SN / Description / Priority text / Version
Main / Note
300000316 / 0197: 315-Peril List Enquiry / 4-Medium Priority / 7.13 / A perils list enquiry has been added to IRIS. This functions as described in the IUG specification ref-Q:\Lmd\Development\0197 - Perils List Enquiry\02 Initial Analysis\ IUG-0197-Perils List Enq-Functional.01.doc
300000381 / 2803-Ancillary Details on Policy / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / The IRIS framework now allows Rebus to configure client screen layouts via the DUI such that ancillary function screens (a/c terms and narrative) can be embedded into the main policy details form rather than having them displayed as separate windows. Configuration of client's screens in this way will be available as a service to client's where they require it.
300000399 / 3171: Bureau Closings - Amount Tolerance / 6-Very Low Priority / 7.13 / Error messages needed to be added to Bureau Closings if the amounts differed above a set tolerance level. Messages were processed through to check that they created the messages when needed.
300000400 / 3194: IRIS Front - End Quick Access / 2-Serious Priority / 7.13 / The initial start up screen for IRIS has been modified so that it now as well as including access to the various IRIS functions also allows the following 1. Displays a view of a shortcut folder on the users PC (or network). The path to this folder must be defined within IRIS Settings. This provides a convenient location to store IRIS shortcuts to saved enquiries and policies to provide more direct access to them. 2. Extra tabs providing selection options that are then used to call up enquiries based on the selections entered. Thereby providing quick access to searches for specific information. The display of these additional tabs is controlled via IRIS Settings
300000401 / 3230-Enquiry Sharing / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / This enhancement to IRIS was to allow user enquiries to be saved to a central location facilitating the sharing of enquiries amongst the user base. Functionality is available when saving an enquiry to specify who should be allowed to see and use the enquiry. This enhancement was done as per the IUG specification ref - Q:\Lmd\Development\3230-Enquiry Sharing\02 Initial Analysis\ IUG-I03-3230-Enquiry Sharing-Functional.01.doc
300000403 / 3232-Flexi Policy Linking / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / IRIS now includes functionality that allows policies to be linked to each other. This consists of both system generated links (e.g. one policy is a renewal of another) and also allows users to define their own links and for them to add policies of their choice to those linked. This functionality was implemented as per the IUG specification ref- Q:\Lmd\Development\3232 Flexible Policy Linking\05 Design\IUG-3232-Flexible Policy Linking-Functional.01.doc
300000404 / 3233-Enh Bust CustomisationFunction / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / Business Customisation functionality has now been enhanced to include the following: Field level functions and properties Rules definition by ranges in Product Codes Product Code rules to be defined with multiple conditions Validation rule enhancements Additional system variables in Flexible Business Extensions Numeric data display
300000407 / 3237-User Defined Enquiry Columns / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / A user can now define their own calculation within the enquiry function. New fields can be created from existing IRIS fields using the expression editor.
300000410 / 3240-GUI Codes Maintenance / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / Codes maintenance functionality has now been introduced into the GUI. This appears as 'Reference Files' in the main selection screen. It includes the maintenance of IRIS codes tables and data areas. It also allows for codes to be added during other input functions. This functionality was implemented as per the IUG specification ref- Q:\Lmd\Development\3240 Housekeeping\05 Design\IUG-3240-Codes Maintenance-Functional.01.doc
300000418 / 3271: Enquiries - Fix Apply Formatting e / 4-Medium Priority / 7.13 / The problem where the Formatting was lost when the Enquiry Escape key was pressed has been corrected.
300000421 / 3391: "Bureau Claim Transactions" enquiry / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / The explicit link to the Policy File has now been removed as it was unnecessary.
300000433 / 3446-Bureau Download via FTP / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / FTP functionality has been provided as described in the IUG-300000433-Bureau Messages via FTP-Functional.02.doc
300000438 / 3453: An IRIS Registry tidy utility. / 5-Low Priority / 7.13 / A batch utility has been created to add and remove registry entries.
300000441 / 3460: Policy I/P - Renew policy to quote - / 4-Medium Priority / 7.13 / Fields POMPCD, POMS@O and POMSPC are now being copied forward on Renew To Quote. The "alpha" equivalents of numeric fields - POSGOH, POSLPM, PORLPM - are no longer being copied but are being set to the value of their numeric fields. It should be noted that these "alpha" fields should not be modified via Business Customisation. In some circumstances POQDFG (direct/RI flag) can change from 'D' to 'R'. This happens because two rules have been set up in the product code. To correct this, one of the rules should be deleted.
300000444 / 3486: Bx Closings M&D Validation Bug / 4-Medium Priority / 7.13 / Error UTD1132 should occur on Bureau closing items where the original and premium currencies do not match. Items were processed to ensure that this error was being produced correctly.
300000448 / 3503: Enquiries - Select Fields wizard i / 2-Serious Priority / 7.13 / Save Enquiry Select Field wizard now works
300000451 / 3509: Policy Input - Copy policy causes / 2-Serious Priority / 7.13 / Copying a policy caused a type mismatch. This has now been corrected.
