DuncanrigSecondary School

The Curriculum


Introduction 1


Specific Features1

Component Parts1

Curriculum Structure2

Curriculum – More Than Courses2

Curriculum Flexibility2

A Blended Curriculum2

Roles and Responsibilities2


IVision, Values and Aims

IICurriculum Overview

IIIClubs and Activities

IVCurriculum Planning: Blended Thinking



Our curriculum is the totality of experiences which are planned for learners during their time with us. It comprises the 4 contexts for learning:

  • the ethos and life of our school as a community,
  • courses and programmes of study,
  • interdisciplinary learning experiences,
  • opportunities for personal achievement.

Curriculum Rationale

  • Curriculum areas and subjects, interdisciplinary studies, the life of the school as a community and opportunities for personal achievement are organised to develop pupils’ capacities as successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors.
  • Our curriculum focuseson maintaining coherence and progressionacross stages and transition points.
  • Our curriculum is dynamic and flexible to meet the needs of all learners in a fast-changing society.
  • The totality of pupil experiences is supported and facilitated by a wide range of partnerships, including learners, teachers, parents, employers and other partners. We aim to draw upon this, value the contribution made by these stakeholders and develop these connections for the benefit of our learners.

Specific Features

  • The starting point for curriculum planning is shared values across our school community. Our school vision, values and aims are understood and shared by all stakeholders. (Appendix 1)
  • The ethos of our school as a communityis positive and supportive to good learning and teaching and provides a climate in which children and young people feel safe, secure, respected and valued.
  • The key themes of literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing and skills for life, learning and work permeate all our courses and programmes.
  • Extensive opportunities exist for pupils to engage with and be successful in areas of wider achievement.
  • All members of staff contribute through open, positive,supportive relationships where learners feel that they are listened to.
  • The curriculum areas are regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that they are still relevant to learners and to explore opportunities for connections between curriculum areas in the form of inter-disciplinary learning experiences.
  • We have the freedom to think imaginatively about how pupil experiences might be organised in creative and innovative ways which encouragelearning and continue to meetthe needs of learners.
  • Throughout learners’journeys with us there will be increasedspecialisation and greater depth to their studies.

Component Parts

  • Positive school ethos
  • Courses and programmes of study
  • Inter-disciplinary Learning opportunities
  • Opportunities for wider achievement (within and outwith the classroom)
  • Curriculum flexibility and innovation
  • Partnership working with stakeholders
  • Continuing Professional Development of staff


Curriculum Structure

The structure of the curriculum is based upon the key principles of Curriculum for Excellence and is delivered through courses and programmes grouped into 2 broad areas; the Broad General Education (S1 – S3) and the Senior Phase (S4 – S6). Different areas of study are evident and are combined with interdisciplinary learning experiences and opportunities for wider achievement. (Appendix II).

A central feature of S2 and S3 is that of Core Rotations which allow pupils to continue to engage with all curricular areas through 6 period rotations (4 x 10 weeks in S2 and 4 x 8 weeks in S3). These rotations comprise groups of subjects which have been combined to provide and interdisciplinary context to pupils’ learning. The rotations run in parallel with a suite of electives that provides all pupils with an element of personalisation and choice in their studies. The electives enable pupils to progress through Levels 3 and 4 in preparation for further study in the Senior Phase.

Throughout both stages the permeating themes of literacy, numeracy and health and well-being are embedded, as is the development of skills for life, learning and work.

The curriculum offers learners at all stages challenge, breadth and depth in their studies. It is designed to be progressive as they move up through the stages and offer coherence, personalisation and choice. It is relevant to their needs as learners at school and enhances their chances to achieve sustained positive destinations once they leave school and head into the worlds of work and/or further study.

Curriculum – More Than Courses

The school curriculum extends beyond the classroom and learners have a huge range of opportunities available at lunchtimes, after school and at weekends. These opportunities provide educational enrichment to develop skills and competences and allow staff and pupils to work together in more informal contexts, develop positive relationships and in some cases gain additional qualifications. Some of the clubs and activities on offer are shown in Appendix III.

Curriculum Flexibility

Any changes to the curriculum will be based upon a desire to enhance and/or augment courses and programmes for the benefit of pupils in terms of their current study and positive post-school destinations.

A Blended Curriculum

It is our aspiration to blend all the aspects of an effective curriculum together with other key areas to ensure the active engagement of pupils, parents/carers and staff and the best possible outcomes for all our learners. (Appendix IV)

Roles and Responsibilities

Every member of staff has a responsibility to ensure the effectiveness of curriculum planning and delivery.

The Head Teacher and Senior Leadership team are responsible for:

  • Taking a lead role is sustaining the vision, values and aims of the school and setting a positive ethos.
  • Ensuring that processes are in place to develop and review courses and programmes and opportunities for personal achievement.
  • Providing resources to Principal Teachers to support curriculum development.
  • Providing guidance on all aspects of national and local authority developments in relation to the curriculum.
  • Ensuring that CPD opportunities are provided for staff to enable them to engage positively and effectively in curriculum development.
  • Establishing monitoring and evaluation procedures to sustain an appropriate curriculum for learners.


