Incoming Exchange Application Instructions

CHECKLIST FOR SUBMISSION and SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION (detailed instructions available online)

In submitting your application for exchange to Carleton, it is important to ensure that all requirements are completed and enclosed. Please use the following checklist for reference.

Incoming Exchange Application Form. TYPE DIRECTLY ONTO THE FORM. Hand written forms will not be accepted. Form must be completed and signed.

For course selection, applicants must provide a list of prerequisites for upper year course selection. Lack of sufficient prerequisites can cause a delay in processing. All applicants must present adequate evidence of sufficient preparation/background for the courses they're interested in by providing descriptions (in English) of the courses they've taken. A course number and title is not sufficient.Please check online for course exceptions and restrictions.

Official transcript (academic record) included. Document must be an ORIGINAL or endorsed by the home institution and translated into ENGLISH.

Copy of valid passport photo identification.

Portfolio for Architecture or Industrial Design Course(s) (if applicable)

Audition for performance courses in Music (if applicable)

Official Proof of English Proficiency (required unless otherwise stated in exchange agreement).

·  Document must be ORIGINAL and translated into ENGLISH.

·  Your test date should be no more than 24 months from the time of your application

·  Minimum Scores Required for Undergraduate Applicants:

o  Internet Based TOEFL (iBT): 86 (minimum of 22 in writing, 20 in reading and listening)

o  Computer Based TOEFL (CTB): 237

o  IELTS: 6.5 (minimum of 6.0 in each band)

o  CAEL: 70

o  CEFR: Level C1 or C2

·  Minimum Scores Required for Graduate Applicants:

o  Internet Based TOEFL (iBT/ Next Generation): 100 (minimum of 25 in writing, speaking, reading and listening)

o  Computer Based TOEFL (CBT): 250

o  IELTS: 8.0 (minimum of 7.5 in each band)

ON-CAMPUS RESIDENCE APPLICATION – Online application. On campus housing is not guaranteed but there are a number of spaces reserved for exchange students. Register early to ensure a placement in residence. Check the Housing website for important dates and deadlines.

You will need your Carleton University Identification Number (CUID) also known as your Student Number to apply on-line for residence accommodation. You will receive your CUID after your Incoming Exchange Application Form has been processed and a letter of acceptance has been sent by the Exchange Program Coordinator. Note that this can take several weeks.

OFF-CAMPUS ACCOMMODATION is your responsibility. Check for off-campus information and listings for temporary accommodations.


Nancy Leslie Coordinator, Exchange Program T: +1 613-520-2600 ext. 6328

International Student Services Office (ISSO) E:

128 University Centre, Carleton University W:

For application, airport arrivals, temporary accommodation, student exchange club contacts, health insurance, contact the International Student Service Office (ISSO) by e-mail, telephone or by checking information posted online at


CARLETON UNIVERSITY, International Student Services Office

128 University Centre, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B6, CANADA

T: 613-520-2519 F: 613-520-3419 W: E:

Incoming Exchange Application

Carleton University Student Number (office use only):

(PLEASE TYPE DIRECTLY ON FORM. Hand written forms will not be accepted.)

Exchange Study Period (select only one) / Application Submission Period
¨ Fall Term (September to December)
¨ Full Year (September to April) / to be received between March 14 to April 15
¨Winter Term (January to April) / to be received between September 15 to October 15


Home Institution: ______

Country: ______

Name of Degree Program: ______

Current Level of Study at Home Institution: Undergraduate or Graduate

Year _____ (2, 3, 4 or 5) of a _____ (2, 3, 4 or 5 year) degree program

Expected Graduation (YYYY/MM/DD): ______

Family name: Given names:

Full name as appears on passport:

Country of Citizenship:

Date of birth (YYYY/MM/DD): / /_ Gender: Female Male


Current mailing address:

City: Country: Postal code:

Telephone: Fax: (include country and city code)

I will be residing here from: (begin date) ___ to (end date) ___

Alternate or permanent mailing address (if different from above):

City: Country: Postal code:

Telephone: Fax: (include country and city code)

I will be residing here from: (begin date) ___ to (end date) ___

Name: 2/4

Home Institution:


Name of emergency contact:

Relationship to you (e.g. mother or father):


City: Country: Postal code:

Telephone: Fax: (include country and city code)



Select one: Test Date (YYYY/MM/DD): ______



o  CAEL Test Score: ______


4. CURRENT COURSE INFORMATION: List courses you are registered in this year at your home university. PLEASE TRANSLATE TITLES INTO ENGLISH.

