Introduction to English Linguistics, 2011S

Instructor: Claire Hsun-huei chang 張郇慧

研究室: 研究大樓0924

Office Hours: 14:00-16:00 Wed/Thur., andby appointment

電話: 2939-3091 ext. 88186


Course Description:This course provides a general introduction to the scientific study of language, with special emphasis on the English language. Students will explore different aspects of human language and how language operates through linguistic observation, analyses of language data, discussion of linguistic problems, group project, and other class activities. With a better understanding of the nature of language, students are expected to become more objective in dealing with human communications. Topics covered in the second semester include semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, language change, language processing.


** Students are strongly urged to do assigned readings BEFORE each class. **

AttendanceFaithful attendance is required. Failure to show up in the class for more than three times (for any reason) will result in F.

HomeworkHomework assignments will be given. (Late homework will not be accepted.)

QuizzesPop quizzes will be given from time to time.

ExamsThere will be two to three exams.

Group ProjectThere will be one group project. Students should form small group and turn in a written report at the end of the semester.


Homework & Quizzes 20%


Group project 40% (written report 20%, oral report 20%)

Participation & Attendance 15%

Cheating or Plagiarism = Fail



Feb.24 Semantics (review); PragmaticsChap 6: 141-151

Mar 2Sociolinguistics (1): issuesChap 7: 155-160

9Sociolinguistics (2): standard languageProject topic; Chap 7: 167-175

lingua franca, pidgins, creole

16Sociolinguistics (3): gender and languageChap 7: 161-167

23Sociolinguistics (4): language and culture

taboo, euphemisms, styles and jargons

30Test (1): Pragmatics; Movie Project proposal due

Apr. 6 Holiday

13Psycholinguistics (1): language acquisitionChap 9: 202-223

20Psycholinguistics (2): language and brain Chap 8: 189-210

27Test (3): Sociolinguistics

Language Processing: computerand language Chap 8: 180-189

Progress report #1 due

May 4Historical Linguistics (1): Language changeChap 12: 276-287

11Historical Linguistics (2): Semantic changeChap 12: 287-299

18No Class

25Test (4): Psycholinguistics;

June 1 Writing systemProgress report #2 due

8Noverbal communication

15Oral report-1

22 Oral report-2; Review: What can you do with linguistics?

What can linguistics do for you?

29Final paper due


William McGregor. 2009. Linguistics: An introduction. London and New York: Continuum International Publishing Group. (required)


1. V. Fromkin, R. Rodman & N. Hyams. 2003. An Introduction to Language, 7th Ed. Thomson & Heinle.

2. Adrian Akamajian, Richard Demers, Ann Farmer, and Robert Harnish. 2001. Linguistics: An introduction to language and communication, 5th edition. Cambridge: MIT Press.

3. Edward Finegan. 2004. Language: Its structure and use, Fourth edition. Boston: Wadsworth, Thomson Corp. ( Files. OhioUniversity Press.

4. Frank Parker, and Kathryn Riley. 2005. Linguistics for Non-linguists: a primer with exercises, fourth edition. Boston: Pearson.

5. 黃宣範著 語言、社會與族群意識-臺灣語言社會學的研究。台北:文鶴。

6. 謝國平著 語言學概論。台北:三民書局。

7. Steven Pinker. Language Instinct.

8. David Crystal. How language works how babies babble, words change meaning, languages live or die.

9. David Crystal. Txtng the gr8 db8.

10. Bruce M. Rowe, and Diane P. Levine. 2009. A concise introduction to linguistics. 2nd edition. Pearson Education, Inc.