Principal Teachers are responsible for:

  • Taking a lead role in all aspects of the 4 contexts for learning within their areas of responsibility.
  • Monitoring and evaluating departmental contributions to curriculum development, innovation and sustainability within their subjects.
  • Monitoring and evaluating departmental contributions to curriculum development, innovation and sustainability within interdisciplinary learning experiences.
  • Monitoring and evaluating departmental contributions to curriculum development, innovation and sustainability within opportunities for wider achievement.
  • Encouraging staff to identify and access appropriate CPD opportunities.
  • Encouraging staff to share good practice within the department and across the wider school.

Classroom Teachers are responsible for:

  • Supporting the PT in all aspects of the 4 contexts for learning within their areas of responsibility.
  • Evaluating departmental contributions to curriculum development, innovation and sustainability within their subjects.
  • Evaluating departmental contributions to curriculum development, innovation and sustainability within interdisciplinary learning experiences.
  • Evaluating departmental contributions to curriculum development, innovation and sustainability within opportunities for wider achievement.
  • Identify and accessing appropriate CPD opportunities.
  • Sharing good practice within the department and across the wider school.


Appendix I

Our Vision

In Duncanrig we work together to build positive futures for all. Our school community is a place where learners develop respect for themselves, for those around them and for the school environment. Values are established and skills developed, allowing pupils to build their confidence, achieve their potential, contribute successfully to society and play an active part in shaping the future for themselves and others.

Underpinning everything we do is the desire to raise attainment, provide opportunities for achievement and celebrate success.

Our Values

Respect for self, respect for others, respect for our community, respect for the school environment.

Contribute when and where you can – be positive and give all you can give.

Show tolerance towards others and celebrate diversity.

Don’t settle for less than your best – be determined to be all you can be.

Our Aims

Working together, we encourage all pupils to become:

Successful Learners – who take responsibility for their own learning and self-development

Confident Individuals – who have a high self-esteem and value their own worth

Responsible Citizens – who show respect and care for each other and their community

Effective Contributors – who make a positive contribution to society

Appendix II

Appendix III

Duncanrig Secondary School

Activities Programme

Session 2016-2017

Music and Drama

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Junior Drama Group (S1-3) / 3.15-4 pm
Drama Studio
Concert Band / 3.15-4.30 pm
Junior Choir
(S1-3) / 12.55-1.20 pm
Senior Choir
(S4-6) / 12.45 -1.20pm
Ceilidh n’ Folk Group / 12.55-1.20 pm
B015 / 12.55-1.20 pm
Junior Ceilidh / 12.55-1.20 pm
Soul Band / 12.55 -1.20 pm
Junior Wind Ensemble / Lunchtime
Drum Club
(S1 - S3) / 3.15-4 pm
Keyboard Club / 12.50-1.20pm
Music Tech Club / 12.55-1.20 pm
Mac Suite
Guitar/Ukulele Club
(S1-S3 guitarists) / 12.50-1.20 pm
String Orchestra / 12.55-1.20 pm


Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Science Club
S1 only / 1–1.20pm
Young Enterprise
S6 H/AH students / 12.40-1.20 pm
Public Speaking and Debating Club / 1–1.20pm
Reading Club
S1 and S2 only / 12.40-1.20 pm
Film Club / 12.55-1.20pm
Programming Club / After school for 1 hour
Animation Club / 12.40-1.20 pm
Girls Programming Club / After School for 1 hour
Design and Engineering Club / 12.55-1.20pm
Writing Club / 1–1.20pm
Jewellery Club / 12.40-1.20pm
Helping Hands / Open after school in the library from Mon – Thurs to provide support for pupils to revise, study or complete homework. Manned and run by or S6 Captains.
War Games Club / After school
History Dept
Book Club / Lunchtime
School Library
Art Club
(S3 – S6 pupils) / After school

Other Activities

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
S1 Football
B/C teams / 12.40-1.20 pm
Games Hall / After School
Astro Pitch
Gymnastics / After school
Gym 1
Trampoline / After school
Gym 2
S1 Basketball / 12.40-1.20 pm
Games Hall
S1-2 Rugby / 12.40-1.20pm
Games Hall / After school
Grass Pitch
S2 Recreational Football / 12.40-1.20pm
Games Hall
S1 School of Football / After School
Astro Park / 12.40-1.20pm
Games Hall
Girls Football / After school
Games Hall
S1 – S6
Basketball / After school
Games Hall
Netball / After school
Games Hall
Badminton / After school
Games Hall
Table Tennis / 12.40-1.20pm
Dance Studio
S1 Dance / After school
Dance Studio
S1-S3 Fitness Club / After school
Fitness Suite / After School
Fitness Suite
S1 Football (all) / 12.40-1.20pm
Astro Park / 12.40-1.20pm
Astro Park / 12.40-1.20pm
Astro Park / 12.40-1.20pm
Astro Park / 12.40-1.20pm
Astro Park
S1–S6 Athletics / After school
Social Area
S2 School of football / After school
Astro Park / 12.40-1.20pm
Games Hall
School of rugby / After school
Grass Pitch / Period 7
Grass Pitch
Girls Rugby / After school
Grass Pitch
U16s Rugby / After school
Grass Pitch

Appendix IV

Duncanrig Secondary School

Curriculum Planning: Blended Thinking

  • Blending the components of an appropriate curriculum.
  • Providing meaningful information for parent/carers and pupils to record progress and inform future pathways.