Course code Course name Year level

Name: 3/4

Home Institution:

a) Select your proposed program of study online at

b) The Public Class Schedule, Course Calendar (undergraduate) and Course Calendar (graduate) are posted online. You must use the Public Class Schedule to ensure that your courses are being offered in the appropriate term.

c) Please visit the ISSO website for a list of courses not available to exchange students. Please carefully read the information below in order to fill out your course selection.


·  Undergraduate: 1000 (1st year), 2000 (2nd year), 3000 (3rd year), 4000 (4th year)

o  Full Term (September – April): maximum 5.0 credit, recommended 4.0 credits

o  One Term Only: maximum 2.5 credits, recommended 2.0 credits

·  Graduate: 5000 (5th year)

o  Full Term (September – April): maximum 4.0 credits, recommended 3.0

o  One Term Only: maximum 2.0 credits, recommended 1.5


The academic year is two terms from the beginning of September to April. Courses may be scheduled for a full year, a Fall term (Sept.- Decmeber), or a Winter term (Jan. – April). Important dates can be found at the Undergraduate and Graduate Calendars.


d) LIST COURSE SELECTION: In order of your preference, select 8 courses for one term or 14 for two terms in the chart below. A normal course load is 2.0 credits (usually 4 courses)* for each term. Your registrar specialist will attempt to register you in 2.0 credits of your selected courses, per term. *Each Architecture Studio is worth 1.5 credits.

Course code
(ex. BUSI4303) / Course Title / Pre-requisites taken at home institution
(Course number(s) and title(s) of courses taken at your home university that is/are similar to the pre-requisite.)

Name: 4/4

Home Institution:

Sending Institution:

I confirm that the proposed course selection (indicated on page 3) is approved.

Signature (Exchange Contact Person/Academic Advisor) ......

Name …………………........ ………………………………

Email ...... …………………………………………………….

Date ...... …………………………………………………….

Mailing Address for Official Transcript:

Name of Contact Person ...... ………………………………

Address ……………………………...... …………………………………………………….

...... ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Telephone Number (with country code) ...... …………………………………………………….

6. ARRANGEMENTS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES OR SPECIAL NEEDS: If you have a disability or special needs that may require assistance at Carleton University, please provide a brief statement of assistance that you may need. The Exchange Program Coordinator will connect you with the appropriate person at the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities (PMC) and other student services (if needed) prior to your arrival on campus. In the meantime, please visit or contact the PMC at or phone +1 (613) 520-6608 for more information. Please note: It is your responsibility to self-identify to PMC prior to your arrival to ensure that they will be able to provide the disability support services you need.

7. DECLARATION: I hereby declare that the information provided on this application is correct and complete including my declaration of citizenship and immigration status. I understand that misrepresentation of this data may result in exchange registration at Carleton University being cancelled.

8. CONSENT TO COLLECTION, RETENTION AND DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION: By submitting this Application, the Applicant acknowledges and agrees that, should the Application be successful, Carleton University will necessarily be required to disclose to the Applicant’s home institution information about the Applicant that would otherwise be classified as confidential or “personal information”, and be protected as such, pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) of Ontario or by the laws of the Applicant’s home country. By submitting this Application, the Applicant hereby consents to the collection, retention and disclosure of information regarding the Applicant for the purpose of facilitating the exchange contemplated by this Application, and agrees that such collection, retention and disclosure does not constitute breach of any rights of privacy held by the Applicant pursuant to FIPPA or pursuant to the laws of the Applicant’s home country or otherwise.

Signature Date