This chapter contains recommended items for inclusion in the census of agriculture. Distinction is made between essential, frame and additional items. The items are presented under 15 themes, corresponding to areas of interest for the census programme. The reference group for each theme is shown, along with cross-references to the descriptions of themes and items in Chapter 8.

Introduction and changes from the earlier programme

7.1This chapter lists the recommended items for the census of agriculture. The list has been prepared by FAO based on experiences of countries with previous agricultural censuses, taking into account emerging user needs as well as agricultural issues and problems faced by countries. The chapter relates only to the items that can be reported by the agricultural holding; items for the community survey are shown in Chapter 9.

7.2To help countries meet the need for a wider range of data, the WCA 2010 introduced the concept of a modular approach for the census of agriculture. This approach had a ‘core census module’ conducted on a complete enumeration basis and one or more ‘census supplementary modules’ conducted on a sample basis. A recommended list of 16 items was proposed for the core module and these items were also FAO’s recommended minimum set of data for the WCA 2010 round of agricultural censuses. This approach differed from the previous census rounds where the traditional approach was the norm and a sub-set of items were classified as ‘essential’ for national and international comparison purposes. In the WCA 2000, 26 items were classified as essential.

7.3While the modular approach was used by a number of countries in the WCA 2010 round, the most common approach remained the traditional approach. Countries also found the 16 core items too restrictive as a minimum data set. The absence of data on crop areas harvested and employment, in particular, were noted. A review of the core items concluded that they were particularly relevant for frame construction for the census supplementary modules but less appropriate as essential items.

7.4For this reason the WCA 2020 now distinguishes between ‘essential’ items and ‘frame’ items. The essential items are those that every country should collect regardless the methodological approach used for the agricultural censuses, they are needed for national purposes and international comparison whereas the frame items are primarily used for building the frame for supplementary modules or subsequent surveys and relate specifically to censuses using the modular approach. Some frame items happen to be also essential (e.g. Item 0110 Main purpose of the production of the holding), meaning that they are useful for both purposes.

7.5Other items in the census programme are additional items with no distinction to their particular suitability for the traditional or modular approach.

7.6The WCA 2020 introduces a number of new items. Some of them are totally new (e.g. Item 0901 ‘Whether working on the holding is the main activity’). Some of the new items are reintroduced (e.g. Item 0109 ‘Presence of hired manager’). There are new items which are a component of more detailed existing items. These are essential and frame items (e.g. frame Item 0602 ‘Use of genetically modified crops’ is a component of Item 0603 ‘Use of genetically modified crops according to crop type’).

7.7In the process of harmonisation of the concepts and definitions in the WCA 2020 programme with international classifications and standards some items introduced in WCA 2010 programme have been modified (e.g. Item 1301 ‘Presence of woodland on the holding’ replaces the WCA 2010 Item 0015 Presence of forests and other wooded land on the holding) but they are not considered as new items.

7.8The WCA 2020 has in total 128 items of which 23 are essential items, 15 are frame items and 96 are additional items. Note that some of the items are both essential and frame. The items are grouped in 15 themes. All items have a unique 4-digit number, first two digits refer to the number of the theme where they are described whilst next two digits refer to the sequence of the items within the theme starting from 01 for each theme. For example, the number of Item 0110 ‘Main purpose of production of the holding’ is composed of ‘01’ which represents the number of the Theme 01 ‘Identification and general characteristics’ and ‘10’ which represents the 10-th item in this theme.

Essential Items

7.9There are 23 essential items. These items are considered the ‘minimum’ data set that all countries should collect regardless of the methodological approach used. They are important to compile a minimum set of national indicators on the agricultural sector needed for agricultural policy-making and planning; they are required to be produced for small administrative units such as districts or villages, or in the form of detailed cross-tabulations; these items are required for international comparison purposes.

7.10All new items are marked with a ‘+’. However, some of the new essential items are a component of existing items. For example, Item 0503 ‘Number of female breeding animals’, is a component of two additional Items - 0504 ‘Number of animals: sex and age’, and 0505 ‘Number of animals according to purpose’.

