Sunday Service Associate Checklist (UpdatedJan 2015)

Tasks / Contacts
Two Weeks prior to service
What’s Happening beginning with “Next Sunday….”
No later than Thursdayevening two weeks prior to service. Email to and
Note: Alison takes care of this if it's her service. / Rev. Alison Beth Miller
973-540-1177, ext. 204
Ministries Administrator (position handled currently by
Volunteer help) 973-540-1177, ext. 203
and Linda DeLap
Videotaping and Sound:
  • check A/V calendar: if no one is signed up, contact Gabor Kiss to secure volunteers
  • special requirements: consult with scheduled video or sound volunteer re any special requirements
  • videotape permission: check w/service participants for permission to videotape
/ A/V calendar:

(login password - volunteer)
Gabor Kiss

Week prior to service
Check with minister about any special needs for service, such as visuals, participants to do readings, reflections, chalice lighting, art work for Order of Service [OofS]. / Rev. Alison Beth Miller
973-540-1177, ext. 204

Day of Service
7:30: Cancellation of services due to inclement weather: posted on phone system and Web, check if in doubt. / Minister generally calls Sunday Associate by 6:30/7:00 AM on Sunday if service will be canceled or delayed due to weather
8:00: Service Associate arrives for 9AM service
8:30: All other participants arrive for 9AM service
Flowers: Check OOS. If flowers are being given, look in Room 100, the dining room or outside front door. They may be delivered by florist on Saturday or provided from members’ gardens. /
Meeting Room Setup/Visuals: Hang banners, decorate space, setup any special visuals [occasionally requires partially closing drapes]. Two upholstered chairs and two small tables for minister and Sunday Associate. Position chalice table and possibly singing bowl (often setup on stool)
A/V: Consult with sound volunteer about any special needs: hand mikes; lavalieres, etc. Check with projectionist if projected visuals are to be used.
Chalice table: Prepare table with cloth, chalice, service candle and tea candle on small plate. Items are stored in sound cabinet. Light tea candle five minutes before the service. Leave matches on table in case flames go out. Provide training in the chalice-lighting procedure if needed. Chalice lighter stands facing congregation when lighting chalice. Include children’s chalice if needed.
Speaker amenities: Provide water for speakers. Cold filtered water in refrigerator in kitchen. Check that there are song books in the lectern and in the drawer of each small chancel table. Tissues are in drawers also.
Ushers: review any special requirements that may involve usher help and make sure ushers know where fire extinguisher and First Aid Kitare located / Fire extinguisher is at base of Sound Cabinet.
First Aid Kit is in Kitchen. Defibrillator is on wall of hallway by back staircase.
Announcements: Check to see who is assigned to read Sunday announcements; it is generally the associate’s responsibility.Obtain blue folder from office [on shelf to the right as you enter. / Announcement Guidelines:
Should be concise. No more than 3-4 should be read on any Sunday. Priority to events in coming 2 weeks.
Administrator prepares announcements; any ad hoc announcements handed to you on Sunday should be vetted by Administrator before being included.
Milestone and Passages Cards: See that Ushers have made M&P cards available in the entry way to the meeting room along with OofS and song books. Ushers collect cards and give them to Associate or to minister.
Call to service: Ring bell/gong outside library door 5minutes before each service (or arrange for someone to do it). Ensure that choir rehearsal has stopped no less than 5 minutes prior to service, remind Jim Blanton if he has lost track of time.
At end of Service: extinguish chalice flame (with candle snuffer). Alison does this usually if it's her service.
Collection Procedure:Ushers will place filled collection baskets in the sound cabinet out of sight. At the end of each service, one usher and and an offertory assistant (member of Board or Finance Committee) take baskets to the office and follow current procedures. It is not the associate’s responsibility to handle the money, unless the offertory assistant cannot be found.
Before 11 am service: Check that video feed to library is set up and that main sound level is turned up.
After 11 am service.Tidy up meeting room and check that ushers:
clear songbooks and place them into the book rack
collect items left behind by congregants (cups, tissues, crayons or pencils from children’s packets),
remove signage from usher chairs, return signage to 3rd drawer of Sound cabinet
return all large print songbooks, hearing devices, unused M&P cards and Usher badges to the 3rd drawer of the Sound cabinet,
place 12-15 extra copies of the OofS in the SSC rack -- if too many are left, recycle the remainder.
Associate: Put away chalice items, chimes, singing bowl. Remove banners if they are not being used next Sunday. Return water goblet(s) to the kitchen. Put away video camera and turn off monitor in dining room.
Collect Milestones Cards: Place them in the
Administrator mailbox outside the office. / Thank you. The Associate job is important to a fine Sunday experience.