November 1, 2016

CKMS PTSA Executive Board Meeting, Chief Kanim Middle School Library

In Attendance: Carel Talens, Neelam Khaki, Michelle Trifunovic, Lynn Brandt, Lori Meyer, Sharon Bodine

Meeting called to order at 9:20 am by Carel Talens

Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Carel made a motion to approve the October Executive Board meeting minutes. Lori seconded the motion. Resolved – October 4th Executive Board meeting minutes approved.


Neelam was on hand to discuss our finances. The Financial Review of our books and accounts is completed.

Duplicate bank statements are supposed to be given each month to a non-signer member. Copies were given by Neelam to Lynn to forward on to Thyra. Receiver to review statement against Treasury Report and sign off on it if all okay. Per Sharon’s question, Carel noted that we do this to ensure we have the proper checks and balances in place. Copies of the statements are then to be kept in the Secretary’s binder.

Sharon, Lynn and Carel are all to be signers for our bank account for 2016-17 year.

Lori agreed to be the non-signer reviewer, unless Thyra wants to take this task on.

We use Key Bank for our bank accounts. Per Neelam Key Bank does not charge us a monthly fee for the account or paper copies of our statements.

We are going to file for an extension for our taxes. Sharon will talk to Rick (our accountant) re handling this.

Sharon needs her ID and a copy of the last General Meeting minutes where she was voted in as Treasurer to go to the bank and become a signatory on our accounts.

Carel made a motion to vote Lynn Brandt in as another signatory on our bank accounts, replacing Kirsten Patterson. Lori seconded the motion and everyone at the meeting agreed so Lynn is now officially voted as a second signatory on our bank accounts.

Kirsten Patterson and Neelam Khaki need to be removed as signatories on our bank accounts with Key Bank at Snoqualmie Ridge

Neelam has some odds and ends for Sharon and Thyra to finalize Sharon as the Treasurer position.

Neelam has agreed to continue to take care of any payments due by our PTSA, and any deposits to be made, until the signing names are changed with Key Bank.

Carel has agreed to help find someone new to do our mid-year audit. In the past Kelly Faccone has done it but she has become very busy so it is advisable for us to find someone else to do this. It will be helpful if the person is a CPA.


Charitable Solicitations by May 31st.

Money still trickling in from Hawk-A-Thon for this year. Neelam received a few more checks and will take care of them and liaison with Karen.


Carl will handle end of year membership with Karen. WA PTA did this for us last year but then wiped out all our names and charged us $25.00 (which Neelam indicated they then did refund to us).

Teacher Grants and ASB Contribution

We currently give ASB 60% of the proceeds from our Hawk-A-Thon drive. Carel indicated we have a contract re ASB for this amount. Michelle indicated that she thinks we can revisit this amount and perhaps arrive at a new contract to give ASB less of the proceeds. Karen probably has the contract and we should look at its wording. Michelle indicated that we could think about changing the ASB allocation so that we would have more money to give out in Grants. Michelle indicated she would look into making this change with the Vice Principal and ASB.

Lynn to work with Tanya and Thyra re Teacher Grants. Lynn to look at the Grant requests and determine how much is being requested.

Last year we wrote a check on November 23, 2015 for the Grant requests we had approved.

Meeting Dates

December 6 (Tuesday) is our next Exec Board meeting.

General membership meeting scheduled for March 13 (Monday) in the CKMS Library

Walk-About Program

Michelle mentioned the Walk-About program. Lynn to look into a signup process for this. Then we need to advertise it. Potentially have it launch at the beginning of next, 2017, year.

Lori will talk to Library volunteers about doing the Walk-About program in their downtime while they are already at the school volunteering.

Angel Fund

Request for donations for goods to needy students/CKMS families.

Michelle requested PTSA take this on. We would liason with Michelle re student needs.

We could set up a Grant for this. Michelle will talk to the school counselors about writing up a Grant Request for money to buy things for the students in need.

We could do a fundraiser drive around the holidays for gift cards to the school and be used for needy students. Before the holidays Michelle will tell us what specific gift cards they would like to have/would be most useful.

We need to start advertising this at beginning of December so that we can get the word out before the Holiday break.

Sock Fundraiser

Sharon gave a shout out to Kyle Tippleton re his efforts for students and what a super person he is.