List of recommended ESSENTIAL items (‘+’ denotes new items)

0101 / Identification and location of agricultural holding
0103 / Legal status of agricultural holder (Type of holder)
0104 / Sex of agricultural holder
0105 / Age of agricultural holder
0107 / Main purpose of production of the holding
0108 / Other economic activities of the household
0201 / Total area of holding
0202 / Area of holding according to land use types
+ / 0203 / Area of holding according to land tenure types
+ / 0302 / Area of land actually irrigated: fully controlled and partially controlled irrigation
0402 / Area of temporary crops harvested (for each temporary crop type)
0406 / Area of productive and non-productive permanent crops in compact plantations (for each permanent crop type)
0407 / Number of permanent crop trees in scattered plantings(for each tree crop)
0411 / Use of each type of fertilizer
0501 / Type of livestock system
0502 / Number of animals
+ / 0503 / Number of female breeding animals
0601 / Use of agricultural pesticides
0801 / Household size by sex and age groups
+ / 0901 / Whether working on the holding is the main activity
0902 / Working time on the holding
0903 / Number and working time of employees on the holding by sex
1201 / Presence of aquaculture on the holding

Frame items

7.11There are 15 frame items, some of them happen to be also essential. The frame items are directly relevant to frame construction for the supplementary modules for countries using the modular approach and for subsequent surveys. For example, frame item 0401 ‘Types of temporary crops on the holding’ can be used for a supplementary module or specialized annual survey on Production of temporary crops; frame item 0405 ‘Types of permanent crops on the holding and whether in compact plantations’ can be used for a supplementary module or specialized annual survey on Production of permanent crops; frame item 0201 ‘Total area of holding’ can be used for a supplementary module or a specialised survey on agricultural practices applied in holdings with land. Countries may include additional items for use in creating sampling frames for the census supplementary modules or the programme of agricultural surveys according to their needs.

7.12Some frame items are a component of existing items for the purpose of building a frame (e.g. Item 0413 ‘Presence of nurseries’). They are denoted as new items. The items specifically identified for frame construction are:

List of recommended FRAME items (an “E” denotes frame items considered also essential and ‘+’ denotes new items)

E / 0101 / Identification and location of agricultural holding
E / 0107 / Main purpose of production of the holding
E / 0108 / Other economic activities of the household
E / 0201 / Total area of holding
0301 / Use of irrigation on the holding: fully and partially controlled irrigation
0401 / Types of temporary crops on the holding
0405 / Types of permanent crops on the holding and whether in compact plantations
+ / 0413 / Presence of nurseries
+ / 0415 / Presence of cropped land under protective cover
E / 0502 / Number of animals
+ / 0602 / Use of genetically modified (GM)seeds
E / 1201 / Presence of aquaculture on the holding
1301 / Presence of woodland on the holding
1304 / Whether agro-forestry is practiced
+ / 1401 / Engagement in own account capture fishing activity*

* Note that fisheries is outside the scope of the agricultural census but Item 1401 “Engagement in own account capture fishing activity” is included in the list of frame items as it is suitable for countries considering a wider scope.

Items for consideration by Theme

7.13The WCA 2020 programme presents items grouped in themes. Each theme focuses on a specific area of interest for the agriculture census programme. All items have a unique 4-digit number, first two digits refer to the number of the theme where they are described whilst next two digits refer to the sequence of the items within the theme starting from 01 for each theme. If an item is also relevant to another theme, only a reference to the item is included in the latter, without the full item’s description. For example, Item 1304 “Whether agro-forestry is practiced” is described under Theme 13 “Forestry” but is also relevant to Theme 06 “Agricultural practices”. Thus, in Theme 06 “Agricultural practices” a reference to Item 1304 “Whether agro-forestry is practiced” is made.

7.14An “E” denotes essential items; an “F” denotes frame items; a “+” denotes new items. Additional items are not marked with a specific symbol unless they are new for the WCA 2020 programme (in this case they are marked with “+”)

7.15The scope of each theme is shown in parenthesis under each heading. References to the applicable concepts and definitions in Chapter 8 are shown in parenthesis after each item.

