Invitation to Tender for the Supply of Survey Support Services

for the Marine Institute, Rinville, Oranmore, Co. Galway.

Ref: ITT15-034

Table of Contents


1.  Introduction 3

2.  Scope of Tender 4

3.  Service specification 6

4.  Contract terms 6

5.  Tax Clearance Certificate 7

6.  Requests for additional information 7

7.  Expressions of interest 7

8.  Closing date for tender responses 7

Appendix I – Potential list of Surveys 9

Appendix II – Draft Contract 10

1  Introduction

The Marine Institute, a semi State body, wishes to invite tenders for the supply of Survey Support Services to Fishery Ecosystems Advisory Services (FEAS), a service area of the Marine Institute, whose objective is to research, assess and advise on marine fisheries in order to ensure sustainable exploitation of this renewable resource.

FEAS conducts a wide variety of fisheries survey research programmes throughout the year, on commercial vessels and purpose built research vessels RV Celtic Explorer & RV Celtic Voyager aimed at both improving the advice and increasing our understanding of the fisheries resource and the ecosystem.

The detailed data and information required and collated by FEAS for stock assessment includes:

·  The length distribution of landings

·  A profile of the age structure of landings

·  Fishery Catch information

·  The number of boats fishing in a particular area over time

·  The catch, time spent fishing, gears used (fleet activity)

·  Information on the annual landings into each port

·  Data from various research surveys carried out by FEAS

Landings are sampled at ports, fishermen’s Co-operatives, fish processors and auction sites around the coast by contracted port samplers employed by FEAS, as well as other FEAS staff. Catch and discards are assessed by a number of Fisheries Assessment Analysts based in the Institute’s port facilities at Killybegs, Ros a Mhíl, Castletownbere, Dunmore East and Greencastle.

These data collection programmes are conducted under the EC Data Collection Framework (EC Council Regulation 199/2008) for which the Marine Institute is the Irish National Coordinator, working closely with Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine.

FEAS sea-going missions include:

·  Research surveys including acoustic studies of pelagic stocks, the distribution of fish eggs, larvae and juveniles, under- water TV surveys for Nephrops and ground fish surveys.

·  Sampling of catch aboard commercial fishing vessels

Summaries on the status of each commercial stock are presented annually in“The Stock Book” (available on www.marine.ie).

Invitation to tender

The Marine Institute, a semi State body, wishes to invite tenders under an open procedure with the objective of putting a Framework Agreement in place for the supply of Survey Support Services

Applicants deemed qualified will be placed on a panel that the Marine Institute will draw from by the means of Mini Competitions for the period 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016 to provide such services.

2 Scope of Tender

This is an Open Invitation to Tender where suitably qualified applicants are invited to respond for inclusion in a Framework Agreement that will provide a panel of service providers.

Note: There is no guarantee made by the Marine Institute that persons included on the panel will be engaged as a service provider.


Criteria / Score
1 / Indicate your availability for 2016 / For information
2 / References
Please provide two written references in hard copy.
·  MUST be from previous employment held over the last 3 years
·  MUST include references in respect of work similar to this tender, including but not limited to the public sector
·  References must confirm the applicant’s ability, integrity and attention to detail / Pass/Fail
3 / Personal Details
Please supply a work history (proposal template attached) which will detail the following:
·  Research vessel and survey experience
·  Other sea going experience
·  Past experience with the Marine Institute, or another similar/relevant organisation or business / 30
4 / Other Information
·  Other data collection/record keeping experience
·  Species Identification skills,
·  Biological sampling and plankton sorting skills
·  Qualifications
·  Relevant certificates / 20
5 / Cost
Indicate a cost per day for services provided, all costs should exclude VAT. The maximum daily cost should not exceed €250 ex VAT. Any tenders with costs exceeding this rate will be eliminated.
1.  Please note that applicants are responsible for their own payments of PRSI, Taxes, VAT and Insurance.
2.  Please advise us whether you are VAT registered.
3.  Withholding tax may be deducted at 20%. / 50
Total / 100

Please note failure to comply with Criteria (2) will result in automatic elimination.

