Civility Survey – On-line version

Committee on Campus Life and Student Issues of the College Council

Survey on Civility

As the current Committee on Campus Life and Student Issues of the College Council of begins to develop avenues to raise civility awareness and to facilitate positive social change among members of the campus community, we welcome your ideas and suggestions. This brief survey is designed to give us a feel for the attitudes and experiences regarding behavior at BMCC.

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1. What expectations of behavior should be exhibited by members of a college community (courtesy, respect of others, adhering to policies, helpfulness, etc.)?

2. Which of the following behaviors would you define as inappropriate for members of a college community? (Check all that apply)
Loudness (ex. talking, screaming)
Loud earphones
Not holding a door for someone
Leaving garbage on tables/chairs
Not picking up items on the floor
Not saying 'Thank you' or 'Thanks'
Chewing gum in class
Eating in class
Acting bored or apathetic in class
Disapproving groans
Sarcastic remarks or gestures, such as staged yawning or eye rolling
Sleeping in class
Sleeping in public areas
Not paying attention in class (ex. doing schoolwork for other classes or texting)
Not taking notes during class
Students' conversations distracting other students
Students' conversations distracting you
Reluctance to answer direct questions
Unkempt personal hygiene
Using a computer during class for purposes not related to the class
Cell phone usage during class
Students arriving late for class
Students leaving class early
Students cutting class
Students being unprepared for class
Students creating tension by dominating discussion
Students teasing other students
Standing around blocking hallways, escalators and doors
Students taunting or belittling other students
Insensitive comments (racial, ethnic, gender) directed at you or others
Verbal attacks or challenges directed at you in the classroom
Excessive displays of affection
Horse play
Wearing loose or tight fitting clothes
Vulgarity directed at you or others
Comments sent to you through electronic means (ex. emails, Facebook, Twitter)
3. How have you responded to these types of behavior? (Check all that apply)
Talked to person doing the behavior
Ignored the behavior
Ignored the behavior and became annoyed
Told a friend
Publicized it electronically
Told a faculty or staff person
4. Did your response help the change the behavior?
Yes No Not sure
5. If you did not report the behavior, what prevented you from reporting this behavior? (Check all that apply).
Fear of impact on grades or career
Fear of retaliation
Did not believe anyone would help
Did not believe it was serious enough to report
Unsure of where to go
Believed individuals in authority already knew
Did not feel it was my place to report
6. Do you believe BMCC should, or has a responsibility, in raising civility awareness at the college?
Yes No Not sure
6a. If yes, how could BMCC improve the method of informing the community of the behavioral expectations and promoting civility to help to bring about a campus cultural change? (Check all that apply).
Table tents
Positive reinforcement
New Student events
7. Please identify yourself into one of these categories:

If you are interested on working to improve the BMCC campus, please provide us with the following information:
First Name

Last Name


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