Theme 01 – Identification and general characteristics

For the holdings

E F / 0101 / Identification and location of agricultural holding (paragraphs 8.01.1 - 8.01.4)
+ / 0102 / Respondent for the agricultural holding (paragraph 8.01.5)
E / 0103 / Legal status of agricultural holder (Type of holder) (paragraphs 8.01.6 - 8.01.9)
E / 0104 / Sex of agricultural holder (paragraphs 8.01.10 - 8.01.11)
E / 0105 / Age of agricultural holder (paragraphs 8.01.12 - 8.01.15)
0106 / National/ethnic group of household head or agricultural holder (paragraph 8.01.16)
E F / 0107 / Main purpose of production of the holding (paragraphs 8.01.17 - 8.01.21)
E F / 0108 / Other economic activities of the household (paragraphs 8.01.22 - 8.01.24)
+ / 0109 / Proportion of income from holding’s agricultural production in household’s total income (paragraphs 8.01.25 – 8.01.26)
+ / 0110 / Main agricultural activity of the holding (paragraphs 8.01.27 – 8.01.29)
+ / 0111 / Presence of hired manager of the agricultural holding (paragraph 8.01.30)
+ / 0112 / Sex of hired manager of the agricultural holding (paragraph 8.01.31)
+ / 0113 / Age of hired manager of the agricultural holding (paragraph 8.01.32 )

Theme 02 – Land

For the holdings

E F / 0201 / Total area of holding (paragraphs 8.02.1 - 8.02.6)
E / 0202 / Area of holding according to land use types (paragraphs 8.02.7 - 8.02.35)
E + / 0203 / Area of holding according to land tenure types (paragraphs 8.02.36 - 8.02.40)

For each parcel

0204 / Location (paragraphs 8.02.41 - 8.02.43)
0205 / Area (paragraph 8.02.44)
+ / 0206 / Land use (paragraph 8.02.45)
0207 / Land tenure (paragraphs 8.02.46- 8.02.47)
0208 / Terms of rental (for rented parcels) (paragraph 8.02.48)
0209 / Use of shifting cultivation (paragraphs 8.02.49- 8.02.50)
0210 / Number of years since cleared (paragraphs 8.02.51- 8.02.52)

For the holdings

0211 / Presence of soil degradation: type and degree (paragraphs 8.02.53- 8.02.56)

Theme 03 – Irrigation

For the holdings

F / 0301 / Use of irrigation on the holding: fully and partially controlled irrigation (paragraph 8.03.5)
E + / 0302 / Area of land actually irrigated: fully controlled and partially controlled irrigation (paragraphs 8.03.6 – 8.03.7)
0303 / Area of land actually irrigated according to land use type: fully controlled and partially controlled irrigation(paragraphs 8.03.8 – 8.03.10)
0304 / Area of land actually irrigated according to method of irrigation: fully controlled irrigation(paragraphs 8.03.11 – 8.03.14)
0305 / Area of crops actually irrigated for each crop type: fully controlled irrigation(paragraphs 8.03.15 – 8.03.16)
0306 / Sources of irrigation water: fully controlled irrigation(paragraphs 8.03.17 – 8.03.19)
+ / Rice cultivation - irrigation and water regimes (see Item 1506)
0307 / Payment terms for irrigation water: fully and partially controlled irrigation(paragraph 8.03.20)
0308 / Use of other types of irrigation: partially controlled irrigation(paragraphs 8.03.21 – 8.03.24)
+ / 0309 / Area equipped for irrigation in working order: fully and partially controlled irrigation (paragraphs 8.03.25 – 8.03.27)
0310 / Presence of drainage equipment (paragraphs 8.03.28 – 8.03.29)

Theme 04 – Crops

Temporary Crops

F / 0401 / Types of temporary crops on the holding (paragraphs 8.04.1 – 8.04.4)
E / 0402 / Area of temporary crops harvested (for each temporary crop type) (paragraphs 8.04.5 –8.04.17)
0403 / Area of temporary crops harvested according to end-use (for each selected crop type) (paragraphs 8.04.18 – 8.04.20)
0404 / Production of temporary crops harvested(for each selected crop type) (paragraphs 8.04.21 – 8.04.22)

Permanent Crops

F / 0405 / Types of permanent crops on the holding and whether in compact plantations (paragraphs 8.04.23 – 8.04.25)
E / 0406 / Area of productive and non-productive permanent crops in compact plantations (for each permanent crop type) (paragraphs 8.04.26 – 8.04.30)
E / 0407 / Number of permanent crop trees in scattered plantings (for each tree crop) (paragraphs 8.04.31 – 8.04.32)
0408 / Area of productive permanent crops in compact plantations according to end-use (for each selected permanent crop type) (paragraphs 8.04.33 – 8.04.34)
0409 / Production of permanent crops (for each selected permanent crop type) (paragraph 8.04.35)