Please also note that referees may be contacted to verify information provided. Contact details (telephone and address/email address) should be supplied.


·  All tender responses must include all headings listed above. Failure to do so may result in the rejection of the tender.

·  An overnight detention rate will only be provided when vessels are delayed due to unforeseen circumstances. This detention must be agreed with the MI contact personnel in advance MI contractor rates will apply.

·  Tendering individuals/companies may be requested to attend an interview.

·  Successful tenderers will be required to provide confirmation of insurance.

·  The Marine Institute will direct the contractors towards the fisheries where sampling is required however the onus is on the contractor to source the vessel and arrange the trip.

·  Please note that less than 5 hours worked will classify as half a day

·  Contractors are responsible for their own travel costs.


Candidates must be in possession of a certificate of Proficiency in Personal Survival Techniques on board ship and have Sea Farers Medical Certificate (ENG 11); Both Sea Survival and Eng 11 criteria must be satisfied and in place at contract signing and are required to be in place before any sea duty is undertaken.

3 Service specification

The Marine Institute requires setting up a panel of persons who can supply services under the heading set out below.

Survey Support Services

·  The service provider will provide support to a range of fishery surveys as directed by Fisheries Ecosystems Advisory Services according to FEAS Survey protocols. The range of support required includes but is not limited to

a.  Sorting of biological samples from trawl surveys

b.  Ability to identify a range of fish species and benthic species

c.  Measurement of a variety of fish species

d.  Extraction of age reading structures from a variety of fish species

e.  Sex and maturity determination of a range of fish species

f.  Use of microscopes for extraction of eggs from plankton samples.

g.  Data recording


4 Contract Terms

Please see the draft contract attached which includes the following terms:

Contract Period

It is proposed that the service panel on offer will run January 1st, 2016 to 31st December 2016. Contractors will be selected by mini competition for each survey.

Review of Operation of Contract

·  Either party may terminate the contact with a notice period of 1 month.

Contract Details

·  Applicants must obtain for themselves, at their own expenses, all information necessary for the preparation and completion of the tender.

·  Contractors will be expected to supply personal safety equipment required e.g. Life jacket and safety boots.

·  Applicants must obtain for themselves, at their own expense all relevant Medical (ENG11) and Proficiency in Personal Survival techniques certificates.

Tax Clearance Certificate

A valid tax clearance certificate will be required prior to contract completion.

5 Tax Clearance Certificate

Tenderers being awarded a public contract must have tax clearance. Most applications for Tax Clearance Certificates can now be made online. To reduce the administrative burden on tenderers use of this online facility is strongly encouraged. It can be accessed at www.revenue.ie under “What can I do online”, “Tax Clearance”. The Institute can then verify online the tax-cleared status of applications for tenders, which eliminates the need for submission of a hard copy of a Tax Clearance Certificates.

6 Requests for additional information

Requests for additional information or clarification of items within this document must be made in writing through the Questions and Answers Section of www.etenders.gov.ie

Requests for information made by telephone or to any other email address shall not be responded to.

7 Expressions of interest

All parties that wish to be kept informed of any clarifications and/or additional information regarding the tender should register their interest by registering on e-Tenders: http://www.etenders.gov.ie

8 Closing Date for Tender Responses

All tenders must:

·  be received prior to 16:00 on 25th September 2015

·  Be submitted using the on-line http://www.etenders.gov.ie TENDER POSTBOX (This is an online submission facility which allows awarding authorities to receive tenders responses from suppliers)


·  be sent via registered post, recorded delivery or by hand to the address below

·  include three hard copies of tender application

·  Written references must be included by all applicants.

Please note that non conformance with these requirements will result in disqualification

All tenders should be addressed to:

Fisheries Sampling Services Tender

Ref: ITT15-034

Marine Institute



Co. Galway

Please note that any information submitted may be subject to the Freedom of Information Act, 1997.

