000 / 12-June / Distribution Completed
Nertiti / SRCS / 3,200 / 3,000 / 12 -June
Displacement due to Disaster: Fire
► Background
Some 30 households in Millet, EL Fashir, Darelslam and Kalemando localities were reported to have been displaced due to the destruction of their shelters by fire. ES/NFI assistance was provided to 26 households following verification.
► Response Activities by Location
LOCATION / PARTNER / HHs REPORTED / HHs VERIFIED / ES/NFIs DISPATCH DATE / ACTIONLawabet ( Helat Ahmed) / Oxfam Am / 9 / 7 / 5-Jun / Distribution Completed
Dar Elsalam Sharg / Oxfam Am / 8 / 7 / 5-Jun
Etafagana in Sani Karo / Oxfam Am / 3 / 5 / 5-Jun
El Salam IDP camp / SRCS / 3 / 1 / 15-Jun
Zam Zam IDPs camp / Plan Sudan / 7 / 6 / 16-Jun
Displacement due to Disaster: heavy rain
► Background
Some 63 households in Kabkabiya locality were reported to have been displaced due to the destruction of their shelters by heavy rains. ES/NFI assistance was provided to54 households following verification.
Response Activities by Location
LOCATION / PARTNER / HHs REPORTED / HHs VERIFIED / ES/NFIs DISPATCH DATE / ACTIONKabkabiya / KSCS / 63 / 54 / 20-June / Distribution Completed
Displacement due to Conflict
► Background
500 households were reported to be newly displaced in Um Dalba and Habila, as a result of the recent tribal conflict in the returnee’s villages in Um Tajouk area ES/NFI assistance was provided to 500 households following verification.
► Response Activities by Location
LOCATION / PARTNER / HHs REPORTED / HHs VERIFIED / ES/NFIs DISPATCH DATE / ACTIONUm Dalba / SRCS / 300 / 276 / 28-June / Distribution Completed
Habilah / CRS / 200 / 211 / 28-June
Displacement due to Disaster: Fire
► Background
Some 25 households in Mastri and Gokar areas, in Beida and Geneina localities respectively were reported to have been displaced due to the destruction of their shelters by fire. ES/NFI assistance was provided to 19 households following verification.
► Response Activities by Location
LOCATION / PARTNER / HHs REPORTED / HHs VERIFIED / ES/NFIs DISPATCH DATE / ACTIONBied / SRCS / 9 / 7 / 5-Jun / Distribution Completed
Gokar / SRCS / 17 / 12 / 5-Jun
Displacement due to Disaster: heavy rain
► Background
Some150 households in Mastri and Tandalti areas, in Beida and Geneina localities respectively were reported to have been displaced due to the destruction of their shelters by heavy rains. ES/NFI assistance was provided to140 households following verification.
► Response Activities by Location
LOCATION / PARTNER / HHs REPORTED / HHs VERIFIED / ES/NFIs DISPATCH DATE / ACTIONMastri / SRCS / 120 / 118 / 14-June / Distribution Completed
Tandalti / SRCS / 30 / 22 / 14-June
State / Office Location / Name / Title / E-MailKhartoum / Khartoum / Nevins Saeed / ES/NFI Sector Lead / DR /
Rami Khalid / Reports & Administration officer /
South & East Darfur / Nyala / Yusuf Bilal / Field Coordinator, S&ED /
North Darfur / El Fasher / Ahmed suliman / Acting Field Coordinator ND
West & Central Darfur / El Geneina / Muntaser Eisa / Field Coordinator W&CD /
NKS/SKS/WKS / Ahmed El Dukheiri / Field Coordinator El Obeid /
UNHCR Contacts
State / Office Location / Name / Title / E-MailDarfur / El Geneina / Mr. Girma Gebre-Kristos / Head of Operations, Darfur /
West Darfur / El Geneina / Biskut Getahun / Head of El Geneina SO /
Central Darfur / Zalingei / Okbay Afewerki / Head of Zalengei FO / <>
South & East Darfur / Nyala / Farah Omer / Head of Field Office Nyala /
SKS/WKS / Kadugli / Fathi Ismail / Community Services Associate / <>