For the holdings

0410 / Area of land used to grow temporary crops as a secondary land use (paragraphs 8.04.36 – 8.04.38)
E / 0411 / Use of each type of fertilizer (paragraphs 8.04.39 – 8.04.45)
0412 / Area fertilized for each type of fertilizer and major crop type (paragraph 8.04.46)
F + / 0413 / Presence of nurseries (paragraphs 8.04.47 – 8.04.48)
0414 / Area of nurseries (paragraph 8.04.49)
F + / 0415 / Presence of cropped land under protective cover (paragraphs 8.04.50 – 8.04.51)
0416 / Area of cropped land under protective cover (paragraph 8.04.52)

Theme 05 – Livestock

For the holdings

E / 0501 / Type of livestock system (paragraphs 8.05.3 – 8.05.4)

For each livestock type

E F / 0502 / Number of animals(paragraphs 8.05.5 – 8.05.7)
E + / 0503 / Number of female breeding animals (paragraph 8.05.8)
0504 / Number of animals: age and sex (paragraphs 8.05.9 – 8.05.10)
0505 / Number of animals according to purpose (paragraphs 8.05.11 – 8.05.12)
0506 / Number of milking animals according to milk status (paragraph 8.05.13)
0507 / Number of animals born (paragraphs8.05.14 - 8.05.16)
0508 / Number of animals acquired (paragraphs8.05.14 - 8.05.15, 8.05.17)
0509 / Number of animals slaughtered (paragraphs 8.05.14 - 8.05.15, 8.05.18)
0510 / Number of animals disposed of (paragraphs 8.05.14 - 8.05.15, 8.05.19)
0511 / Number of animals that have died from natural causes (paragraphs 8.05.14 - 8.05.15, 8.05.20)
0512 / Types of feed (paragraphs 8.05.21 – 8.05.22)

For the holdings

0513 / Use of veterinary services (paragraphs 8.05.23 – 8.05.24)

Theme 06 – Agricultural practices

For the holdings

E / 0601 / Use of agricultural pesticides (paragraphs 8.06.2 – 8.06.3)
F + / 0602 / Use of genetically modified (GM) seeds (paragraph 8.06.4)
0603 / Use of genetically modified (GM) seeds according to crop type (paragraph 8.06.5)
0604 / Selected machinery and equipment used on the holding by source (paragraphs 8.06.6 – 8.06.8)
0605 / Non-residential buildings (paragraphs 8.06.9 – 8.06.11)
0606 / Percentage of each major agricultural product sold (paragraph 8.06.12)
0607 / Use of organic agricultural practices (paragraphs 8.06.13 – 8.06.18)
0608 / Type of seed for each major crop type(paragraphs 8.06.19 – 8.06.22)
0609 / Source of seed inputs for each major crop type(paragraphs 8.06.23 – 8.06.24)
F / Whether agro-forestry is practiced (see Item 1304)
+ / 0610 / Type of tillage practices (paragraphs 8.06.26 – 8.06.32)
+ / 0611 / Presence of conservation agriculture (paragraph 8.06.33)
+ / 0612 / Presence of soil conservation practices (paragraphs 8.06.34 – 8.06.36)
+ / Type of animal grazing practices (see Item 1501)
E / Use of each type of fertilizer (see Item 0411)
Area fertilized for each type of fertilizer and major crop type (see Item 0412)
Irrigation (see Theme 03)

Theme 07– Services for Agriculture

For the holdings

0701 / Receipt of credit for agricultural purposes (paragraphs 8.07.1 – 8.07.3)
0702 / Source of credit (paragraph 8.07.4)
0703 / Type of collateral for credit (paragraphs 8.07.5 – 8.07.6)
0704 / Period of loan or credit (paragraph 8.07.7)
0705 / Sources of agricultural information (paragraphs 8.07.8 – 8.07.9)
0706 / Sources of agricultural extension services used (paragraphs 8.07.10 – 8.07.14)
0707 / Travelling time to nearest periodic or permanent agricultural produce market for selling products (paragraphs 8.07.15 – 8.07.17)

Theme 08 – Demographic and social characteristics

For the holdings in the household sector

E / 0801 / Household size by sex and age groups (paragraphs 8.08.1 – 8.08.3)

