Board Meeting Minutes (Continued)

The OctoberBoard Meeting was held via conference call at 4:00 pmon October 16, 2014. Attendees are marked accordingly:

Name / Position / Name / Position
 / Russ Krick / President / Joe Lairson / VP Education
 / Sandy Burden / Secretary /  / Holly Johnson / AVP Education
Mike Smith / Membership Director / Reema Singh / AVP Education
 / Marc Shapiro / Treasurer /  / Lei Zhao / AVP Education
Dave Portman / Assistant Treasurer /  / Robert Ramsay / GRA Coordinator
 / Buky Thorpe / VP Communications (Newsletter Editor) /  / Justin Hedrick / Research Director
 / Joe Scherl / Webmaster / Jeff Merhout / Academic Advocate
 / Aaron White / VP Programs /  / Jon Tudor / Academic Relations Coordinator/Social Media Coordinator
 / Brandon Carey / AVP Programs / Jeff Daufel / Academic Relations Coordinator/Social Media Coordinator
Nick Brenner / AVP Programs /  / Jesse Hanford / Immediate Past President
 / Robert Meyer / AVP Programs /  / Tom Harrow / Director

Agenda Items:

1.Approve Minutes

Marc Shapiro moved, and Jesse Hanford seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the planning meeting. Motion was approved.

2.President Update

Jeff Daufel has resigned as Academic Relations Coordinator/Social Media Coordinator. He will go ahead and complete the NKU webcast.

The first weekend of this month, Russ and Lei attended the unfunded conference in New Orleans.

3.Update on monthly meetings

Date: Nov 4, 2014
Topic: NTFS Alternate Data Stream Vulnerability
Speaker: George Pauwels, New Horizons
Date: January 6, 2015
Topic: (Pending) Contingency Planning
Speaker: (Pending) Frank Brawn, NKU
Date: February 3, 2015
Topic: TBD
Speaker: Cheryl Becker, IT Auditor at Cintas Corporation
Other 2015 Commitments (March, April, May):
Erika Schmitt (E&Y)
Brett Bolinger (KPMG)
Russ McMahon (UC)

4.Financial update

Checking account balance is $18,941.66

Savings account balance is $16988.26

Paypal account balance is $7843.00

We ended up with a net loss of $925 for the October meeting.

5.Membership update

No membership update.

6.Seminar Update

The fall seminar is scheduled for November 6-7. The topic is Auditing Windows and Active Directory. Tanya Baccam will be the presenter.

Lei talked to several people at the Unfunded Conference about the November seminar. The Cleveland chapter plans to advertise our seminar. Someone from the Columbus chapter has registered. Current number of registrants is 21.

Tanya lowered her fee for the seminar.

7.Academic Relations Update

Jeff Daufel presented at an NKU IT Audit class. NKU is interested in building a relationship with us. Jon Tudor is working with the NKU IT Business department to establish an ISACA chapter there.

Other Items:

Newsletter should go out 10/17/14.

Research – no update.

GRA update – no update.

Lei Zhao – Something she learned in the Leadership training is that we should not give attendee lists to any vendors/sponsors/instructors. Per International we are not permitted to provide this information.