Section IV -- Project Narrative
- Statement of problem
The biggest challenge during an emergency that requires a 9-1-1 call is notifying school personnel about the location and nature of an incident or threat. Providing a network that unifies communication between 911, first responders and the teachers and staff on-site is the best way to ensure a seamless response, and immediate enactment of existing school emergency plans.Additionally, emergencies at school occur throughout the building, so having a mobile application that combinesa traditional 9-1-1 call with an immediate notification via text message and email to predetermined lists of personnel based on the type of incident is a valuable asset. Being able to coordinate exclusively with the school nurse, SRO and staff with medical training during a medical incident, or communicating with guidance counselors and crisis intervention teams when a student with a mental illness has an issue, allows officials at the school to quickly diagnose a situation and proactively work to protect other students in the building. Today, we have a sequential processing issue where if a teacher sees something in the hallway, he or she may dial 911 and report the crime, but there is currently no uniform method of communicating with and alerting on-site personnel to the threat, the location of the incident, and the type of emergency taking place.
- Project Design And Implementation
The Rave Panic Button calls 9-1-1 and at the same timeinstantly alerts school personnel who pressed the panic button and their location. It also sends location information to 9-1-1 and first responders facilitating rapid accurate response. Information collected and shared includes:
- The name of the person that activated the Panic Button.
- The school where the incident is occurring.
- The time that the button was pressed.
- The nature of the incident (Medical, Fore, EMS, Police, Active Shooter)
- A predetermined text and email message that pushes this information both to 911 and to on-site personnel simultaneously.
- At 911, critical information about the school such as floorplans, emergency plans and other information is automatically presented to call takers and can be sent to first responders..
- Work Plan and Project Timeline
The work plan and timeline are as follows:
- Contract with Rave Mobile Safety for the Panic Button application.
- Identify all staff and personnel that would be authorized to use the Rave Panic Button.
- Create a spreadsheet with the names, phone numbers and email addresses of authorized users.
- Upload this spreadsheet to the rave System.
- Create a Facility Profile for each school covered by the Panic Button.
- Submit the Facility Profile to the local 9-1-1 center directly through the Rave system.
- Hold a training session for all personnel that will be authorized to use the Rave Panic Button.
- Test the system prior to implementation to ensure full functionality.
The timeline is 60 days from contract to implementation and rollout. The required pieces to deploy the system are minimal;the work plan will focus on identifying an administrator (Superintendent/Principal) to maintain control over the process, determine which personnel will be authorized to use the Panic Button, and to schedule a date and time for training session(s) that occur prior to beginning the product usage.