Appendix II List of potential surveys

Appendix II

Draft Contract

THIS AGREEMENT is dated the ______Day of ______2015 and is made


[CONTRACTOR], a CONTRACTOR registered in Ireland whose registered office is at [ ] (hereinafter known as "CONTRACTOR”) and

The Marine Institute, a body carrying out it statutory remit relating to Marine Research and Development, with a registered address at Rinville, Oranmore, Co. Galway.

Individually known as the “Party” and together known as the “Parties”.


1.1.  CONTRACTOR offers services and can provide staff who have skill, knowledge and experience in that field to perform such services.

1.2.  In reliance upon that skill knowledge and experience, The Marine Institute wishes to engage CONTRACTOR to provide certain services as set out in Annex 1.

1.3.  The Marine Institute will provide adequate guidance and direction to CONTRACTOR and its agents or employees in the provision of such services and will assign a contact person to oversee and approve the provision of such services.

1.4.  CONTRACTOR and The Marine Institute agree to accept the engagement on the following terms.

2.  Definitions and Interpretations

2.1.  In this Agreement except where the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the following meanings;

2.1.1.  “Agreement” means any Work Assignments and/or Purchase Orders expressly made as part of this Agreement by the written agreement of both parties, as may be amended or supplemented from time to time by the written agreement of both parties, these terms and conditions being the ITT

2.1.2.  In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between these documents, precedence shall be given to the above documents in descending order

2.1.3.  “Agreement Commencement Date” means the 1st January 2016.

2.1.4.  “Agreement Completion Date” means 31st December 2016.

2.1.5.  “Deliverables” means any item(s) to be provided by CONTRACTOR as part of the Services including any product to be developed specifically for and provided to The Marine Institute

2.1.6.  “Framework” means a framework agreement where tenderers compete to be placed on a panel of vendors to supply a specific service the period stated above. Within that period all contracts for that service will be awarded by rotation between the framework members. There is no guarantee that any member of the framework may secure a contract.

2.1.7.  “Invitation to Tender” or “ITT” means the Invitation To Tender documents issued by The Marine Institute [insert date] in relation to the provision of Survey Support Services

2.1.8. “Rotation” means the procedure by which contracts are awarded. This rotation is held between framework members only.

2.1.9. “Purchase Order” means a request for a specific set of services or systems required by The Marine Institute and setting out the agreed fee or rates.

2.1.10.  "Requirements" means the requirements of The Marine Institute with regard to the nature of services or bespoke works to be delivered by CONTRACTOR.

2.1.11.  "Services" means those activities carried out by CONTRACTOR as set out in various Work Assignments in order to meet the requirements and specifications of The Marine Institute.

2.1.12.  "Specifications" means the formally documented and agreed definition of those requirements that have been agreed as being in the scope of Services to be delivered by CONTRACTOR to The Marine Institute in a project.

2.1.13.  “Tender“ means the tender submitted by CONTRACTOR to The Marine Institute in response to the notice published on etenders.gov.ie including any clarifications agreed between the Parties;

2.1.14.  "VAT" means Value Added Tax or similar tax, at such rates as may be in force from time to time.

2.1.15.  “Work Assignments” means a detailed description of the Services, or a particular part/phase of the Services, which shall include, but is not limited to, a description of the Work Assignment, the agreed fee or rates, the relevant Milestones for the Work Assignment and any special provisions applicable to that Work Assignment.

2.1.16.  "Work Commencement Date" means the commencement date specified in the Work Assignment.

2.1.17.  “Work Completion Date” means the completion date for services as defined in the Work Assignment.

2.1.18.  Any reference in this Agreement to a statute or a provision of a statute shall be construed as a reference to that statute or provision as amended, re- enacted or extended in Ireland at the relevant time.


3.1.  The Marine Institute hereby appoints CONTRACTOR to a Framework to perform Fisheries Sampling Services for the duration of the agreement on a non exclusive basis. CONTRACTOR will continue to provide these services hereto until expiry, termination or cancellation of this Agreement.

3.2.  No undertaking is given that any services specified under the Invitation to Tender will be procured by the Marine Institute

3.3.  No undertaking is given that CONTRACTOR will be awarded any contracts under this Framework. Contracts will be awarded by rotation.