2017/2018 Student Competency Record
Introduction to Health and Medical Sciences
8302 - 36 weeks
______Student /
School Year
School /
Teacher Signature
Traditional letter or numerical grades do not provide adequate documentation of student achievement in competency-based education; therefore, the Virginia Standards for CBE require a recording system to provide information about competencies achieved to employer, student-employee, and teacher. The Student Competency Record provides a means for keeping track of student progress. Ratings are assigned by the teacher for classroom competency achievement and by the teacher-coordinator in conjunction with the training sponsor when competence is evaluated on the job.
Tasks/competencies designated "Required" are considered essential statewide and are required of all students. In some courses, all tasks/competencies have been identified as required. Tasks/competencies marked "Optional" are considered optional; they and/or additional tasks/competencies may be taught at the discretion of the school division. Tasks/competencies marked with an asterisk (*) are considered sensitive, and teachers should obtain approval by the school division before teaching them.
Note: Students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or an Individualized Student Alternative Education Plan (ISAEP) will be rated, using the following scale, only on the competencies identified in their IEP or ISAEP.
Students will be expected to achieve a satisfactory rating (one of the three highest marks) on the Student Competency Record (SCR) rating scale on at least 80% of the required (essential) competencies in a CTE course.
4- Can teach others
3 - Can perform without supervision
2 - Can perform with limited supervision
1 - Can perform with supervision
0 - Cannot perform
36 weeks / Introduction to Health and Medical Sciences
Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Personal Qualities and People Skills
Required / 1 / Demonstrate positive work ethic.
Required / 2 / Demonstrate integrity.
Required / 3 / Demonstrate teamwork skills.
Required / 4 / Demonstrate self-representation skills.
Required / 5 / Demonstrate diversity awareness.
Required / 6 / Demonstrate conflict-resolution skills.
Required / 7 / Demonstrate creativity and resourcefulness.
Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Professional Knowledge and Skills
Required / 8 / Demonstrate effective speaking and listening skills.
Required / 9 / Demonstrate effective reading and writing skills.
Required / 10 / Demonstrate critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.
Required / 11 / Demonstrate healthy behaviors and safety skills.
Required / 12 / Demonstrate an understanding of workplace organizations, systems, and climates.
Required / 13 / Demonstrate lifelong-learning skills.
Required / 14 / Demonstrate job-acquisition and advancement skills.
Required / 15 / Demonstrate time-, task-, and resource-management skills.
Required / 16 / Demonstrate job-specific mathematics skills.
Required / 17 / Demonstrate customer-service skills.
Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Technology Knowledge and Skills
Required / 18 / Demonstrate proficiency with technologies common to a specific occupation.
Required / 19 / Demonstrate information technology skills.
Required / 20 / Demonstrate an understanding of Internet use and security issues.
Required / 21 / Demonstrate telecommunications skills.
Examining All Aspects of an Industry
Required / 22 / Examine aspects of planning within an industry/organization.
Required / 23 / Examine aspects of management within an industry/organization.
Required / 24 / Examine aspects of financial responsibility within an industry/organization.
Required / 25 / Examine technical and production skills required of workers within an industry/organization.
Required / 26 / Examine principles of technology that underlie an industry/organization.
Required / 27 / Examine labor issues related to an industry/organization.
Required / 28 / Examine community issues related to an industry/organization.
Required / 29 / Examine health, safety, and environmental issues related to an industry/organization.
Addressing Elements of Student Life
Required / 30 / Identify the purposes and goals of the student organization.
Required / 31 / Explain the benefits and responsibilities of membership in the student organization as a student and in professional/civic organizations as an adult.
Required / 32 / Demonstrate leadership skills through participation in student organization activities, such as meetings, programs, and projects.
Required / 33 / Identify Internet safety issues and procedures for complying with acceptable use standards.
Understanding the U.S. Healthcare System
Required / 34 / Highlight the major developments of healthcare history.
Required / 35 / Differentiate among the types of health insurance.
Required / 36 / Differentiate among the types of medical care delivery systems.
Required / 37 / Describe the roles of healthcare team members and the responsibilities of each member.
Required / 38 / Differentiate among the scope and roles of the Virginia Department of Health Professions and the Virginia Department of Health.
Required / 39 / Examine the impact of the Internet on the healthcare industry and on the individual consumer.
Learning Basic Healthcare Terminology
Required / 40 / Identify common medical prefixes, roots, and suffixes and their meanings, and medical terms related to human systems.
Required / 41 / Describe how word parts are combined to form medical terms.
Required / 42 / Interpret common abbreviations used in the healthcare field.
Required / 43 / Identify terminology that relates to the various elements and systems of the body.
Understanding Anatomy and Physiology
Required / 44 / Identify basic anatomical structure and body cavities.
Required / 45 / Identify chemical components of the body.
Required / 46 / Identify structures and functions of the cell.
Required / 47 / Identify structures and functions of tissues, membranes, and glands.
Required / 48 / Identify structures, functions, and diseases of the integumentary system.
Required / 49 / Identify structures, functions, and diseases of the skeletal system.
Required / 50 / Identify structures, functions, and diseases of the muscular system.
Required / 51 / Identify structures, functions, and diseases of blood.
Required / 52 / Identify structures, functions, and diseases of the heart.
Required / 53 / Identify structures, functions, and diseases of blood vessels and blood circulation.
Required / 54 / Identify structures, functions, and diseases of the lymphatic system.
Required / 55 / Explain immunity and its relationship with the lymphatic system.
Required / 56 / Identify structures, functions, and diseases of the respiratory system.
Required / 57 / Identify structures, functions, and diseases of the gastrointestinal system.
Required / 58 / Identify structures, functions, and diseases of the endocrine system.
Required / 59 / Identify structures, functions, and diseases of the reproductive system.
