1. What time does my child need to be to school?

School begins at 8:30. There is no late bell. Children can be on the playground no earlier than

8 am as there is no playground supervision. The exception is if the child ishaving breakfast at school, which starts at 7:45am.

2. Where do I park without getting a ticket?

Use the 20 minute parking in front of the school for drop offs and pick ups. Find the two-hour spots around the perimeter for longer than 20 min. Don’t park in bus zones or residential zones. If you are going to be at the school for more than a couple of hours then you can ask Mrs. Leake for a parking tag that hangs on your rear-view mirror. You CAN park in any of the residential spots between 3:00-3:45pm. This is a “parking holiday” time with full agreement with the Bozeman Police Department.

3. What if we are late?

If your child is late to school, please come into the building with him/her. Sign in on the clipboard on Mrs. Leake’s desk topper in the main office. Then you may escort your child to the classroom if necessary.

4. What if my child is sick and can not come to school or will be absent?

Please call Mrs. Leake in the office 522-6600 before 9am or you may call and leave a message at the attendance line at 522-6565.

5. How do I know if the kids do not have school?

You can download the school schedule from the district website at It shows all of the breaks and early releases. Click on:2014-15 BSD7 School Calendar.

6. What time does my child get out of school?

Monday – Thursday Kinders are released at 3:25pm. Every Friday, Kindergarten through

3rd grade are released at 2:10pm. They are not allowed to wait on school grounds for older siblings unless they attend the after-school program. Our 4th and 5th graders are released at

3:30 pm on Monday through Friday.

7. How do I get my child signed up for the after-school program?

Registrations forms and scholarship application forms for the after school program are available in the main office, in file folders on the small blue desk to the right just inside the door. Christine Neumeier,is the coordinator for the Irving Tigers After School Care. Program. She may be reached at 599-7882.

8. How do I get my child registered to ride the bus to/from school?

The necessary forms can be downloaded off of the district website in the transportation link: The tabs on the left include

“Bus Transportation” and “Registration Forms.” You can also contact Vance Ruff, District Transportation Coordinator, 522-6041, . His office is located in the Willson School.


9. What is the Willson School?

Willson School is the administrative building where the district central offices are located. It also has an auditorium where special events for the district are often held. It is located at 404 West Main Street, across from the courthouse.

10. How do I find out more about the school lunch program?

By going to the district website, you can find out about the lunch program, costs, the menu, application for free/reduced lunch, and nutritional info. From the gray menu bar on this district web page, click on Students & Parents. From this pull-down menu, select Food Services. There you will find a number of related topics to choose from.

11. How do I send money for school lunches?

You can send or drop off a check, made out to Irving School, that clearly indicates your child’s name on the memo line. Please send a check rather than cash. Students will be instructed by their teacher as to the classroom routine of placing their lunch money in student barcoded envelopes to be sent to the office. How much money you send is up to you – some parents send enough for a week, a month or more. You may prefer to set up an online account through You will need to know your child’s five-digit ID number in order to this.

12. Is there a free/reduced lunch program?

You can apply for free/reduced lunch for your child. You can access the application online at.www These forms are sent home with students on their first day of school but are also available at the main office.

13. How do I find out more about what is going on at Irving School?

Make sure that you are signed up for the Principal’s email updates and the Parents of Irving Children email list. A sign-up form will be included in the first parent newsletter of the year that is sent home. You can also become a fan of the Parents of Irving Children Facebook group where all sorts of valuable information is posted and kept up to date. Just search on-line for Irving Elementary Bozeman PIC.

14. Does Irving School have a website?

Yes! You can access it through the district website. Go to http:/ Also the PIC Facebook page is updated regularly and is also a good way to get Irving information on-line. Just search Facebook for Irving Elementary Bozeman PIC.

15. What is PIC?

PIC stands for Parents of Irving Children. It is Irving’s parent organization. They have meetings on the first Tuesday of each month, at 7pm. For 2014-2015, the PIC officers are Eric Pessl, Shelly Wunsch, Nicole Bachich, Suzy Taylor and Camy Toth.

16. What if I still have questions?

You can always call your parent liaison, Cindy Bellew, 922-4236. She is available as a support and resource to all parents. She can help you find the answers to your questions about navigating school and community resources, as well as be a support for general parenting questions.