Discussion over whether we (PTSA) should do a sock fundraiser. Sharon mentioned that doing it through the sports teams is likely a better way for this to raise money. Michelle mentioned that the PE department wants to raise money for some specific items they would like.

It was agreed that as the PE Department wants to raise monies and is more associated with the various sports teams the PE Department should handle the sock fundraiser.

PTSA Morning Meeting and Teacher Appreciation

Michelle indicated she would like to do another PTSA coffee morning meeting, perhaps in January.

Michelle also mentioned that she would like to bring a latte cart to school for Teacher Appreciation. We mentioned some local options for her to tap, including

  • Back Alley Brew
  • The Grind
  • Mercury Coffee

Screenager Movie Showing

We discussed that we are still interested in showing the Screenager Movie. Possible dates would be early February, before winter break, or March (after winter break). We can screen it twice so the school could show it to the students during the school day and we could show it to parents and students at night.

Carel went and saw it with his family at Issaquah High School and highly recommends it. When Carel saw the movie there was a panel that discussed the issues afterwards including a gentleman who spoke about his electronic addiction in High School and College and what it ultimately cost him. Carel said he would look into finding this gentleman and inquiring if he would be willing to talk after the screening at our school.

We need to bring this up to talk with Michelle at our next Executive Board meeting.

Nominating Committee

We need to note a request for Nominating Committee volunteers on our PTSA website soon. Also, we need to have school publish need for volunteers in the Friday Folder blast.


We discussed how we can get people to volunteer if they don’t want to join the PTSA or fill out all the PTSA info. We feel that this may be a potential roadblock to having more volunteers for our various activities. Lynn to talk to Michelle and Karen about this issue.


We need to look into the dates for this program. How much time do we have left for entries for this? Is it being advertised?

Carel will ask Karen if she is willing to run the Reflections program at CKMS this year.

Carel will also talk to Karen about getting specific information for Reflection form so that we can post it in the Friday folder for families (the information that needs to be filled out on the entry forms attached to the Reflection submissions).

Meeting Adjournment

Exec Board Meeting adjourned at 11:10 am.

Action Items

  • Carel takes action to check with WA PTSA to find out how long we have to keep copies of bank statements and records for.
  • Sharon takes action to talk to Rick, our PTSA accountant at Krona and Krona, re filing an extension for our PTSA taxes.
  • Sharon to go to Key Bank on Snoqualmie Ridge to have herself placed as signator on our bank accounts.
  • Lynn to go to Key Bank on Snoqualmie Ridge to haver herself placed as signator on our bank accounts.
  • Lynn to check with Key Bank if Kirsten Patterson and Neelam Khaki need to do anything with Key Bank to have herself removed as signator on our bank accounts.
  • Sharon and Thyra to follow up with Neelam re any final actions that need to be done to formalize Sharon as Treasurer for the 2016-17 school year.
  • Carel takes action to find someone to do our audit at mid-year.
  • Carel takes action to do end of year membership with Karen. Has to be done by end of month June 2017.
  • Michelle takes action to revisit the PTSA allocation to ASB with the Vice Principal and the ASB.
  • Lynn takes action to look at the current Grant requests and determine how much is being requested.
  • Lynn takes action to continue to look into Signup Process for Walk-About program.
  • Michelle takes action to talk to the school counselors to have them draft a Grant Request for money to buy things for the students in need.
  • Michelle takes action to determine and let us know what specific gift cards the school would like to have/would be most useful for the Angel Fund.
  • Lynn takes action to advertise Angel Fund drive to collect gift cards for use for needy students.
  • Carel takes action to look into gentleman that talked about his electronic addiction at the screening of Screenager movie at Issaquah High School and see if he would be willing to come talk at our screening.
  • We need to discuss Screenager viewing with Michelle again at our next Executive Board meeting in December.
  • Carel takes action to ask Karen to put a request out on our PTSA website for nominating committee volunteers.
  • Lynn takes action to ask school to include our need for PTSA nominating committee volunteers in the next Friday bulletin(s).
  • Lynn takes action to discuss with Karen and Michelle issue about getting volunteers without necessarily having them feel they have to sign up with the PTSA.
  • Carel takes action to ask Karen if she is willing to run the Reflections program at CKMS this year.
  • Carel takes action to talk to Karen about getting specific information for Reflection form so that we can post it in the Friday folder for families (the information that needs to be filled out on the entry forms attached to the Reflection submissions).