300000452 / 3510: Navigation:- when policy/claim is / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / When a policy is locked the lock message now displays the application and the User Id locking the policy.
300000453 / 3512: Enquiries - Ledger Enquiry - sort does / 2-Serious Priority / 7.13 / The problem with not being able to Sort and Freeze columns in the ledger enquiry have been resolved.
300000454 / 3513: Closings - COPY - some strange err / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / Copying closing produced erroneous errors disallowing completion of function, errors have been investigated and fixed, works as designed
300000455 / 3514: Sys Admin - Can no longer log on a / 2-Serious Priority / 7.13 / It is now possible to log on to IRIS Sys admin with the user profile Admin without IRIS attempting to connect to an AS/400. This is to allow System Administrators to change security without requiring an AS/400 log on.
300000457 / 3518: Enquiries - Run time error 13 - Ty / 2-Serious Priority / 7.13 / The enquiry function ~GetExchangeRate was erroring when a blank/null/invalid currency code existed. This has been resolved.
300000458 / 3519: Enquiries-Subtotal screen causes s / 2-Serious Priority / 7.13 / Accessing the sub-total screen in enquiries no longer causes the enquiry to end abnormally.
300000488 / 3098: Lloyd's Bureau SCM RI processing c / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / This is an enhancement done specifically for SVB. The changes to the processing were to achieve the following: ·,,Bureau SCM Claim processing to prevent the update of the claim transaction information, including Outstanding and Settled amounts, except when splitting block claim amounts across more than one claim. Ability to edit the RI Outstanding and Settled amounts when processing either Manual or Bureau claims, generating the correct transaction types. (controlled via a System Administration option) ·,,Addition of new Bureau error messages to inform the user where RI is present and prevent automatic batch processing of items.
300000489 / 3174: 12.2.2 Add functionality for Multi / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / As an enhancement to IRIS for SVB multiple syndicate processing has been included (i.e. allowing multiple syndicates each with their own lines to be recorded against single risks, plus transactions being processed at the syndicate rather than at the risk level). If clients other than SVB wish to use this functionality then it is very strongly recommended that they consult with Rebus first as there are implications concerning existing data which will need to discussed and addressed.
300000490 / 3308: 12.2.3 Underwriting Reference Structure / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / A client specific change was made for SVB that allows an alternate policy reference to be generated and stored on SVB policies. This change is specific to SVB so it is not recommended that anyone attempt to use this functionality without consultation with RebusIS first. This change does open up the possibility for allowing other clients to enhance the system for their own policy reference structures. This change is controlled by the data area UPPHRZA0 (the value held in this data area tells the system which method to use to generate a policy reference - currently there are only two methods 'S'-SVB and anything else will result in it using the standard IRIS method). Therefore for all clients other than SVB this data area should be left blank. In regards to the SVB policy reference this utilises two other data areas to hold the initial values for inwards and outwards policies. UXISRZA0 UXOSRZA0 Because SVB will be using their own reference an additional setting for the data area UTLLRYA5 to accommodate SVB's new reference in Bureau message matching.
300000491 / 3309: 12.2.4 In Year Renewals / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / This enhancement allows in year renewals to be handled in a specific way as required by SVB. If a user renews a policy and sets the u/w year to be the same as the year on the policy that was being renewed the system will now allow the policy sequence to auto-increment by the value held in the data area UPPORZA8. The renewal chain is now maintained by the policy linking enhancement so that it is still possible to identify which policies are renewals of others even though the policy sequence number has changed.
300000494 / 3312: 12.2.13 Event Code / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / This enhancement allows for a mandatory rule to be specified on the event code field within the Bureau Claims Processing
300000495 / 3313: 12.2.16 US Trust Fund Code / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / This enhancement allows for a US Trust Fund code to be recorded on claims. (currently stored on individual claims transactions - this is specifically recording them on the claim itself as well as each of the individual transactions)
300000496 / 3315: 12.2.17 Reference Correction Table / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / This enhancement is to expand the bureau member reference correction table for Lloyd's processing to allow it to also match references using the original reference contained in the message along with the syndicate number, LPSO original signing number and the LPSO original signing date.
300000497 / 3316: 12.2.24 Reporting Exchange Rates / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / IRIS exchange rates have historically been held on a multi-membered currency file. This presents problems when trying to report outside of IRIS using historical rates. To address this the GUI system now uses a single membered currency file called ICCYREP which is keyed by an ID field and the currency code. This ID field links to a exchange rate member file called ICXXREP which holds a record for each of the historical exchange rates held on the system. It also allows for future expansion to hold different 'types' of exchange rates (e.g. companies historical rates, rates used by Lloyds etc)
300000498 / 3317: 12.2.7 EPI & Exposure / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / This enhancement is specific to SVB and allows a new tab to be added to the policy screen layout that show the policy amounts in such a way that they can be summarised by individual syndicate shares or across all syndicates, by wrt share, signed share or est signed shares, as gross or net of deductions, by original ccy, settlement ccy or base currency and finally as gross, net of fac RI and/or net of tty RI.