Required / 60 / Identify structures, functions and diseases of the nervous system.
Required / 61 / Identify structures, functions and diseases of the urinary system.
Required / 62 / Identify structures, functions, and diseases of the sensory system.
Performing Medical Laboratory Procedures
Optional / 63 / Describe specimen preparation and handling.
Optional / 64 / Identify diagnoses, laboratory tests, and procedures used in diagnoses and treatment of common disorders for each body system.
Optional / 65 / Examine body fluids and cells for bacteria, parasites, and other microorganisms.
Optional / 66 / Analyze the chemical content of fluids and tissues.
Optional / 67 / Examine cells to determine quantity and/or to look for abnormal cells in blood and other body fluids and tissues.
Optional / 68 / Assess lab finding, using automated equipment and computerized instruments, microscopes, cell counters, and/or other sophisticated laboratory equipment.
Optional / 69 / Document results of laboratory findings.
Optional / 70 / Relay lab results to physicians.
Understanding the Role of Nutrition in Health Care
Required / 71 / Identify the six essential nutrients, sources, and functions for optimal health and wellness.
Required / 72 / Describe the digestion and metabolism of food.
Required / 73 / Describe dietary guidelines recommended for health promotion.
Required / 74 / Identify principles of food management and safety.
Required / 75 / Explain basic dietary management techniques.
Required / 76 / Identify common medical conditions related to poor nutrition, including excessive or insufficient body weight.
Required / 77 / Identify dietary patterns relating to ethnic, religious, cultural, and personal preferences.
Exploring Pharmacology Fundamentals
Optional / 78 / Identify general principles of pharmacology.
Optional / 79 / Describe sources, types, and uses of common drugs.
Optional / 80 / Differentiate between generic and trade names for drugs.
Optional / 81 / Explain the importance of pharmacokinetics.
Optional / 82 / Describe the elements of a prescription.
Optional / 83 / Explain common abbreviations used on prescriptions.
Optional / 84 / Calculate doses of medications.
Optional / 85 / Identify various ways drugs are administered.
Optional / 86 / Explain the importance of drugs and supplements in preventive medicine.
Optional / 87 / Comply with current state and federal regulations with regard to the practice of pharmacy.
Understanding Patient Care
Optional / 88 / Differentiate among the approaches to health care for a variety of patient categories.
Optional / 89 / Explain the nature and importance of a medical history.
Optional / 90 / Examine concepts of care relating to ethnic, religious, cultural, and personal preferences.
Required / 91 / Explain principles of effective verbal and nonverbal communication, including barriers to communication.
Optional / 92 / Apply principles of communication in establishing therapeutic relationships.
Optional / 93 / Explain the concept and importance of the Patient’s Bill of Rights.
Required / 94 / Explain the function and importance of advance directives for health care.
Required / 95 / Examine concepts of dealing with dying, death, and grief.
Required / 96 / Explain the concept of integrated and holistic care.
Ensuring a Clean and Safe Healthcare Environment
Required / 97 / Explain the concept of infection control and asepsis.
Required / 98 / Explain the chain of infection.
Required / 99 / Demonstrate hand hygiene procedures.
Required / 100 / Differentiate between transmission precautions.
Required / 101 / Demonstrate the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and workplace practices.
Required / 102 / Describe policies and procedures for handling and disposing of infectious and/or hazardous materials as specified by Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) bloodborne pathogen standards.
Required / 103 / Explain sterile processes.
Required / 104 / Identify the importance of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines.
Required / 105 / Explain the concept and the rationale of protocols and safety procedures/guidelines.
Required / 106 / Identify emergency protection areas and devices.
Required / 107 / Explain methods of fire safety.
Required / 108 / Identify environmental hazards.
Required / 109 / Describe principles of body mechanics.
Optional / 110 / Explain radiographic safety.
Required / 111 / Explain the importance of maintaining a safe and clean work environment.
Performing Administrative Functions in the Healthcare Profession
Required / 112 / Explain the process and importance of patient identification.
Optional / 113 / Identify the components of the electronic medical chart record.
Optional / 114 / Explain the purpose of medical records.
Optional / 115 / Describe the legal implications of medical records.
Handling Traumatic and Medical Emergencies
Required / 116 / Explain basic traumatic and medical emergency procedures.
Required / 117 / Identify the essential components of disaster planning.
Required / 118 / Identify items found in a basic emergency kit.
Required / 119 / Describe the causes, symptoms, and treatments of selected medical emergencies.
Required / 120 / Demonstrate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) with the automated external defibrillator (AED).
Exploring Biotechnology Concepts
Optional / 121 / Explain the concept of biotechnology.
Optional / 122 / Identify impacts of emerging biotechnology on the field of medicine.
Optional / 123 / Describe the impacts of biotechnology on preventive health care.
Optional / 124 / Describe the role biotechnology plays in medical forensics used in criminal investigations.
Examining Professionalism in the Healthcare Industry
Required / 125 / Identify the components of professionalism.
Required / 126 / Examine ethical and social issues related to the healthcare field.
Required / 127 / Identify professional agencies and organizations in the healthcare field and the roles of each.
Required / 128 / Examine the legal issues related to the health and medical science profession.
Required / 129 / Explain confidentiality and its connection to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Required / 130 / Analyze the role of public health in providing health care.
Exploring Healthcare Careers and Employability Skills
Required / 131 / Conduct a self-assessment to determine career interests in the healthcare field.
Required / 132 / Describe the major career fields in health and medical sciences.
Required / 133 / Explain the role and importance of certifications and licensure in the healthcare profession.
Required / 134 / Explain the importance of ongoing professional development and methods of attaining ongoing training in the healthcare industry.
Required / 135 / Research selected healthcare career(s).
Locally Developed Tasks/Competencies