Park: / Filming Contact:
Date of application:
Production Company: / Production Title:
Please delete as appropriate:
Film / TV / Commercial / Promo / Short / Student / Stills / Documentary / Drama-documentary
If TV please specify (soap / drama etc.)…………………………………………………………………….
Producer: / Mobile:
Location Manager: / Mobile:
Production Company Address:
Fax: / Co-production / Invoice Address: (if different)
Detailed Description of Filming: (Please include scene content and nature of production)
Date and Times of Filming: (please include details of any night filming)
Production Budget: / Location Budget:
No. of Cast & Crew: / No. of Vehicles:
Specific Locations Required (please attach site plan):
Parking Requirements:
Please circle if your shoot may involve any of the following:
Stunts / Wet down / SFX / Pyrotechnics Firearms / Gunfire / Smoke effects / If you have circled any of the requirements please give details:
Cherry pickers or lighting towers / Camera crane / Camera track / Dolly / Generator / Scaffolding
Temporary traffic control / Road closures /
Street dressing / Disguising street markings /
Car chases / Driving sequences / Low loaders / Helicopters
Reference to Royalty / Reference to Public Figures / Reference to Politicians / Nudity
Please note: productions involving any of the above will be assessed on a case by case basis. / If you have circled any of the requirements please give details:
Reconstruction of a Crime / Emergency / Crowd Control / Security / Need for police assistance
Catering facilities / Honey wagons / Make up / Wardrobe trucks / If you have circled any of the requirements please give details:
Children / Animals / Playback
Please indicate if you require any of the following services:
Royal Parks’ staff / Road Cleaning
Hire of deckchairs / Water, Electricity
Removal of Park furniture / Playground
Turning off park lamps / lighting / Hire of electric buggies
Other (please specify) / Use of catering concessions (please state which one )
This document is an application to film in The Royal Parks. It does not constitute a filming or location contract, nor does it confer permission to film.
On behalf of production company

(Please tick)

I have read, and agree to abide by the Guidelines for Filming, Recording and Photography in the Royal Parks

Please email this form to the filming office or fax it to 020 7402 3298