Revised Fall 2016
Jacksonville State University
School of Education
Internship Placement General Information
for Superintendents, Principals, and Cooperating Teachers
- Internship Cooperating Teacher Credentials: Cooperating teachers who supervise interns shall be accomplished school professionals who are properly certificated at the Class A level for their present assignment or hold National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certification that is appropriate to their present assignment, have at least 3 years of educational experience in their field of specialization, and are currently teaching classes in the intern’s area(s) of specialization.
For candidates in Class B programs and candidates in Alternative Class A programs who are not employed on the basis of holding a Special Alternative Certificate/Interim Employment Certificate, if no acceptable teacher with Class A certification in the intern’s area(s) of specialization is available, then the unit head may document and grant an exception for a CT who meets the other criteria but holds a valid Class B Professional Education Certificate. In this case, JSU School of Education will require a Cooperating Teacher Credentials Exceptions Form to be on file.
- Internship Dates: We would like for teacher candidates to be involved in as many typical teaching responsibilities as possible. Most teacher candidates will begin the first day teachers report for professional work days and/or Inservice and will be in their placement schools for approximately 15 weeks
- Program Areas Requiring Two Cooperating Teachers: Our P-12 programs require placement in an elementary setting and in a secondary setting. Typically, students switch settings at mid-term, but other more flexible splits may be arranged depending on the teaching schedules of the CTs.
- Year-long Clinical Experience: In some cases, specific teachers are requested based on recommendations or on previous practicum student placements that are part of our year-long clinical experience (practicum + internship). Please know that these are only requests and that placement decisions are entirely yours. Individual teachers may have responsibilities this semester that make hosting an intern impossible. You may approve the request or exchange the name of a different qualified teacher.
- JSU Scholarship Credit and CEUs: Each Cooperating Teacher (CT) earns 1.5 JSU scholarship credit hours and 1.0 CEU for hosting an intern, following the Co-Teaching Model, and collaborating with the University Supervisor for an entire semester. (Practicum CTs earn .5 JSU scholarship credit and .5 CEU.) CTs who participate in the year-long clinical experience will earn one additional JSU scholarship credit, for a total of 3 scholarship credit hours for the practicum and internship year-long clinical. CTs will need to register for CEUs through their personal STIPD accounts, with CEUs posted about a month following the semester they host a JSU teacher candidate.
- Co-Teaching Model: JSU College of Education and Professional Studies has adopted the Co-Teaching Model for all clinical experiences. In an effort to support all of our service-area schools, we have an online Co-Teaching Training Module available to CTs. Teachers who complete the online training module will receive 3 clock hours of CEUs and may repeat the course once per year. Please share the link to the Co-Teaching Online Training Module with teachers whom you approve to serve as one of our CTs: