To Kill a Mockingbird Project (optional; open to all students in English 10)
extra credit up to 30 points
due date: 11/28/16 at the start of class
Students may complete one of the options below. Any written work should be neatlywritten in pen or typed. Projects will be graded on thoughtfulness, creativity, spelling, grammar, and effort. Projects must be complete and include all of the required work/information. Incomplete work or work that does not follow the assignment standards will not be graded. No late work accepted for extra credit.
A.Design a New Dust Jacket for the Novel
A dust jacket is the paper cover which fits over a hardback book. On the front of your dust jacket include the title and author along with a picture of a scene or symbol from the story. On the back, write reviews of the novel. On the inside front flap, write an introduction to the novel. On the inside back flap, write a short biography of the author.
B.Create a 3D Representation of the Radley House
Include specific details as described in the novel, such as the poisoned pecan tree, slate-grey paint, rain-rotted shingles, etc. Include a brief written report of the details you have depicted.
C. Create a Board Game of the Novel
Include the following:
a. Game Cards (at least 20) which contain quotations from To Kill a Mockingbird; include the name of the speaker of the quotation somewhere on the card.
b. Game Pieces (4-8 different ones) representing the characters in To Kill a Mockingbird
c. Game Board complete with your artwork, which relates to the novel
d. Typed directions on how to play the game, the object of the game, and how to win.
Have friends test-play your game.
II.RESEARCH PROJECTS—all projects below must include a Works Cited with documentation of your sources
C.Trends of the 1930s Presentation
Research the trends of the 1930s, including music, theater, movies, literature, fashion, etc. Create a poster or newspaper complete with advertisements, photos, classifieds, announcements, etc.
D.Science/Technology of the 1930s Presentation
Research the scientific and technological breakthroughs of the Depression Era. Create a poster or newspaperincluding research on the invention of radio, plastics, nylon stockings, electron microscope, rubber wheels, Hoover Dam, Golden Gate Bridge, 1930s World Fair, etc.
E. Social Science/History of the 1930s Presentation
Research the economic and political concerns of the 1930s. Create a poster or newspaper, including the New Deal, Dust Bowl, Hoover, Roosevelt, Social Security, the WPA, Wall Street, Hitler, Stalin, the League of Nations, and Winston Churchill. Include statistics on the U. S. population, average salary, and costs of living, including home, rent, car, etc.