For the University Core Curriculum
1. Download the form.
2. After opening this form, please save it as a MSWord file under this naming convention so it can be sent to the University Core Curriculum Theme Areas Committee: Current File name plus your school, e.g., SOBA for the School of Business or for McAnulty the department, e.g., HIST for history; if you are submitting more than one form, then add a – and the number (e.g., HIST-2 for the second submission).
3. Name the syllabus file by course code (ex: ENGL-101; BIOL-273); MS Word files preferred (if this is not possible, please send the file in pdf).
4. In the subject of your e-mail, please write: “U. Core TA” and the theme title, e.g., “Creative Arts.”
5. Submit the form and the syllabus as e-mail attachments to . The committee meets once a semester; for proposals for spring semester of a given academic year, submit materials by September 1 of the fall semester of that year (e.g., for courses planned for Spring 2017, submit materials by September 1, 2016). For courses to be offered in the fall semester, submit them by February 1 of the spring semester of that academic year (e.g., for courses planned for Fall 2017, submit materials by February 1, 2017).
Should you need to consult the University Core Curriculum document, a pdf file is available on the Academic Affairs website. Requirements for each theme area can be found there, as well.
1. To be approved by the University Core Curriculum Theme Area Committee, it is expected that at least one of the “Learning Outcomes” for the Theme Area (in the case of some Theme Areas, two) will be featured in the course in a substantive way.
2. The Theme Area courses may be counted for a major or minor as well as for the University Core.
3. Courses at any level (100 through 400) are suitable for the University Core theme areas. However, it is more realistic, in the case of upper-level courses, for them to have no pre-requisites.
4. It is expected that a course syllabus will include Student Learning Outcomes and will provide rubrics for assessing assignments and a scale for the determination of the final grade for the course. (See the Syllabus Check List on Blackboard or one of the many Internet sites on Bloom’s taxonomy, such as
5. All deans encourage, and some require, that department chairs evaluate and approve courses before they are submitted. Please consult with your department chair and/or dean if you are unsure of your school’s policy.
6. It is expected that all sections of a course, once approved by the theme areas committee and provost, will fulfill the theme area requirement.
Department/School Representative E-mail Address Date
Course Number Title
Theme AreaDepartment/School
Number of Sections per Semester
Prerequisites (if any)
Number of instructors who will teach sections of this course.
Full time – Tenure TrackAdjunct(s)
Teaching Assistant(s)
1. Based on the Description and Learning Outcomes of the specified Theme Area, the major reason(s) for submitting this course are (use additional room if needed):
2. Please attach your syllabus. It should demonstrate clearly your plan for achieving the learning outcomes required by the theme area. If you need any assistance, please contact the Director of the University Core Curriculum, Dr. Darlene Fozard Weaver, at .