For each household member

0802 / Sex
0803 / Age (paragraph 8.08.4)
0804 / Relationship to household head or other reference person (paragraphs 8.08.5 – 8.08.7)
0805 / Marital status (paragraphs 8.08.8 – 8.08.10)
0806 / Educational attainment (paragraphs 8.08.11 – 8.08.12)

For the holder

+ / 0807 / Agricultural training/education of holder (paragraphs 8.08.13 – 8.08.14)

Theme 09 – Work on the holding

For each household member of working age, identifying the sex

E+ / 0901 / Whether working on the holding is the main activity (paragraph 8.09.21)
E / 0902 / Working time on the holding (paragraphs 8.09.22 – 8.09.25)

For the holdings

E / 0903 / Number and working time of employees on the holding by sex (paragraphs 8.09.27 – 8.09.32)

For each household member of working age, identifying the sex

0904 / Labour force status (paragraphs 8.09.33 – 8.09.34)

For each household member in employment, identifying the sex

0905 / Status in employment of main job (paragraphs 8.09.35– 8.09.45)

For the holdings

0906 / Form of payment for employees (paragraph 8.09.46)
0907 / Use of contractors for work on the holding according to type (paragraphs 8.09.47 – 8.09.49)

Theme 10- Intra-household distribution of managerial decisions and ownership on the holding

For the holdings in the household sector

+ / 1001 / Sex of household members making managerial decisions (paragraphs 8.10.7 – 8.10.8)
+ / 1002 / Area of crops by sex of the person managing them (paragraphs 8.10.9 – 8.10.10)
+ / 1003 / Number of livestock by sex of the person managing them (paragraphs 8.10.11 – 8.10.12)
+ / 1004 / Area of land owned by sex of the owner (paragraphs 8.10.13 – 8.10.16)
+ / 1005 / Number of livestock owned by sex of the owner (paragraphs 8.10.17 – 8.10.19)

Theme 11 – Household food security

For the holdings in the household sector or all households

+ / 1101 / The food insecurity experience scale (FIES) (paragraphs 8.11.12 – 8.11.30)
1102 / Effects of natural disasters (paragraphs 8.11.31 – 8.11.33)
1103 / Extent of loss of agricultural output due to natural disasters (paragraphs 8.11.31, 8.11.34 – 8.11.35)

Theme 12 – Aquaculture

For agriculture holdings or aquaculture holdings

E F / 1201 / Presence of aquaculture on the holding (paragraphs 8.12.2 – 8.12.6)
1202 / Area of aquaculture according to type of site (paragraphs 8.12.7 – 8.12.10)
1203 / Area of aquaculture according to type of production facility (paragraphs 8.12.11 – 8.12.16)
1204 / Type of water (paragraphs 8.12.17 – 8.12.18)
1205 / Sources of water for aquaculture (paragraph 8.12.19)
1206 / Type of aquacultural organism cultivated (paragraphs 8.12.20 – 8.12.21)

For the modular approach, the reference group is holdings with aquaculture in frame item 1201.

Theme 13 – Forestry

For the holdings

F / 1301 / Presence of woodland on the holding (paragraphs 8.13.1 – 8.13.4)
1302 / Area of woodland (paragraph 8.13.5)
1303 / Purposes of woodland (paragraphs 8.13.6 – 8.13.11)
F / 1304 / Whether agro-forestry is practiced (paragraphs 8.13.12 – 8.13.13)

For the modular approach, the reference group is holdings with woodland in frame item 1301.

Theme 14: Fisheries

For the holdings in the household sector or all households

F + / 1401 / Engagement in own account capture fishing activity (paragraphs 8.14.4 – 8.14.6)
+ / 1402 / Number of household members by gender (person months) engaged in fishing (paragraphs 8.14.7 – 8.14.9)
+ / 1403 / Number of fishers by gender (person months) employed by the household (paragraph 8.14.10)
+ / 1404 / Type of fishing (paragraphs 8.14.11 – 8.14.12)
+ / 1405 / Main purpose of household fishing activity (paragraphs 8.14.13 – 8.14.15)
+ / 1406 / Type of fishing vessel used (paragraphs 8.14.16 – 8.14.17)
+ / 1407 / Type of fishing gear used (paragraphs 8.14.18 – 8.14.20)

For the modular approach, the reference group is holdings with own account capture fisheries in frame item 1401.