ESL Computer LiteracyTeacher Learning Plan 4

Teacher Learning Plan 4

Windows Navigation (Part 2)

Lesson Objectives

  1. Students will review windows terminology covered in the previous class.
  2. Students will review how to create a document in Microsoft Word and save it.
  3. Each student will learn how to delete a file on a floppy disk.
  4. Students will learn how to use the spell check feature in Microsoft Word.
  5. Students will learn how to reopen a file, make changes, close a document, and save the changes.

Linked CASAS Ability

  1. Effectively utilize common workplace technology and systems 4.5
  2. Demonstrate basic computer skills and use of common software programs. 4.5.5

Required Material

Computer lab, student portfolios, floppy disks, white board, overhead projector, transparencies for record keeping (provided in lesson 1).


Student class participation and a class exercise.


Students record learning objectives and complete Student Learning Plan 4.

Lesson Objectives Checklist:

Task checklist
Notes to instructor
Review Previous Lesson
___ Review Windows terminology covered in the last class.
(20 min) / Vocabulary words: point, click, drag, control button, window, maximize, minimize, desk top, program icon, task bar, screen, tool bar, menu, scroll bar, document, file, disk drive, save, program, shut down.
Suggestion: Use the projection system. Ask students to identify the words above while you point to the various parts on the computer screen.
Microsoft Word
___ Go over the computer notes provided with this lesson on the following topics:
  • Opening programs
  • Saving a document as a file
  • Opening and closing a file or document
  • Deleting a file
(35 min) / Note:
It is important that students know how to read the notes and follow the step-by-step procedures for each one of the tasks in their notes.
Suggestion: Have a student read a step aloud and then watch as you demonstrate it on the projection screen. Then have a different student read the next step and watch as you demonstrate it. Keep going in this fashion through all the steps.
Using Spell Check
___ Demonstrate how to use the spell check feature in Microsoft Word.
(15 min) / Note:
No need to go into detail about spell check. Just cover spelling problems, not grammar.
Task checklist
Notes to instructor
Class Exercise
___ Have students do the Microsoft Word exercise in their binders with lesson 4.
(30 min) / Note:
Students should refer to their notes if they can’t remember how to do a particular step. Teacher should assist a student only after he or she has tried to do the task following the class notes.
Shut Down
___ Students close all computer programs and turn off the computer.
(5 min)
Record Keeping
___ Students answer all the questions in the bottom half of Student Learning Plan 4.
___ Students record their second Word processing assignment in the Word processing table in the Class Assignment and Test Record sheet.
___ Students check off the objectives covered in this lesson on their Learning Objectives Record
(15 min) / Note:
Use the overhead projector and the Learning Achievement Record transparency to indicate which objectives were achieved in this lesson.
The following skills were taught or reviewed in this lesson:
Windows Navigation – Windows vocabulary, mouse operation, opening and closing programs, using menus and toolbars, scrolling in a window, closing Windows.
Word Processing – Create and save a document, delete a file, use spell check, open a file, edit and save changes, access drive A:.
Computer Operation – floppy disk use.
Reading Skills – Interpreting directions.

* On the Learning Objectives Record, always put an x in the “beginner” column the first time a student learns a skill even if he or she does it well. Improvement will be recorded according to performance in subsequent lessons.