Project Design Workshop ‘Sustainable intensification in the Ethiopian Highlands’
January 30- February 2, 2012
ILRI-Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
This workshop aims to launch the project focused on the Ethiopian Highlands and the four days are designed to provide an opportunity for a broad group of important stakeholders to both learn about the project plans and to share their views on expectations from and opportunities for synergies with the project (days 1 and 2) and for the core project team to finalize the project details (days 3 and 4).
January/February is the season for sunny days and cold during the evening. A combination of light and warm clothes is advisable.You may wish to visit these websites for additional weather updates: or
Upon arrival, participants will be met by Airlink Travel (the travel agent providing travel services to ILRI) at the airport in Addis Ababa and will be taken to the ILRI Guest House. Look for someone waving an ILRI banner./
Participants will be staying at the ILRI Guest House.ILRI Guest House does not accept credit cards, but accepts US Dollars, Euros, Pounds, and Ethiopian Birr.
Workshop participants are on half-board; breakfast and lunch will be served by the organizer.Breakfast will be served in the Cafeteria. Lunch and dinner will also be served in the Cafeteria or Executive Dining Room (next to the cafeteria), as a separate buffet for the participants.
The workshop will take place in the Large Auditorium from January 30 to 31 and Info Center Conference Room from February 1 to 2./
The organizers have invited participants to cocktail reception on Monday, January 30, 2012 at 5:30pm in ILRI Campus. ./
There are two types of workshop participants who are self-sponsored and ILRI-sponsored. Accordingly, ILRI will cover travel costs and per diem for its invited participants, only. Therefore, ILRI-sponsored participants are required to submit their boarding passes, visa fee receipt, and any other travel related costs to Mrs. Tiruwork Melaku on the first day of the workshop.Self-sponsored participants are expected to cover their own costs. Accordingly, Room charges and airport transfer services should be paid in the Housing Office between 08:30 and 5:00 on weekdays. Bills must be paid in US dollars, Euro or Pound Sterling cash. ILRI Hostel single room with bed and breakfast is 75 US$ and airport transfer both ways is 30 US$.
Participants who may wish to change currencies can go to Wegagen Bank in ILRI Campus (ext. 2699) during working hours. The exchange rate is: US$1.00 to ETB 17.50, with slight daily variations.
The bank’s working hours are:
Monday – Friday, from 8:15 a.m. to 12: 30 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m.
Saturday, from 8:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Please give your ticket on the first day of the workshop to Mrs. Tiruwork Melaku for reconfirmation./
Like many other large cities in the world, Addis Ababa has its share of personal security problems (street muggings) and you are advised to take the necessary precautions to avoid being the victim of crime:Ø Leave your valuables at the hostel rooms and only carry small amounts of money.
Ø Don’t leave your belongings unattended.
Ø Do not respond to strangers accosting you outside the compound or in the streets.
Ø Only use recognized taxi services.
Ø Do not walk far from ILRI at night.
ILRI has a staff clinic (next to hostel blocks B and C). The Clinic is open 8:00am-5:00pm daily.Clinic / Extension / Office Direct / Residence/ Mobile
Medical Officer / 2392 / 011646 0325
Head Nurse / 2391
Nurse / Druggist / 2390
During off hours / Emergency / 0911 225674
You can have the following quick reference telephone directory of service providing units:Service Units / Extension / Office Direct / Mobile
Drs. Shirley Tarawali
Directorate, PLE / 2221 / 0911 645738
Senior Administrative Assistant
Mrs.Tiruwork Melaku / 2220 / 0911 871069
Programme Management Officer
Ms. Wubalem Dejene / 2107 / 0911 245388
Liaison & Communications
Contacts for problems on visa/transit in Addis Ababa)
National Liaison Officer
Mrs. Tibebe Gebre-Amlak / 2116 / 011-646 1258 / 0911 250956
Sr. Liaison Travel & Telecom Supervisor –
Mr. Wubshet Dessie / 2114 / 011-646 1259 / 0911 227414
Liaison Assistant –
Mr. Ameha Wondwossen / 2115 / 011-646 1259 / 0911 225677
Travel/Administrative Assistant –
Ms. Hiwot W/Tsadik / 2113 / 011-646 1259 / 0911 482804`
Airport Transfer Officers
Mr. Bekele Achame
Mr. Kassahun Arselo / 0913 111707
0913 002254
PABX / Reception / 9/2118/
2119 / 011-617 2000
MAIL & FAX Office / 2117 / 011-646 0298
Housing and Catering
Housing Assistants
Mr. Hailu Kassaye / 2691/ 2642 / 0911 604075 / 0911 604015
Mr. Tadesse Abicho / 2692 / 2693 / 0911 411032
Zebu Club / 2694 / -
GYMNASIUM / 2695 / -
Additional Service Units
INFOCENTRE (Internet Café and Library service) / 2470 / 2472 / 011646 0424
I T C: Internet access/ Wireless / 2180/ 2182/ 2184/2185 / 0911 225675
Security Officer / Main Gate / 2700 / 2703 / 0116172700 or 0116172000 or
011 646 2507 / 011156 0986/
0911 412556
Transport Supervisor
Mr. Wolde Wodajo / 2380 / 011646 0354
011617 2380 / 0911 378118
Conference Facilities
Mr. Getachew Asfaw / 2482/2803 / 0911 931747
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