OHIP Board Action Log
Board meeting / Minute number / Action required / Action owner10th Jan / 3 Prevent Training / WRAP sessions to be arranged as a refresher or for new staff, dates to be sent out / DB/DW
Link for on line Channel training to be sent out / DW
RP’s to send suggested dates to David Bull for briefing sessions for front line staff / ALL
4. DHP Register / RP’s to provide OMBC with supported housing contacts / ALL
RP’s to provide a steer on how they want the information to be presented, questions they need answering, and who else from the council they would need to see / ALL
Workshops to be arranged to discuss supported housing in more depth and future requirements / JB/VW
Feedback to future Board meeting / JB/VW
5. Warm Homes Oldham / RP’s to check who is attending the workshop session on the 25th Jan .
List of attendees to be sent out
JS to come back to Board in March with feedback from the workshop
Table in the report to be amended to reflect OHIP’s continued reinvestment of the money to date / ALL
6. Working Groups/Project Scopes / Health and housing workshop to be arranged March / BL/SK
10. OHIP review / Website options to be scoped
Consultant’s Brief to be drafted and circulated by email for comments / RR/DW
11. AOB / Strategic Housing Board minutes and action log to be circulated
Notes from the Homelessness Asks meeting to be circulated / DW
12. Forward Plan / March Board,
HOOP – Dave Smith
Corporate Parenting – Dave Smith
Imagine, Act, Succeed – Bill Lovat / DW/DS
PNPaul Newcombe
SSSue Stott
DSDave smith
BLBill Lovat
BCBryn Cooke
JSJames Sommerville
ABAbi Winstanley
VWVicky Wood
JBJane Bellwood
MKMike Walker
DBDavid Bull
SKShabana Kosar
DWDiane Wild
RRRuth Ryan