Great Thinkers Project

In this project you will research a great thinker and lead a lead a class discussion to help the class appreciate the importance of this thinker’s work.

Great Thinkers:

What makes a thinker great? Through history, certain individuals have changed the way we understand and interact with the world around us. These thinkers have influence in one or more of the following ways:

  • By propelling our understanding forward – advancing our understanding of a field, process, or event, and paving the way for great changes in how we live.
  • By changing our understanding – redirecting and redefining the rules and requiring others to change the way they understand the world.
  • By creating or discovering something entirely new –creating opportunities to think and act in an entirely new way.

Exploring Your Topic:

As you research your great thinker, consider the following questions:

  • What did this thinker do that was so important, unique, or revolutionary?
  • In what ways has our understanding of the universe change as a result of this thinker’s work? Help us understand the work!
  • What fundamental question(s) was this thinker attempting to answer?
  • How did he or she answer these questions?
  • What were the most significant contributions?
  • In what field(s) is the work significant?
  • What were the driving forces behind this thinker’s work? What was his or her motivator?
  • How was the thinker perceived in his or her own time? When was this? What was the context of the thinker’s time and what was the current paradigm in his or her time?
  • How is the thinker and the work perceived today?
  • Was the thinker intelligent, creative, wise? How can you define these in relation to this thinker?

Presenting Your Findings:

Prepare the following to share your work with the class.

  • Lead a class period that includes a presentation and a class discussion.
  • Include a sample from a primary source (writing, musical piece, painting…)
  • Include a visual aid (PowerPoint, Keynote, iMovie, podcast, website…). This should include an introduction to the thinker, a summary of why the work is important, and questions for discussion.
  • Include a list of references in proper citation format.


Refer to the evaluation rubric on the next page.

Evaluation Rubric

Item / Maven / Master / Mortal
Research / The research shows a deep understanding of the thinker’s work and the context in which this work was created. The research explores the ways in which this work has changed our understanding of the world in a particular field of study, area of knowledge, or paradigm. The work includes a primary source and demonstrates an understanding of this source in relation to the thinker’s work. The work explores the concepts of intelligence, creativity, and wisdom in relation to the thinker’s work. / The research shows a good understanding of the thinker’s work and the context in which this work was created. The research explores the ways in which this work has changed our understanding of the world. The work includes a primary source. The work explores the concepts of intelligence, creativity, and wisdom in relation to the thinker’s work. / The research shows an understanding of the thinker’s work and the context in which this work was created. The research explores the ways in which this work has changed our understanding of the world. The work includes a primary source.
Presentation/Discussion / The presentation is practiced and error free. The questions stimulate an engaging class discussion. The presentation/discussion is at least 30 minutes long. The presenter is confident and clear, and the presentation is well planned. / The presentation is practiced. The presentation includes a class discussion. The presentation/discussion is at least 30 minutes long. The presentation is well planned. / The presentation includes a class discussion, and is at least 30 minutes long.
Media / A visual aid is created and used to help the class understand the research. The visual aid is complete and error free, and includes the main ideas of the presenter’s research. The presentation includes an introduction to the thinker’s work and its importance.
Citations of all sources are included, including one for your primary source. / A visual aid is created and used to help the class understand the research. The presentation includes an introduction to the thinker’s work and its importance. Citations of all sources are included. / A visual aid is created and used to help the class understand the research.