Irish Cities and Towns seminar

City Hall Cork(Anglesea Street)

Moderated by Sally Kneeshaw

27 March 2018
09:30 – 10:00 / Registration and welcome coffee
10:00– 10:15 / The EU Urban Agenda and the role of European Regional Cities by Cllr Kieran McCarthy, Cork City councillor and rapporteur of the Committee of the Regions on the Urban Agenda for the EU
10:15 – 10:40 / Setting the framework: Urban European initiatives
Urban Agenda for the EU, Urban Development Network, Study on sustainable urban development, Urban Innovative Actions, URBACT, URBIS (urban investment advisory platform)by Fiona Wieland and Francesco Amodeo, the Commission, DG REGIO
10:40 – 11:00 / Sustainable urban development in the context of the Designated Urban Centres Grants Scheme (Art 7 ERDF) by Ann Doherty, Chief Executive, Cork City Council
11:00– 11:20 / Metropolitan Area Strategic Plans (MASP) as a new policy tool in Ireland by Malachy Bradley EMRA
11:20 – 11:30 / Q&A
11:30 – 12:00 / Break
12:00 – 12:30 / URBACT by Ed Thorpe (URBACT secretariat) and the URBACT network TechTown for Smart Limerick by Mihai BilaucaI
12:30 – 13:00 / Testimonial of an Urban Innovative Action city by Antoine Plane, project Tast’in Fives, Lille, France
13:00 – 14.00 / Lunch
14:00 – 15:00 / Presentation Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) by the UIA secretariatwith Q&A
15:00 – 15:20 / Testimonial of an Urban Innovative Action city by ZsuzsannaKravalik, project SASmob, Szeged, Hungary
15:20 – 17:20 / Roundtable debates (3 times 30 minutes) for interactive discussion on:
  • Sustainable urban development (Art 7)
  • Urban Innovative Actions (some bilateral short meetings can be organised around innovative ideas between the UIA secretariat and the interested city. Please inform the UIA secretariat in the morning of the event)
Coffee and thee available
17:20–17:30 / Closing session by Sally Kneeshaw
18:45–20:00 / Innovative Minds and Real Capitals – European Regional Cities and the future of Europe: Urban Conversation with the citizens of Cork with Sally Kneeshaw and Cllr Kieran McCarthy (St Peter's, North Main Street, Cork)