Counseling 1 – Fall 2016


Thursday:8:00am – 9:30am

Location: Campus Center (CC#201)

(10 Week Class – Starts 09/15/2016, Ends 11/17/2016)

Counseling 1 Syllabus. Subject to change.

Instructor:Miguel Sandoval

Office: Math Science 112A


Phone:(818) 778–5741

Counseling 1 Syllabus. Subject to change.

Course Description:

This course is designed to provide freshman students with important information about the college. Students will be introduced to skills needed for college success and available resources. In addition, students will receive help in creating education, career goals, and a Student Educational Plan (SEP).

Student Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this class, you will be able to:

  1. Seek out various campus resources.
  2. Have created a Student Education Plan.

Required Textbook:

Los Angeles Valley College Catalog (2016–2017)PDF Version available online

LAVC: Counseling 1 – Introduction to College Workbook (2015 – 2016)

Materials/Supplies Needed:



-Highlighters, pens, and pencils

Counseling 1 Syllabus. Subject to change.

Counseling 1 Syllabus. Subject to change.

Classroom Guidelines:

-You may use your laptop or tablet for note taking purposes only.

-All cell phones must be on silent or vibrate mode so they do not disrupt the class.

Attendance and Participation:

You are expected to attend all class sessions, bring required textbook/materials to class and be on time. If you are not present, you cannot participate. If you are not present when your name is called or you leave before class ends, you will be marked absent. You may be dropped if you miss the first class session and will be dropped if you are absent for the first two class sessions, no exceptions. If you are absent twice during the semester, you may be dropped from this class. If you are absent from a class session, contact aclassmate to see what you missed and get any assignments. If you are absent from class when an assignment is due, be sure to find a way to turn it in before it is due or make arrangements with someone to turn it in for you on time. It is your responsibility to complete assigned work andbefamiliar with information given in class,whether you attend or not.

Important Dates:


Fall2016 SemesterAugust 29 – December 18, 2016

Veteran’s DayNovember 11, 2016

Final ExamsDecember 12 – 18, 2016

Class Deadlines:

Last day to ADD a classSeptember 15(in person)

Drop and avoid “W” on your permanent recordSeptember 21(by internet)

Drop and receive a “W” on your permanent recordNovember 11(by internet)

Academic Accommodations:

If you are a student with a disability requiring classroom accommodations please notify me as soon as possible, all efforts will be made to best accommodate you. The Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD)office is located in the Student Services Annex, Room 175 or call SSD at (818)947-2681 or TTD (818)947-2680 for further help.

Plagiarism and Student Conduct:

Student behavior is guided by a set of Standards of Student Conduct that are published in the Schedule of Classes and College Catalog. One such standard involves plagiarism which is the use of others’ words and/or ideas without clearly acknowledging their source. When you incorporate those words and ideas into your own work, you must give credit where credit is due. Plagiarism, intentional or unintentional, is considered academic dishonesty and is not tolerated. Anyone found to be plagiarizing or cheating on assignments (e.g., copying or giving answers, using ‘crib’ sheets, etc.) will (1) receive a zero (fail) on the assignment, and (2) be referred to the Vice President of Student Services for further disciplinary action, following due process. For further information on plagiarism, go to the Writing Center website (

Grading: Pass/No Pass onlyTransfer: CSU (1 unit)

Personal Introductions5

Where Does Time Go? Activity8

Fixed Commitment & Study Schedule8

MBTI Quick Assessment Activity8

Holland Interest Survey Activity 8

Career/Transfer Center Assignment8

Student Educational Plan25

Final Exam30

Total - 100

Note:Pass: 70 – 100 (70%)No Pass: 0 – 69 (Less than 70%)

Individual Meetings with Instructor:

I want this class to be a good learning experience for you. Feel free to contact me via email, phone, or schedule an appointment with me if there is anything you need help with or would like to discuss. Situations do arise (health, family, finance, etc.) that can interfere with your ability to succeed in class and at LAVC.

Career/Transfer Center Assignment

(2 part assignment)

  1. Part # 1: Submit proof of visiting the Career/Transfer Center and complete the “Career and Transfer Exploration Activity” (pgs. 59, 60).
  1. Part # 2: Write a 1 page paper about what you gained from visiting the Career/Transfer Center. Assignment must be typed.

Counseling 1 - INTRODUCTION TO COLLEGE: Operational Calendar -Fall2016

Week # 1
Sept. 15 / Thursday / Review Syllabus
LACCD Student Information System & E-mail (pgs. 8, 9) Workbook
Glossary of College Terms (pgs. 10, 11) Workbook / Bring LAVC Workbook to class
Week # 2
Sept. 22 / Thursday / Personal Introductions
Where Does Time Go? Activity (pg. 42) Workbook (HW)
Fixed Commitment & Study Schedule (pg. 43) Workbook (HW)
Career/Transfer Center Assignment – Explain / Bring LAVC Workbook to class
Week # 3
Sept. 29 / Thursday / Tips for Effective Studying (pg. 26) Workbook
Listening Hints During the Lecture (pg. 33) Workbook
Successful Test Taking Habits (pg. 36) Workbook / Bring LAVC Workbook to class
Pgs. 42, 43 - Due
Week # 4
Oct. 6 / Thursday / MBTI Quick Self-Assessment Activity (pgs. 50, 51) Workbook (HW)
Holland Interest Survey Activity (pgs. 52, 53, 54) Workbook (HW)
Career Exploration & Decision-Making Resources (pg. 63) Workbook
CaCareerZone & Bureau of Labor Statistics – Websites / Bring LAVC Workbook to class
Week # 5
Oct. 13 / Thursday / Goal Setting Timeline (pg. 70) Workbook
Higher Education Options in California (pg. 74) Workbook
Your Educational Goal at LAVC (pgs. 76, 77, 78) Workbook
Associate Degree – LACCD Plan (pgs. 37, 38) Catalog / Bring LAVC Workbook & Catalog
Pgs. 50, 51, 52 - Due
Week # 6
Oct. 20 / Thursday / Transfer Process
UC (pgs. 79, 80, 81) CSU (pgs. 82, 83, 84) Workbook
CA Private Colleges & Universities (pg. 85) Workbook
IGETC (pgs. 25, 26) & CSU Breadth (pgs. 30, 31) Catalog
How to Use Assist (pg. 103) Workbook / Bring LAVC Workbook & Catalog
Career/Transfer Center Assignment – Due
Week # 7
Oct. 27 / Thursday / Guidelines for Student Educational Planning & Scheduling (pg. 94)
Selecting Classes: Mock Student Educational Plan (LAVC Website) / Bring LAVC Workbook & Catalog
Week # 8
Nov. 3 / Thursday / Review SEP / Q&A
Continue Mock Student Educational Plan / Bring LAVC Workbook & Catalog
SEP – Draft Due
Week # 9
Nov. 10 / Thursday / Per Year Estimated College Costs (pg. 88)
Student Debt Management - Credit Cards (pg. 90) / Bring LAVC Workbook to class
Week # 10
Nov. 17 / Thursday / Campus Resources Study Guide (pgs. 15, 16, 17) Workbook
Note: (5:00pm – 6:30pm) / SEP – Final Due
In Class Final
Learning Styles Inventory Activity (pgs. 27, 28)
Learning Styles Characteristics (pg. 29)
Learning Styles Study Tips (pg. 30)

Counseling 1 Syllabus. Subject to change.