Geology 101–Physical Geology

Spring 2011

Section 1T

Instructor / Antony Giles
Office / BH 164
eMail /
Telephone / 985-448-4254
Lecture Times / T, Th – 7:30-8:25
Textbook / Essentials of Geology, 10th Ed. By Lutgens, Tarbuck, and Tasa

Student Responsibilities: Attend class and arrive on time. Read the text before class so the lecture will make sense. Bring your iclicker to every class; approximately 10% of your lecture grade is based on iclicker questions. Participate in classroom activities and ask questions if you do not understand.

Attendance and Make-up policy: It is my policy that there are NO make-ups for assignments, quizzes, or exams in lecture.University approved absences (with signed Class Absence Request form) and/or certain medical or other emergencies may be accommodated when contact is made in advance, and all work is completed within the assigned week.You must contact your instructor for absences. You must provide at least one-week advance notice for University approved absences.Please note: leaving a message will not guarantee an excused absence. You must receive a response from me indicating approval and accommodation of absence.

Lecture Exams: Lecture exams will cover material from lectures, readings in the lecture textbook, and lecture assignments.Lecture exams are given duringyour assigned lecture section in your regular lecture room.Lecture exam format will be multiple choice questions that are answered on a scantron sheet and graded by computer.Please bring pencils to each exam.There are 4 scheduled lecture exams including the final exam.There are NO make up exams unless you submit the proper University Excused absence form to the instructor at least 1 week in advance.Certain medical or other emergencies may also be accommodated if your instructor is contacted prior to the exam.Early exams (including the final) will not be provided.

Assignments and Quizzes: This year iclickers (personal response system) will be used in the class.Approximately 10% of your lecture grade is based on your in-class responses using theiclicker.If you are caught with or using multiple clickers in class this is considered cheating and you will loose all possible iclicker points (10% of your lecture grade).Additional graded material includes assignments given throughout the semester, and a Photo Project.Please read the assigned chapters prior to lecture so that you may participate in discussions.You must be present to receive credit for iclickerquestions. Homework will be due as specified in the lecture and late assignments will not be accepted. No make-ups for assignments will be given.

Academic Integrity: Any violation of academic integrity will result in immediate dismissal from the course, receipt of a failing grade and denial of re-enrollment.Academic dishonesty includes failure to do your own work on any assignment (not just exams)!Information on Student Conduct is found in the NSU Student Handbook.

Plagiarism: Whenever you use someone else’s work you must cite the source. Failure to do so is plagiarism and can result in your expulsion from NSU.

Classroom Conduct: Disruptions during lecture will not be tolerated.Disruptive behavior including, but not limited to,ringing cell phones,talking, excessive noise, poor behavior towards other students or Instructors, arriving late/leaving early, reading newspapers in class, or inappropriate language/comments in lecture or on-line, will result in being asked to leave the class.Continued disruption will result in a failing grade and denial of re-enrollment.It is to your benefit to arrive on time because most announcements and some quizzes occur at the beginning of lecture.

Accommodations for Documented Disabilities: Reasonable accommodations are available for students who have a documented disability. Please notify your lecture instructor during the first week of class of any accommodations needed for the course.Late notification may cause the requested accommodations to be unavailable.All accommodations should be approved through the Office of Disability Services, 100 A Peltier Hall.

Tentative Schedule of Topics
Week / Topic / Chapter
1 / Introduction / 1
2 / Plate Tectonics/Minerals / 15/2
3 / Minerals/Igneous Rocks / 2/3
4 / Igneous Rocks/Volcanology / 3/4
5 / Sediments and Weathering / 5
6 / Sedimentary Rocks / 6
7 / Metamorphic Rocks/Geologic Time / 7/18
8 / Mardi Gras/Geologic Time / 18
9 / Structural Geology / 17
10 / Mass Wasting / 8
11 / Surface Water / 9
12 / Groundwater / 10
13 / Glaciers / 11
14 / Deserts/Wind / 12
15 / Spring Break
16 / Shorelines/Earthquakes/Review / 13/14