300000499 / 3318: 12.2.8 Entering 100% Premium / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / It is now possible to include qualifiers next to the EPI fields (100% EPI and Base EPI; POWTH1, POWTH2, POWTH3 & POEIHP, POEIH2, POEIH3)
300000500 / 3319: 12.2.9 Limit & Exposure / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / A change was made to how IRIS calculates the base written amounts displayed to the right of the policy amounts on the policy details screen. This is controlled by the data area UPPORZA6. This has three possible values which control how the base ccy summaries are calculated (type 1 was the method added for SVB) 0 = The respective field amount specified under the column containing the base currency will be used. If the base currency is not specified in any of the columns, then the field amount from the first currency (first column) will be used and will be converted into base currency. 1= The processing will always use the respective field amount specified under the first currency (first column), and will convert it into the base currency. 2= The processing will treat all the currencies equally and will sum the entered columns fields and convert them into the base currency.
300000501 / 3320: 12.2.10 Deductions / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / Three new flags have been made available on the deductions screen. 1. Allows individual deductions to be flagged as to whether they should be used in calculating EPI figures net of deductions. 2. Allows individual deductions to be flagged as Acquisition costs. 3. Allows a deduction to be indicated as being net of the previous deductions. Currently these flags are for the majority of users only available for information purposes. Their functionality is currently only associated with SVB specific enhancements (see 300000498).
300000502 / 3321: 12.2.11 Limit & EPI Exchange Rate / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / An enhancement (300000498) for SVB that allows an extra amounts tab to be added to the policy DUI (screen layout) to show summary policy amounts information (i.e. allows the user to switch between the policy amounts , EPI, TSI etc by syndicate share, total share, 100% amounts etc.) This part of the enhancement is specifically related to allowing the system administrator to control whether limit amounts are calculated using the usual exchange rates available on a risk or whether they should use the new 'liability exchange rates' which have been made available on a risk. This is controlled by the data area UPPORZA7 (this has valid values of 'Y' to use the liability rates and 'N' if it is work as currently)
300000504 / 3323: 12.3.3 Premium Amendment / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / The premium amendment enhancement is specific to SVB and allows them to maintain their EPI by entering them via a new screen (Premium Amendment) with the information that they enter there being fed back to the main details. The premium amendment screen allows them to enter via a grid EPI (any one of 4- 100% EPI, Additional EPI 1, Additional EPI 2 and Additional EPI 3) as columns in that grid with rows representing different currencies and amendments to existing premium. Into the fields they enter amendments (i.e. movements) to the EPI rather than the total figures. These totals are then summed and used to populate the main EPI fields on the policy. It is recommended that any clients interested in using this functionality consult with XGIS (contact your account manager) for further information before using it.
300000505 / 3324: 12.3.7 Jurisdiction Code / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / A new field, Jurisdiction Code, has been added to the Policy File. This will enable the users to record the origin of the legal system that has jurisdiction over the policy's contract. Jurisdiction Code is to be referenced to the Country Code table. It will be available for selection in Business Customisation and will be available for selection and filter in all enquiries that reference the Policy File.
300000506 / 3325: 12.3.28 Credit Control / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / This enhancement was implemented specifically for SVB. It is strongly recommended that any companies wishing to use this functionality consult with XGIS (contact your account manager) for more information before attempting to implement this functionality. The changes implemented for this enhancement were to meet the following require requirements 1. The ability to store Credit Control information at Instalment level for each Syndicate line on a policy section (sequence) and for that information to be updatable by authorised users. 2. The ability to calculate Instalment due from/to dates on initial creation within the new credit control screen. 3. The ability to update new broker information from the broker code super query. 4. The ability to run a new enquiry over the new Instalment/Credit Control information. 5. The ability to edit new Instalment/Credit Control information in the enquiry. 6. Automatic update of the first instalment (within the credit control function) when the initial LPSO signing information has been received.
300000507 / 3326: 12.2.20 Facultative XL Processing / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / This is an SVB specific enhancement (it should be noted that SVB process their facultative reinsurance completely differently from all other IRIS users so this enhancement will not be generally applicable) The main requirements of this enhancement are as follows: ·Addition of new Bureau error messages, for USM and SCM processing to inform the user where RI is present and prevent automatic batch processing of items. ·USM and SCM IRIS Enquiry exception reports are required to show where accruals generated are zero and corresponding USM and SCM transactions are non-zero. ·The addition of a new function to allow users to add USM accrual transactions, where they are missing. This will be available from the USM exception enquiry.
300000510 / 3329: 12.2.12 Claims Figures 100%, G/N/ / 3-High Priority / 7.13 / This enhancement was implemented by SVB. It is to the claim summary displayed at the foot if the main claims details (manual claims input) screen. The requirement was for the user to be able to show this information as ·Gross (as the screen currently shows). ·The 100% value to the market. ·The position for just FacultativeRI, TreatyRI or all RI. ·The position net of FacultativeRI, net of TreatyRI and net of all RI. ·At the share level for the specified Syndicate on the Claim or all Syndicates added together. ·At a Detail or Summary level. ·Using either Advised or Current Exchange Rates.