Riverview STEM Academy
2017 – 2018
Back To School Night Parent and Student Handbook
2nd Grade
Ms. Yoly- Room 4
Mrs. Gee- Room 5
8:25 Early Readers (BASE for Late Readers)
Systematic Instruction in Phonological Awareness, Phonics, and Sight Words
9:10Language Arts
Benchmark Advance Language Arts Curriculum
10:40 Math
enVision Math Curriculum
12:00 Lunch
12:40Silent Reading, Read Aloud
12:55 Science
Project Lead the Way, Engineering is Elementary, and Aquatic Wild
1:52Late Readers- SIPPS (Dismissal to BASE for Early Readers)
2:37 Dismissal for Late Readers
P.E. ~Yoly: Thursday12:45-1:15/ Friday9:15-9:45
Gee: Monday9:50-10:20/ Tuesday 9:50-10:20
P.A.T. (Preferred Activity Time) ~ Friday 1:15-1:45
SCHOOL RULES:Riverview Rockets are Respectful, Responsible, and Safe. Student can receive Right-On Rockets any time on campus when they are demonstrating the school rules.
INDIVIDUAL: Students will “clip up” on our behavior chart when they arecaught demonstrating one of our school rules. Students will “clip down” if they are not being respectful, responsible, or safe. Students who end their day on “Good Choices” will earn one Right-On Rocket Ticket. Students who end their day on “Great Job” will earn two Right-On Rocket Tickets. A student who is in “Think About It” will receive a warning and a student who is in “Teacher’s Choice” will conference with me, write an apology letter, complete a self-reflection sheet, etc. If a student is consistently ending the day in “Teacher’s Choice”, I will request a parent conference to discuss how we can get that student back on track.
WHOLE CLASS:When the entire class demonstrates our school rules, the class earns party points. When we fill the marble jar, we will celebrate with a classroom party. This usually includes watching a movie of the students’ choice and having a snack treat such as juice and popcorn.
We use “De-Bugging” Steps to solve problems that arise with peers. It is our hope that students will try solving their own peer conflicts, and also know when it is best to ask an adult for help.
It is important for your child to be at school every day; however, if your child is sick he/she should stay home. If your child will be absent, please call the office by 11:00 a.m. You may request that work be sent home with another student or be picked up at the end of the day.Makeup work must be returned within one week.Try to schedule appointments outside of our school day, but if it necessary for a child to be checked out during school, report to the office to sign your student out. If a family trip is necessary, please let me know as soon as possible.I will give your child the assignments; however, the school will not receive funding unless an independent study contract is signed. Independent studies must be for a minimum of 5 school days.
Homework is necessary to reinforce the skills that your child is being taught in school.Homework will be assigned every night, Monday through Thursday. Homework should take approximately 45 minutes to complete, 15 minutes each for math, reading, and meaning making log. If your student is continuously spending more than an hour of actual working time on homework, please let me know.
Students are expected to copy assignments into their agendas, and bring home all the necessary books and papers needed to complete the assignments. If materials are left at school, a student may return to school to get them, or check the classroom website for the necessary papers.Any textbook may be taken home to finish incomplete work, but textbooks should return to school the next day for classroom use. If your child is having difficulty and seeks your help, feel free to assist him or her. Please check in with your child after homework has been completed and sign his/her agenda daily.
Homework is due the following day by 8:25 a.m. Assignments brought to school for a student after this time will be considered late. All late assignments will receive only half credit. Grades may be lowered for any incomplete, late, or careless work.Students that are missing assignments will have recess detention on the due date of that assignment.
We will be keeping track of students’ accelerated reader comprehension tests on a poster in our classroom as an incentive program to encourage wide reading.
Grading will be based on timely completion of assignments, quality of work, and the student's ability to work at his/ her ability level. I will be keeping percentage grades for data collection. On the second grade report card students will be receiving grades in the M, D, L format. An “M” on the report card indicates that the child meets or exceeds grade level standards; a “D” indicates they are developing proficiency with steady progress on grade level standards; and an “L” indicates students are demonstrating limited proficiency with limited progress on grade level standards.
100-80%= M
59% and below= L
PowerSchool will be used to input grades on homework, class assignments, daily preparation, quizzes, exams, class participation, group projects and other assignments. PowerSchool will indicate a percentage for each subject. We recommend using PowerSchool as a progress monitoring tool and helping your child if they need assistance.
Rooms 4 and 5 will include students with different readiness levels, assignments, requirements and expectations may be differentiated to individual student needs. The differentiation can be based on content, process, product and complexity. This will be done according to the individual student’s readiness levels, student interest, student’s zone of proximal development, and student learning profiles.
A supply list is posted on the classroom website. Try to avoid large boxes of materials. Your child will let you know if their supplies are running low throughout the school year. A donation list is also included on the web if you are willing and able to send in helpful things such as materials for art and science projects.
The best way to contact me is through email. Please allow 24 hours for a response. You may email me with a request for an appointment. Please do not use pick up and drop off times to discuss students’ academic or behavioral concerns. Other communication from me will be through the Friday Folder, the nightly agenda, and the classroom website.
You may send in a store bought treat such as cupcakes, cookies, or donuts for your child to share with the class on his/her birthday. Please ensure that the label indicates that the treat was not processed at a facility with nuts. Birthday party invitations will not be distributed at school.
Aone time $60 donation is being requested to provide transportation, admission, and scholarships for field trips throughout the school year.
Tentative Class Field Trips:Sacramento State University, Sacramento Zoo,Folsom Dam, and the EsquireIMAX Theater.
Ms. Yoly, 2nd Grade Teacher
Riverview STEM Academy, Room 4
10700 Ambassador Drive
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
(916) 294-2435 ext. 648204
Email :
Mrs. Gee, 2nd Grade Teacher
Riverview STEM Academy, Room 5
10700 Ambassador Drive
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
(916) 394-2435 ext. 648205
Email :